Chapter 1.06


1.06.010    Name of borough.

1.06.020    Form of government.

1.06.030    Borough boundaries.

1.06.040    Borough service area – Legal description.

1.06.010 Name of borough.

The borough is a unified home rule municipality under the name “City and Borough of Wrangell.” Whenever it deems it in the public interest to do so, the borough may use the name “Municipality of Wrangell,” “Unified Municipality of Wrangell,” or “Wrangell Home Rule Borough,” to the extent not inconsistent with law. [Ord. 833 § 5, 2009.]

1.06.020 Form of government.

The government of the borough shall be that commonly known and designated as the assembly/manager form. [Ord. 833 § 5, 2009.]

1.06.030 Borough boundaries.

The boundaries of the borough are as follows:

The City and Borough of Wrangell boundaries are coterminous with the Wrangell Ranger District boundaries established by the United States Forest Service, as depicted in the Tongass National Forest Secondary Base Map Series on Sheet Nos. 18 (1982), 19 (1982), 21 (1980), 22 (1980), 23 (1983), 24 (1983), 26 (1980), and 27 (1980), except that:

A. The northern boundary of the City and Borough of Wrangell shall commence from a point beginning at the western boundary of the Wrangell District at a point designated as 56º 43' 17" North, 132° 34' 21" West (NAD 27), thence proceeding in a generally southeasterly direction to the westernmost point of land in Section 31, Township 59 South, Range 82 East, thence proceeding in a generally northeasterly direction along the watershed divide between LeConte Bay and the Stikine River including Wilkes Peak, to the international boundary between Canada and the United States; and further excepting that,

B. The southern boundary of the City and Borough of Wrangell shall, at a point designated as 55º 53' 46" North, 131º 57' 51" West (NAD 27), located in Section 8, Township 69 South, Range 88 East, proceed in a generally southwesterly direction along the north-south drainage boundary, coterminous with the northern boundaries of the Ketchikan Gateway Borough (as described in the “Certificate of Boundaries – Ketchikan Gateway Borough” issued by the Alaska Department of Commerce, Community, and Economic Development, on May 30, 2008) for approximately 35 miles, intersecting Clarence Strait at a point designated as 55º 38' 5" North, 132º 11' 50" West (NAD 27), located in Section 10, Township 72 South, Range 86 East; thence proceeding in a generally northwesterly direction into and up Clarence Strait to the point of intersection with the Wrangell Ranger District boundaries, the point of beginning. All with reference to the Copper River Meridian. [Ord. 833 § 5, 2009.]

1.06.040 Borough service area – Legal description.

Certain provisions of this code, as more fully set forth in the individual chapters, are applicable only within the boundaries of a specific service area, known as the Wrangell Island Service Area, located within the borough. The legal description of the Wrangell Island Service Area is as follows:

All of the land on Wrangell Island lying northerly and westerly from the following described line:

Beginning at the southeasterly meander corner of Section 24, T63S, R84E, CRM, common to the southwest point of ATS 1592;

Thence, west along the southern boundary of Section 24, to the corner of Sections 23, 24, 25 and 26 of T63S, R84E, CRM;

Thence, south along the eastern section boundary of Sections 26 and 35 of T63S, R84E, CRM, and continuing south along the eastern section boundary of Sections 2 and 11 of T64S, R84E, CRM;

Thence, west along the southern boundary line of Sections 11, 10 and 9 of T64S, R84E, CRM to the corner of Sections 8, 9, 16 and 17 of T64S, R84E, CRM;

Thence, west along the southern boundary line of Section 8 of T64S, R84E, CRM, approximately 20 chains;

Thence, south approximately 60 chains to the southeast 1/16 corner of Section 17 of T64S, R84E, CRM;

Thence, east approximately 20 chains, to the south 1/16 corner of Sections 16 and 17 of T64S, R84E, CRM;

Thence, south along the eastern boundary line of Section 17, approximately 20 chains, to the corner of Sections 16, 17, 20 and 21 of T64S, R84E, CRM; and continuing south along the eastern boundary line of Section 20 approximately 40 chains, to the east 1/4 corner of section 20;

Thence, west approximately 75 chains to the line of mean high tide of Zimovia Strait. [Ord. 833 § 5, 2009.]