Chapter 18.08


18.08.010    Definitions and interpretation of language.

18.08.020    Abutting.

18.08.030    Acre.

18.08.040    Active agricultural operation.

18.08.050    Agriculture.

18.08.060    Alley or lane.

18.08.070    Animal hospital.

18.08.080    Automobile wrecking.

18.08.090    Bed and breakfast.

18.08.100    Beginning of construction.

18.08.110    Boardinghouse.

18.08.120    Board of supervisors.

18.08.130    Building.

18.08.140    Building, accessory.

18.08.150    Building height.

18.08.160    Building, main.

18.08.170    Campgrounds.

18.08.180    Certificate of compatibility.

18.08.190    Cluster development.

18.08.200    Commission or planning commission.

18.08.210    Communication equipment buildings.

18.08.220    Conditional uses.

18.08.230    County.

18.08.240    County planner.

18.08.250    Dwelling.

18.08.260    Dwelling, multiple-family.

18.08.280    Dwelling, single-family.

18.08.290    Dwelling, two-family or duplex.

18.08.300    Dwelling unit.

18.08.310    East slope.

18.08.315    Emergency shelter.

18.08.320    Family.

18.08.330    Feed yard, animal.

18.08.340    Garage, private.

18.08.350    Ground coverage.

18.08.370    Home occupation.

18.08.380    Hotels.

18.08.390    Junkyards.

18.08.400    Kennel.

18.08.410    Kitchen or kitchenette.

18.08.420    Lot area.

18.08.430    Lot or building site.

18.08.440    Lot depth.

18.08.450    Lot, key.

18.08.460    Lot line, front.

18.08.470    Lot line, rear.

18.08.480    Lot line, side.

18.08.490    Lot line, side street.

18.08.500    Lot lines.

18.08.510    Lot width.

18.08.520    Manufactured home.

18.08.530    Mobile home.

18.08.540    Modular home.

18.08.550    Motel.

18.08.555    Nonconforming lot.

18.08.560    Nonconforming structure.

18.08.570    Nonconforming use.

18.08.580    Occupancy permit.

18.08.590    Office, professional.

18.08.600    Open space.

18.08.610    Parking space.

18.08.620    Permitted use.

18.08.630    Planned development.

18.08.640    Quasi-public building or use.

18.08.650    Recreation, commercial.

18.08.660    Recreation, private noncommercial.

18.08.670    Recreation, public.

18.08.680    Recreational vehicle.

18.08.690    Residential density, net.

18.08.692    Residential short-term rental.

18.08.695    Restaurant.

18.08.696    Restaurant, drive-thru.

18.08.700    Setback line.

18.08.710    Sight distance area.

18.08.730    Story.

18.08.740    Street.

18.08.750    Street line.

18.08.760    Structural alterations.

18.08.770    Structure.

18.08.773    Supportive housing.

18.08.777    Target population.

18.08.780    Technical advisory committee.

18.08.790    Timber production.

18.08.800    Timing.

18.08.807    Transitional housing.

18.08.810    Use.

18.08.820    Use, accessory.

18.08.830    West slope.

18.08.835    Wireless telecommunications facilities.

18.08.840    Yard.

18.08.850    Yard, front.

18.08.860    Yard, rear.

18.08.870    Yard, side.

18.08.880    Zone.

18.08.010 Definitions and interpretation of language.

Unless the context otherwise requires, the following definitions shall be used in the interpretation and construction of this ordinance. Words used in the present tense include the future; the singular number shall include the plural, and the plural the singular; the word “building” shall include the word “structure,” and the word “used” shall include “arranged, designed, constructed, altered, converted, rented, leased, or intended to be used,” and the word “shall” is mandatory and not directory. (Ord. 453 Art. 3 (part), 1985)

18.08.020 Abutting.

“Abutting” means land having a common property line or separated only by an alley, easement or private street. (Ord. 453 § 3.001, 1985)

18.08.030 Acre.

“Acre” means forty-three thousand five hundred sixty square feet. However for the purposes of managing density requirements set forth in this title, the county may allow an acre to be defined as not less than forty thousand square feet in cases where easements, section lines, or other peculiarities of a given site create a hardship inconsistent with the intent of density and lot size requirements of this title or the General Plan. (Ord. 453 § 3.002, 1985)

18.08.040 Active agricultural operation.

“Active agricultural operation” means a bona fide agricultural business operation which uses land for the purpose of producing an agricultural commodity for commercial purposes or personal use. (Ord. 453 § 3.003, 1985)

18.08.050 Agriculture.

“Agriculture” means the use of land for agricultural purposes, including farming, dairying, pasturage, agriculture, horticulture, floriculture, viticulture, apiaries, and animal and poultry husbandry, and accessory uses, and structures necessary for permitted agricultural uses such as barns, fencing, and corrals. Agriculture as defined for the purposes of this title shall not automatically include highly commercial or potentially offensive operations such as roadside stands for sale of agricultural products, animal feed and sales yards, agricultural processing plants, slaughterhouses, fertilizer plants and yards, agricultural products storage plants and yards, forest or mineral product manufacturing and processing plants, or uses determined by the county to be similarly beyond the normal scope of ranching operations in the county. (Ord. 453 § 3.006, 1985)

18.08.060 Alley or lane.

“Alley” or “lane” means a public or private way less than forty feet wide affording only secondary means of access to abutting property. (Ord. 453 § 3.008, 1985)

18.08.070 Animal hospital.

“Animal hospital” means a building used for the care and treatment of sick or injured animals. (Ord. 453 § 3.009, 1985)

18.08.080 Automobile wrecking.

“Automobile wrecking” means the commercial dismantling or disassembling of used motor vehicles or trailers, tractors, self-propelling farm or road machinery, or the storage, sale or dumping of same when dismantled, partially dismantled, obsolete or wrecked, or parts thereof. (Ord. 453 § 3.011, 1985)

18.08.090 Bed and breakfast.

“Bed and breakfast” means an owner or manager occupied dwelling within which no more than five rooms may be held out for rent to no more than ten adults at any one time.

A. Only residents and guests may be served meals; such meals shall be in compliance with Health and Safety regulations. The length of stay for any guest may not exceed fourteen days.

B. Bed and breakfast establishments may be permitted by the planning commission with a conditional use permit in the AG, RE, RN and NC zones subject to the following density requirements: the proposed bed and breakfast establishment must have sufficient land area in excess of the maximum zoning density (minimum lot size) for the property in a ratio equivalent to one additional dwelling unit of land area per two rental rooms in the RN and NC zones and in a ratio equivalent to one additional dwelling unit of land per four rental rooms in the RE and AG zones.

EXAMPLE: An application for a four rental room establishment in the RN zone, which has a maximum density of four dwelling units per acre (one-fourth-acre lots) would require a lot having a minimum area of three-fourths of an acre.

Owners’ quarters

= 1 dwelling unit

= 1 /4 acre

4 rental rooms

= 2 dwelling units

= 1/2 acre


Total area necessary

= 3/4 acre

EXAMPLE: An application for a five rental room establishment in an RE-1 zone, which has a maximum density of one dwelling unit per acre (one-acre lots) would require a lot having a minimum area of two and one-fourth acres.

Owners’ quarters

= 1 dwelling unit

= 1 acre

5 rental rooms

= 1-1/4 dwelling units

= 1-1/4 acre


Total area necessary

= 2-1/4 acre

C. A use permit to operate a bed and breakfast establishment shall also be subject to the provision of adequate water, sewer and parking. (Ord. 453 § 3.012, 1985)

18.08.100 Beginning of construction.

“Beginning of construction” means the incorporation of labor and material within the foundation of a building. (Ord. 453 § 3.015, 1985)

18.08.110 Boardinghouse.

“Boardinghouse” means a dwelling or part thereof where meals and/or lodging are provided for compensation for three or more persons. (Ord. 453 § 3.017, 1985)

18.08.120 Board of supervisors.

“Board of supervisors” means board of supervisors of the county of Alpine. (Ord. 453 § 3.016, 1985)

18.08.130 Building.

“Building” means any structure having a roof used or intended to be used for the shelter or enclosure of persons, animals or property. (Ord. 453 § 3.018, 1985)

18.08.140 Building, accessory.

“Accessory building” means a detached subordinate building located on the same building site as the main building and designated and intended for a use which is subordinate to the main building, and not for human habitation. (Ord. 453 § 3.019, 1985)

18.08.150 Building height.

“Building height” means the vertical distance from the average finished contact ground level measured at all major exterior building corners and averaged together to the highest point of the roof. (See also height regulations of Chapter 18.68.) (Ord. 453 § 3.020, 1985)

18.08.160 Building, main.

“Main building” means a building in which is conducted the principal use of the building site on which it is situated. (Ord. 453 § 3.021, 1985)

18.08.170 Campgrounds.

“Campgrounds” means one or more tents, vehicles, campers, trailers, motor coaches, buildings or structures, together with the tract of land appertaining thereto, established or maintained as living quarters for temporary occupancy by ten or more people. (Ord. 453 § 3.022, 1985)

18.08.180 Certificate of compatibility.

“Certificate of compatibility” means a certificate issued by the county to allow the installation of a mobile home or manufactured home as a single-family residence on a lot or parcel of land zoned for single-family residential use. (Ord. 453 § 3.024, 1985)

18.08.190 Cluster development.

“Cluster development” means a development pattern in which residential land uses are grouped or “clustered” rather than spread evenly throughout a parcel as in conventional lot-by-lot development. (Ord. 453 § 3.023, 1985)

18.08.200 Commission or planning commission.

“Commission” or “planning commission” means The planning commission of the county of Alpine. (Ord. 453 § 3.025, 1985)

18.08.210 Communication equipment buildings.

“Communication equipment buildings” means buildings housing electrical and mechanical equipment necessary for the conduct of a public utility communication business with or without personnel. (Ord. 453 § 3.026, 1985)

18.08.220 Conditional uses.

“Conditional uses” means uses listed within each zoning classification for which a use permit shall first be required. (Ord. 453 § 3.027, 1985)

18.08.230 County.

“County” or “the county,” when referring to Alpine County means the board of supervisors, the planning commission or other authorized county representative. (Ord. 453 § 3.029, 1985)

18.08.240 County planner.

“County planner” means the agent of the planning commission designated by the board of supervisors. (Ord. 453 § 3.028, 1985)

18.08.250 Dwelling.

“Dwelling” means a building or portion thereof containing one or more dwelling units equipped with sleeping, bath and kitchen facilities, and designed for legal use as a residence by one or more families, but not including any tent or camping shelter, or any boat, camper, motor coach, vehicle, or trailer, dormitory, labor camp, hotel or motel. (Ord. 453 § 3.030, 1985)

18.08.260 Dwelling, multiple-family.

“Multiple-family dwelling” means a building or portion thereof containing three or more dwelling units. (Ord. 453 § 3.034, 1985)

18.08.280 Dwelling, single-family.

“Single-family dwelling” means a building containing exclusively one dwelling unit and having a minimum of six hundred square feet of floor area and a minimum of twenty feet in the least dimension. Single-family dwellings and permitted accessory buildings exceeding one hundred twenty square feet of floor space shall be covered with exterior siding and roofing materials customarily used in conventional construction and approved by the county building official as complying with the county building ordinance. Nonreflective siding and roofing shall normally be used unless approved otherwise by the county building official on a case-by-case basis. (Ord. 480 (part), 1988: Ord. 453 § 3.031, 1985)

18.08.290 Dwelling, two-family or duplex.

“Two-family dwelling” or “duplex” means a building containing exclusively two dwelling units under a common roof. (Ord. 453 § 3.033, 1985)

18.08.300 Dwelling unit.

“Dwelling unit” means one room, or a suite of two or more rooms, equipped with cooking, sleeping, and bath facilities, and designed for legal use by one or more families, but not including any tent or camping shelter, or any boat, camper, motor coach, vehicle, or trailer, dormitory or labor camp. (Ord. 453 § 3.035, 1985)

18.08.310 East slope.

“East slope” means all that portion of Alpine County lying generally east of the Sierra Nevada crest or that drains easterly and into the Carson River of Nevada and California. (Ord. 453 § 3.036, 1985)

18.08.315 Emergency shelter.

“Emergency shelter” means housing with minimal supportive services for homeless persons that is limited to occupancy of six months or less by a homeless person. No individual or household may be denied emergency shelter because of an inability to pay. (Ord. 715 Exh. A (part), 2016)

18.08.320 Family.

“Family” means one or more individuals living together as a single household in a single dwelling unit. “Family” shall also mean the persons living together in a licensed “community care facility” as that term is defined in the California Health and Safety Code Section 1502, as amended, which services six or fewer persons. (Ord. 715 Exh. A (part), 2016: Ord. 453 § 3.038, 1985)

18.08.330 Feed yard, animal.

“Animal feed yard” means a fenced area where livestock are fed a concentrated ration. (Ord. 453 § 3.041, 1985)

18.08.340 Garage, private.

“Private garage” means an accessory building or portion of a main building designed for the storage of self-propelled passenger vehicles, camping trailers or boats belonging to the owners or occupants of the site. (Ord. 453 § 3.044, 1985)

18.08.350 Ground coverage.

“Ground coverage” means the percentage of the total lot area that is covered by structures as herein defined. (Ord. 453 § 3.047, 1985)

18.08.370 Home occupation.

“Home occupation” means an occupation, profession, business activity or use carried on within a residence or on property where a residence is located that is clearly customary, secondary and incidental to the residential use of the property and is primarily conducted by a permanent resident of the premises. (Ord. 723 § 5(1), 2017)

18.08.380 Hotels.

“Hotels” means any building or portion thereof containing living quarters or dwelling units without kitchen facilities, and designed for or intended to be used by six or more transient guests; but not including motels, mobile home parks, boarding houses, dormitories or labor camps. (Ord. 453 § 3.051, 1985)

18.08.390 Junkyards.

“Junkyards” means the use of more than two hundred square feet of area of any parcel, lot or contiguous lots as a place where imported waste, junk or salvaged vehicles; equipment, machinery or other materials are disassembled, handled, baled, packed, processed, or stored. (Ord. 453 § 3.052, 1985)

18.08.400 Kennel.

“Kennel” means any premises where any person keeps five or more dogs and/or cats within the unincorporated portions of the county. Exemption: a kennel license shall not be required for the ownership of dogs, cats, and other domestic animals which are under one hundred eighty days of age. (Ord. 480 (part), 1988: Ord. 453 § 3.053, 1985)

18.08.410 Kitchen or kitchenette.

“Kitchen” or “kitchenette” means any space used, intended or designed to be used for cooking and preparing food, whether the cooking unit be permanent or temporary and portable. (Ord. 453 § 3.054, 1985)

18.08.420 Lot area.

“Lot area” means the total horizontal area included within lot lines, but excluding any portion of such area which has been dedicated for public right-of-way purposes. (Ord. 453 § 3.063, 1985)

18.08.430 Lot or building site.

“Lot” or “building site” means a parcel of land exclusive of public streets or alleys occupied or intended to be occupied by a main building or group of such buildings and accessory buildings together with such open spaces, yards, minimum width and area as are required by this title or another ordinance, and having full frontage on an approved private and/or public street which meets the standards of widths and improvements of the county, or having either partial frontage on such street or access thereto by a recorded right-of-way or recorded easement, which partial frontage right-of-way or easement is determined by the commission to be adequate. (Ord. 453 § 3.058, 1985)

18.08.440 Lot depth.

“Lot depth” means the average horizontal distance between the front and rear lot lines. (Ord. 453 § 3.060, 1985)

18.08.450 Lot, key.

“Key lot” means the first lot to the rear of a corner lot, the front line of which is a continuation of the side line of the corner lot. (Ord. 453 § 3.062, 1985)

18.08.460 Lot line, front.

“Front lot line” means, in the case of an interior lot, the line separating the lot from the street right-of-way. In the case of a corner lot, the shorter street frontage shall be the front lot line, or the side abutting the main or through road shall be the front lot line. (Ord. 453 § 3.065, 1985)

18.08.470 Lot line, rear.

“Rear lot line” means the lot line opposite and most distant from the front lot line. (Ord. 453 § 3.066, 1985)

18.08.480 Lot line, side.

“Side lot line” means any lot boundary which is not a front or rear lot line. (Ord. 453 § 3.067, 1985)

18.08.490 Lot line, side street.

“Side street lot line” means a side lot line separating a lot from the street. (Ord. 453 § 3.068, 1985)

18.08.500 Lot lines.

“Lot lines” means the property lines bounding the lot. (Ord. 453 § 3.064, 1985)

18.08.510 Lot width.

“Lot width” means the horizontal distance between the side lot lines measured at right angles to the depth of the lot at the front yard setback line. (Ord. 453 § 3.069, 1985)

18.08.520 Manufactured home.

“Manufactured home” means a residential building, dwelling unit, or an individual dwelling room or combination of rooms thereof, or building component, assembly, or system manufactured in such a manner that all concealed parts or processes of manufacture cannot be inspected before installation at the building site without disassembly damage, or destruction of the part which is either wholly manufactured or is in substantial part manufactured at an off-site location to be wholly or partially assembled on-site in accordance with building standards published in the State Building Standards Code and other regulations adopted by the state pursuant to Section 19990 of the Health and Safety Code. Manufactured home does include a mobile home which was constructed after July 1, 1976, as is certified under the National Mobilehome Construction and Safety Standards Act. (Ord. 453 § 3.070, 1985)

18.08.530 Mobile home.

“Mobile home” means a vehicle, other than a motor vehicle, designed and intended to be used as a dwelling and certified under the National Mobilehome Construction and Safety Standards Act of 1974. A mobile home meeting the criteria of this title may also be considered as a “manufactured home.” (Ord. 453 § 3.071, 1985)

18.08.540 Modular home.

“Modular home” means a home which meets the current Uniform Building Code (UBC) adopted by the county; the same as a conventional on-site constructed dwelling. A modular home is not subject to the Federal Department of Housing and Urban Development’s Nationwide Mobilehome Construction and Safety Standards Code. Therefore, a mobile home is not a modular home or vice versa. A modular home meeting the current UBC may be placed in any zone district allowing single-family residential dwellings. (Ord. 453 § 3.072, 1985)

18.08.550 Motel.

“Motel” means a building or group of buildings comprising individual sleeping quarters or dwelling units for the accommodation of transient guests which is so designed that parking is on the same building site and is conveniently accessible from the living units. This definition includes auto courts, tourist courts, motor hotels but does not include hotels. (Ord. 453 § 3.073, 1985)

18.08.555 Nonconforming lot.

“Nonconforming lot” means any lot that is smaller than the minimum lot area, width, depth, or frontage required by this code. Such lot shall be considered a lawful nonconforming lot if it is described in the official records on file in the office of the Alpine County recorder as a lot of record existing prior to January 1, 1964. (Ord. 723 § 5(5)(a), 2017)

18.08.560 Nonconforming structure.

“Nonconforming structure” means any building or structure that was lawfully established and in compliance with the zoning ordinance requirements at the time of establishment but no longer complies with all applicable zoning standards of the district in which it is located. (Ord. 723 § 5(2), 2017)

18.08.570 Nonconforming use.

“Nonconforming use” means any use of land or property that was lawfully established in compliance with the zoning ordinance requirements at the time of establishment and has remained in continuous existence but is not a use listed as permitted or accessory use in the district in which it is located. (Ord. 723 § 5(3), 2017)

18.08.580 Occupancy permit.

“Occupancy permit” means a permit issued by the county pursuant to the regulations contained in Section 18.68.130 of this title for temporary occupancy of a vehicle or camp. (Ord. 453 § 3.077, 1985)

18.08.590 Office, professional.

“Professional office” means an office from which or at which a doctor, lawyer, engineer, architect, accountant, and similar professional persons may offer services. (Ord. 453 § 3.078, 1985)

18.08.600 Open space.

“Open space” means parcels or areas of land which are generally unimproved and devoted to and essential for:

A. Natural resource preservation including water sheds;

B. Preservation of agricultural production;

C. Preservation of recreational enjoyment areas;

D. Prime or critical wildlife and biotic habitat preservation;

E. Protection of public health, safety and welfare, in relation to seismic, geologic and geographic hazards;

F. Protection of unusual or unique scenic values as determined by a specific finding of the governing body in regard to the specific parcel or area under consideration. (Ord. 453 § 3.080, 1985)

18.08.610 Parking space.

“Parking space” means an off-street area, for the parking of a motor vehicle, of not less than nine feet in width and eighteen feet in length with at least seven feet of vertical clearance either within a structure or in the open, excluding driveways, or access drives, but which abuts upon a street, alley or has other appropriate means of access thereto. (Ord. 453 § 3.083, 1985)

18.08.620 Permitted use.

“Permitted use” means a use listed for a particular zone that is allowed outright without special use permit or variance. (Ord. 453 § 3.085,1985)

18.08.630 Planned development.

“Planned development” means a form of development which, before construction, requires county review and approval of detailed plans. A planned development may include a number of housing units, clustered buildings, common open space, and a mix of building types and land uses. (Ord. 453 § 3.086, 1985)

18.08.640 Quasi-public building or use.

“Quasi-public building or use” means buildings, structures or uses for noncommercial recreational, educational, religious, cultural, or public services including social halls, lodges, fraternal organizations, clubs (except those operating for profit), meeting halls, churches, playgrounds, public parking lots, licensed nursing homes, libraries, daycare facilities, foster homes, and utility substations, but not including more potentially offensive or harmful public facilities which can seriously change the character of a neighborhood such as corporation yards, sewage treatment facilities, professional offices, schools, boardinghouses, halfway houses, drug and alcohol rehabilitation centers, hospitals, fire stations and police stations. (Ord. 453 § 3.087, 1985)

18.08.650 Recreation, commercial.

“Commercial recreation” means recreation facilities open to the general public for a fee or restricted to members when operated for profit as a business. (Ord. 453 § 3.088, 1985)

18.08.660 Recreation, private noncommercial.

“Private noncommercial recreation” means clubs or recreation facilities, operated by a nonprofit organization and open only to bona fide members of such nonprofit organization and their guests. (Ord. 453 § 3.089, 1985)

18.08.670 Recreation, public.

“Public recreation” means recreation facilities open to the general public for no fee or for minimal fee, operated, maintained or controlled by a public agency or private nonprofit organization. (Ord. 453 § 3.090, 1985)

18.08.680 Recreational vehicle.

“Recreational vehicle” means a vehicle or trailer with or without motor power including camp car, motorhome, truck camper, camp trailer, tent trailer and similar device designed for human habitation for recreational purposes. (Ord. 453 § 3.091, 1985)

18.08.690 Residential density, net.

“Net residential density” means the average number of dwelling units per one acre of land or number of acres required per dwelling unit. (Ord. 453 § 3.092, 1985)

18.08.692 Residential short-term rental.

“Residential short-term rental” means use of any dwelling or portion thereof that is offered or used for lodging accommodations for a period of thirty consecutive days or less. (Ord. 723 § 5(5)(b), 2017)

18.08.695 Restaurant.

“Restaurant” means a use providing preparation and retail sale of food and beverages, including cafes, coffee shops, delicatessens, sandwich shops, ice cream parlors, fast food take-out, (i.e., pizza) and similar uses, and may include licensed on-site provision of alcoholic beverage for consumption on the premises when accessory to such food service. (Ord. 553 (part), 1993)

18.08.696 Restaurant, drive-thru.

“Drive-thru restaurant” means a use providing preparation and retail sale of food and beverages, as defined under “restaurant” with the added provision of one or more drive-thru lanes for the ordering and dispensing of food and beverages to patrons remaining in their vehicles. (Ord. 553 (part), 1993)

18.08.700 Setback line.

“Setback line” means a line established by this title or by separate ordinance to govern the placement of buildings or structures with respect to lot lines, streets, alleys or easements. (Ord. 453 § 3.095, 1985)

18.08.710 Sight distance area.

“Sight distance area” means, on street corner lots or parcels, the area included within that triangular area between the property line and a diagonal line joining points of the property line thirty feet from the point of their intersection, or in the case of rounded corners, the triangular area between the tangents to the curve and a diagonal line joining points on the tangent thirty feet from the points of their intersection. The tangents referred to are those at the beginning and at the end of the curve at the corner. (Ord. 453 § 3.098, 1985)

18.08.730 Story.

“Story” means that portion of a building included between the surface of any floor and the surface next above it, or if there is no floor above it, then the space between the floor and the ceiling next above it. (Ord. 453 § 3.103, 1985)

18.08.740 Street.

“Street” means a public right-of-way, or private right-of-way approved by the county which provides a primary means of access to abutting property. (Ord. 453 § 3.104, 1985)

18.08.750 Street line.

“Street line” means the boundary between a street right-of-way and abutting property. (Ord. 453 § 3.105, 1985)

18.08.760 Structural alterations.

“Structural alterations” means any change in the structural members of a building, such as bearing walls, columns, beams or girders. (Ord. 453 § 3.107, 1985)

18.08.770 Structure.

“Structure” means anything constructed, the use of which requires permanent location on the ground. This includes swimming pools, but excludes driveways, patios, or parking spaces where the area is unobstructed from the ground up. (Ord. 453 § 3.106, 1985)

18.08.773 Supportive housing.

“Supportive housing” means housing with no limit on length of stay, that is occupied by the target population, and that is linked to an on-site or off-site service that assists the supportive housing resident in retaining the housing, improving his or her health status and maximizing his or her ability to live and, when possible, work in the community. (Ord. 715 Exh. A (part), 2016)

18.08.777 Target population.

“Target population” means adults with low-income having one or more disabilities, including mental illness, HIV or AIDS, substance abuse, or other chronic health conditions, or individuals eligible for services provided under the Lanterman Developmental Disabilities Services Act (Division 4.5 (commencing with Section 4500) of the Welfare and Institutions Code) and may, among other populations, include families with children, elderly persons, young adults aging out of the foster care system, individuals exiting from institutional settings, veterans, or homeless people. (Ord. 715 Exh. A (part), 2016)

18.08.780 Technical advisory committee.

“Technical advisory committee” means the director of transportation, county environmental health specialist, county engineer, county surveyor, county planner and county building official, or such other persons as the board of supervisors may designate. “TAC” shall mean the technical advisory committee. Members may appoint authorized representatives. (Ord. 576 § 50, 1995: Ord. 453 § 3.108, 1985)

18.08.790 Timber production.

“Timber production” means the systematic harvesting and reseeding of timber stands in accordance with the State Forest Practices Act and any subsequent county or state regulations. (Ord. 453 § 3.111, 1985)

18.08.800 Timing.

“Timing” means a factor or a consideration to be used by the county when deciding whether to approve, disapprove, or conditionally approve a permit, project or proposal. (Ord. 453 § 3.112, 1985)

18.08.807 Transitional housing.

“Transitional housing” means buildings configured as rental housing developments, but operated under program requirements that require the termination of assistance and recirculating of the assisted unit to another eligible program recipient at a predetermined future point in time that shall be no less than six months from the beginning of the assistance. (Ord. 715 Exh. A (part), 2016)

18.08.810 Use.

“Use” means the purpose for which either land or a structure thereon is designed, arranged or intended, or for which it is or may be occupied or maintained. (Ord. 453 § 3.117, 1985)

18.08.820 Use, accessory.

“Accessory use” means a use legally permitted in the zone, which use is incidental to and subordinate to the principal use of the site or a main building on the site. An accessory building shall not be constructed or used before construction of the main building. (Ord. 453 § 3.118, 1985)

18.08.830 West slope.

“West slope” means that portion of Alpine County lying west of the Sierra Nevada crest or all areas of the county that drain westerly and into tributaries and rivers of California. (Ord. 453 § 3.120, 1985)

18.08.835 Wireless telecommunications facilities.

“Wireless telecommunications facilities” means the site, structures, equipment and appurtenances used to transmit, receive, distribute, provide, or offer wireless telecommunications services. This includes but is not limited to antennas, poles, towers, cables, wires, conduits, ducts, pedestals, vaults, buildings, electronics and switching equipment. (Ord. 725 § 1 (part), 2018)

18.08.840 Yard.

“Yard” means an open space other than a court on the same site with a building, which open space is unoccupied and unobstructed from the ground upward, except for landscaping or as specified elsewhere in this title; but not including any portion of any street, alley or road right-of-way, except as specified elsewhere in this title. (Ord. 453 § 3.121, 1985)

18.08.850 Yard, front.

“Front yard” means a yard of uniform depth extending across the full width of the lot between the front lot line and the nearest vertical support of wall of the main building, or enclosed or covered porch attached thereto.The front yard of a corner lot is the yard abutting a main street or adjacent to the shorter street frontage. (Ord. 453 § 3.122, 1985)

18.08.860 Yard, rear.

“Rear yard” means a yard of uniform depth extending across the full width of the lot between the rear lot line and the nearest vertical support or wall of the main building or enclosed or covered porch attached thereto, except that the rear yard of a corner lot extends only to the side yard adjacent to the street. (Ord. 453 § 3.123, 1985)

18.08.870 Yard, side.

“Side yard” means a yard on each side of the main building extending from the front yard to the rear yard, the width of each yard being measured between the side line on the lot and the nearest vertical support or main wall of each building or enclosed porch attached thereto. A side yard on the street side of a corner lot shall extend from the front yard to the rear lot line. (Ord. 453 § 3.124, 1985)

18.08.880 Zone.

“Zone” means a portion of the territory of the county within which certain uniform regulations and requirements or various combinations thereof apply under the provisions of this title. The word “zone” shall include the word “district.” (Ord. 453 § 3.125, 1985)