Chapter 22


22-1.    Purpose and applicability of chapter.

22-2.    Definitions.

22-3.    Limitation of use.

22-4.    Site area requirements.

22-5.    Construction standards; registration required.

22-6.    Storage of unoccupied mobile homes.

22-7.    Use as construction office, machine shop or storage room.

22-8.    Use by agricultural employees; permits.

22-9.    Temporary use permits.

22-10.    Existing mobile homes; permit required; compliance with chapter; variances.

22-11.    Use permits.

22-12.    Application procedures.

22-13.    Use permit fees.

22-14.    Enforcement.

22-15.    Appeals.

22-16.    Compliance with chapter.

22-1 Purpose and applicability of chapter.

The purpose of this chapter is to provide for the control and regulation of the use and occupancy of mobile homes in the unincorporated areas of the county in keeping with the protection of the public health, safety, convenience and general welfare. This chapter shall be known as the “Colusa County mobile home chapter.”

(a)  The provisions of this chapter do not apply to the use and occupancy of mobile homes which are in mobile home parks licensed under division 13, part 2 of the state Health and Safety Code and the state Administrative Code, title 8, chapter 9, articles 2, 2.3, 2.5, 3, 4 and 5.

(b)  The provisions of this chapter do not apply to the use and occupancy of mobile homes in labor camps which are subject to the provisions of article 4, Section 2610, chapter 1, part 9, division 2, of the state Labor Code. (Ord. No. 321, (part).)

22-2 Definitions.

For the purposes of this chapter, the following words and phrases shall have the meanings respectively ascribed to them by this section:

Camp car. A vehicle with or without motive power, which is designed or used for human habitation.

Caretaker. A person employed for the security and care of the premises of a ranch or recreational club.

Full-time employee. A person working for a paid wage or salary at least forty hours per week.

Immediate family. A person related by blood, marriage or adoption to the property owner.

Mobile home. A vehicle, other than a motor vehicle, designed or used for human habitation, for carrying persons or property on its own structure and for being drawn by a motor vehicle.

(1)  A dependent mobile home is one not equipped with a toilet for sewage disposal.

(2)  An independent mobile home is one equipped with a toilet for sewage disposal.

(3)  A self-contained mobile home is one equipped with a toilet, water storage tank for potable water and a sewage holding tank.

Mobile home park. Any area or tract of land where one or more mobile home lots are rented or leased or held out for rent or lease to accommodate mobile homes for human habitation.

Parcel of land. All contiguous real property assessed to the same owner or owners as shown by the records of the county assessor’s parcel maps, whether or not the same is divided into separate lots or parcels by deed, subdivision map, lease, contract of sale or otherwise.

Recreational trailer park. Any area or tract of land within a designated recreational area, where one or more travel trailer, camp car or tent camping lots are rented or held out for rent and which is occupied for not more than six months in any calendar year.

Trailer coach. A vehicle other than a motor vehicle which is designed or used for human habitation or human occupancy for industrial, professional or commercial purposes, for carrying persons or property on its own structure and for being drawn by a motor vehicle.

Travel trailer. A vehicle other than a motor vehicle which is designed or used for human habitation and for travel or recreational purposes, which does not exceed eight feet in width and forty feet in length, and which may be moved upon a public highway without a special permit or chauffeur’s license, or both, without violating any provision of the Vehicle Code of the state. (Ord. No. 321, (part); Ord. No. 355, §§ 1, 2.)

22-3 Limitation of use.

(a)  All mobile homes and all other vehicles designed and used for human habitation, except those having a valid temporary use permit as provided by this chapter or as provided in section 22-1, shall have a use permit.

(b)  No mobile home shall be used except by the owner of the land upon which the mobile home is located other than:

(1)  A mobile home with a valid temporary use permit;

(2)  A mobile home owned by a full-time employee of the owner of the land; or

(3)  A mobile home owned and occupied by members of the immediate family.

(c)  Evidence of ownership of the land upon which the mobile home is placed shall be by recorded deed, or recorded agreement of sale, or recorded decree of court. (Ord. No. 321, (part).)

22-4 Site area requirements.

(a)  On or after October 10, 1974, the minimum lot size shall be in accordance with the zoning regulations where mobile homes are permitted, except in an E-A zone where a parcel of less than ten acres existed prior to October 10, 1974; provided however the minimum lot size shall be in accordance with Ordinance No. 311 as amended (Appendix I of this Code) or such larger area as may be necessary to meet the requirements of the regional water quality control board for the installation of a privately owned liquid waste disposal system. Mobile home sites approved prior to October 10, 1974, are not affected by this section.

(b)  The number of mobile homes per parcel shall not exceed one regardless of the number of dwelling units permitted per parcel in accordance with the zoning regulations for the particular zone in which the mobile home is to be placed.

(c)  The setback requirements for mobile homes shall be in conformance with the requirements of the zoning or setback ordinance pertaining to dwelling units.

(d)  A mobile home site previously approved, but not renewing the annual fiscal year use permit requirements as defined in section 22-11 for a period of three months, shall be considered as an abandoned site and the permit void, and no new permit shall be issued for the site unless the site complies with all the provisions of this chapter. (Ord. No. 321, (part); Ord. No. 355, §§ 3, 4.)

As to zoning, see Appendix I of this Code. As to setbacks, see chapter 19 of this Code.

22-5 Construction standards; registration required.

(a)  All construction and all installations of plumbing, gas piping, electrical equipment and wiring to the mobile home shall be in compliance with division 13, part 1.2 of the Health and Safety Code of the state, known as the State Housing Law, and the state Administrative Code, title 8, chapter 9, article 8.

(b)  Mobile home registration required.

(1)  All mobile homes located in the county and owned by state residents must be currently registered in the state whether or not they are moved over the highways.

(2)  All mobile homes located in the county and owned by residents of another state or county, who are not members of the armed forces, must bear current registration from the owner’s home state or they must be registered in the state. If the nonresident owner accepts employment in the state or becomes a resident of the state, he must obtain state registration upon expiration of the nonresident registration. (Ord. No. 321, (part).)

22-6 Storage of unoccupied mobile homes.

The provisions of this chapter shall not be construed to prohibit the storage of any unoccupied mobile unit upon the owner’s premises, whether such premises are owned or rented by the owner of the mobile unit; provided, that such unit may not be connected to any electrical, fuel gas, water or sewage disposal system; and provided further, that the storage of such unit complies with the requirements of the county zoning ordinance regulations for that particular parcel of land. (Ord. No. 321, (part).)

22-7 Use as construction office, machine shop or storage room.

Mobile units used solely as construction offices, machine shops or storage rooms shall be exempted from the use permit fee requirements of this chapter provided such use does not exceed six months during the fiscal year in any one location. Upon application by the owner, the planning commission may extend this period for an additional time. (Ord. No. 321, (part).)

22-8 Use by agricultural employees; permits.

Upon parcels of land used for agricultural purposes, the following types of permits are required:

(a)  Temporary use permits may be approved for one or more mobile homes that are to be occupied by the employees of the person owning or leasing such land; provided, such use does not exceed six consecutive months during the fiscal year.

(b)  Use permits will be required for any mobile home that is occupied for more than six months.

(c)  Temporary use permits must comply with the requirements of section 21-9, temporary use permits, of this chapter, and the county zoning ordinance.

(d)  A mobile home or camp car used as an incident to the tending of livestock is excluded from the provisions of this chapter. (Ord. No. 321, (part).)

22-9 Temporary use permits.

(a)  Temporary use permits for a term not to exceed six months may be approved by the planning commission which will permit the use of a mobile home upon a parcel of land upon payment of a fee as set by the board of supervisors and upon such other terms and conditions as may be required by the planning commission. Any such temporary use permit shall not vary from the requirements of this chapter.

(b)  The provisions of this section will allow friends, relatives, bona fide visitors and employees to place and use their mobile homes for a limited period of time under circumstances which would otherwise be prohibited by this chapter.

(c)  No permit fee shall be required of friends, relatives or bona fide visitors staying three weeks or less and not using plumbing or electrical connections to the mobile home.

(d)  Temporary use permits for the term of six months may be approved by the planning commission which will permit the use of a mobile home as a temporary residence on a parcel of land while a permanent residence is being constructed; provided, however, the requirements promulgated by this chapter are fulfilled. A temporary use permit may be extended by the director of public works, or his designated representative, for a period not to exceed three months, when it can be reasonably assumed that the permanent dwelling under construction will be completed on or before the expiration of the temporary use permit. Any further extensions shall be by application to the planning commission which may approve the extension or reject the extension as they deem advisable and reasonable. (Ord. No. 321, (part); Ord. No. 355, § 5.)

22-10 Existing mobile homes; permit required; compliance with chapter; variances.

(a)  All existing mobile homes being used in this county as living quarters at locations other than licensed mobile home parks and labor camps shall be required to obtain use permits in compliance with the requirements of this chapter.

(b)  The owners of mobile homes that are being used in this county for living quarters who on the effective date hereof are not in compliance with the provisions of this chapter shall have a period of one hundred eighty days from and after the effective date within which to comply. Upon application by the owner, the planning commission may extend this period for an additional period of time not to exceed thirty days upon such terms and conditions as may be required by the planning commission.

(c)  All variances or use permits for mobile homes in existence upon the effective date of this chapter shall remain effective and valid until abandoned or revoked in accordance with the provisions of this chapter or the county zoning ordinance. (Ord. No. 321, (part).)

22-11 Use permits.

In those situations authorized by the provisions of this chapter, the planning commission may issue a mobile home use permit as provided in this section.

(a)  Such permit shall be issued for a specified mobile home and a specified parcel of land.

(b)  For all mobile homes granted use permits subsequent to enactment of this chapter, the permit shall be per fiscal year.

(c)  The initial permit may be prorated by fiscal year quarters.

(d)  All use permits shall expire June 30th of each year. (Ord. No. 321, (part).)

22-12 Application procedures.

(a)  All original applications for permits shall be made to the secretary of the planning commission who shall set the same for public hearing before the planning commission, and place the matter on the agenda.

(b)  The secretary shall publish notice of the hearing in a newspaper of general circulation, published in the county at least ten days prior to the date set for the hearing.

(c)  The secretary shall refer all original applications to the building inspector and the county health department, both of whom shall investigate the circumstances surrounding the application and report to the planning commission their findings and recommendations.

(d)  Upon the hearing of the application, the planning commission may approve the application as filed, reject the application, or approve the application upon such conditions as they deem advisable.

(e)  All applications for renewal permits, which are identical to the original permits, may be presented to the director of public works, or his designated representative, who may issue the permits without referral to the planning commission or complying with the public hearing procedure provided above. (Ord. No. 321, (part); Ord. No. 355, § 6.)

22-13 Use permit fees.

(a)  All mobile homes issued temporary use permits in accordance with the provisions of this chapter shall be required to pay a fee based upon a schedule set by the board of supervisors of the county. Such permit shall expire and become null and void six months from issue date.

(b)  All mobile homes issued use permits in accordance with the provisions of this chapter shall be required to pay a fee in accordance with a schedule fixed by the board of supervisors of the county. Subsequent to payment of the initial fee, there shall thereafter be payable an annual fee on each mobile home in the amount as computed above. Such fee is to be payable on or before July 15th of each year. (Ord. No. 321, (part).)

22-14 Enforcement.

It shall be the duty of the director of public works, or his designated representative, and any other officer designated by the board of supervisors to enforce this chapter and all the provisions of the same. (Ord. No. 321, (part); Ord. No. 355, § 7.)

22-15 Appeals.

Any person not satisfied with the action of the building inspector in connection with the issuance of a use permit or temporary use permit may apply to the planning commission of the county for the issuance of the permit, upon such terms and conditions as may be requested by the applicant. Should the applicant not be satisfied with the action of the planning commission, he may appeal to the board of supervisors of the county in the manner provided by the zoning ordinance of the county. (Ord. No. 321, (part).)

22-16 Compliance with chapter.

It is unlawful for any person to occupy a mobile home or to knowingly permit a mobile home to be occupied on land in his possession in violation of this chapter. (Ord. No. 321, (part).)