Chapter 16.52


16.52.010    Purpose and intent.

16.52.020    General regulations.

16.52.030    Schedule of off-street parking requirements.

16.52.040    Schedule of off-street loading requirements.

16.52.050    Adjustments to off-street parking requirements.

16.52.060    Design standards.

16.52.070    Subterranean, semi-subterranean and above-ground parking structures.

16.52.080    Off-street parking, storage and loading of recreational vehicles.

16.52.010 Purpose and intent.

This chapter is intended to ensure an adequate provision of parking, loading, and bicycle facilities proportionate to the needs created by the various land uses within the city of Highland. In providing adequate parking, loading, and bicycle facilities, it is the intent of this chapter to:

A. Progressively alleviate or prevent on-site and off-site traffic congestion and hazards;

B. Ensure the maneuverability of emergency and service vehicles;

C. Provide safe, accessible, convenient, attractive, and well-maintained off-street parking areas;

D. Protect residential neighborhoods from the effects of vehicular noise and traffic by uses in adjacent nonresidential districts; and

E. Implement general plan circulation, air quality, and energy conservation policies. (Ord. 171 § 13.10, 1994)

16.52.020 General regulations.

A. Approval of Off-Street Parking Plan. Proposed off-street parking facilities shall be subject to the provisions of HMC 16.08.060, Department review permits.

B. Applicability.

1. Any new building constructed, any new use established, or any addition or enlargement of an existing structure or use, and any change in the occupancy of an existing building or the manner in which a use is conducted that would result in additional parking spaces being required, shall comply with the provisions of this chapter.

2. In the case of additions or enlargements of an existing building or use, or a change of occupancy or manner of operation that would result in additional parking spaces being required, the additional parking spaces shall be required only for such addition, enlargement, or change, and not for the entire building or use, unless a specific finding is made by the building official or community development director that additional parking for the entire building or use is necessary to protect the public health, safety, and welfare.

3. In all cases where additional vehicular parking spaces are required, all existing and proposed handicapped parking spaces located on the site shall be marked and striped in accordance with state standards.

C. Status of Existing Development and Approvals.

1. No building or use of land which lawfully existed on the effective date of the ordinance codified in this title shall be considered nonconforming solely because of the lack of the off-street parking and loading facilities required by this chapter.

2. Projects with unexpired plot plans or conditional use permits approved prior to the effective date of the ordinance codified in this title need only meet the requirements of the parking ordinance in effect on the date the plot plans or conditional use permits were approved.

D. Calculation of Floor Areas.

1. For purposes of calculating off-street parking requirements for dwelling units, the following may be considered as “bedrooms” if they contain 100 square feet or more of floor area:

a. Living rooms in apartments containing no bedrooms.

b. Rooms such as dens, studios, family rooms, bonus rooms, and studies.

2. The floor areas used to calculate the number of spaces required by the schedules for provision of off-street parking and loading spaces contained in HMC 16.52.030 and 16.52.040 shall include:

a. All floor area located below grade which is devoted to office, retail, service, or other activities and uses; storage areas; restrooms; lounges; lobbies; kitchens; and interior hallways and corridors, unless specifically exempted in this chapter.

b. All outdoor patio, deck, balcony, terrace, kiosk, or other outdoor area that will accommodate a permanent activity that will generate a demand for parking facilities in addition to that which is provided for principal activities and uses within the building or structure.

c. Gross floor area shall not include enclosed or covered areas used for off-street parking or loading, or bicycle facilities.

E. Fractions. Where the application of the schedules for provision of off-street parking, loading spaces, and bicycle facilities contained in HMC 16.52.030, 16.52.040 and 16.52.050 result in a fractional space, the fraction shall be rounded to the next lower whole number.

F. Increases and Decreases in Requirements.

1. The number of spaces required by the schedules for provision of off-street parking and loading spaces contained in HMC 16.52.030 and 16.52.040 may be increased if it can be demonstrated through a parking study that the proposed use would have a parking or loading space demand greater than the requirements given in HMC 16.52.030 and 16.52.040. The community development director may require that a parking study be provided by an applicant when, in the opinion of the community development director, an increase in the number of parking or loading spaces may be warranted.

2. A decrease in the number of spaces required by the schedules for provision of off-street parking and loading spaces and bicycle facilities contained in HMC 16.52.030 and 16.52.040 may be granted under the circumstances identified in HMC 16.52.050, or by the approval of a variance.

G. Multiple Uses. In situations where a combination of uses are developed on a site, including multiple uses under single ownership, the number of spaces required by the schedules for provision of off-street parking, loading spaces, and bicycle facilities contained in HMC 16.52.030 and 16.52.040 shall be equal to the sum of the requirements for each of the uses, unless a reduction is granted pursuant to the shared parking provisions of HMC 16.52.050. If the gross floor area of each individual user is less than the minimum for which parking or loading spaces would be required, the aggregate gross floor area shall be used in determining the required number of parking and loading spaces.

H. Operation and Maintenance.

1. All parking, loading, and bicycle facilities required by this chapter shall be maintained for the duration of the use requiring such facilities.

a. Required parking and loading facilities shall not be used for the storage or display of merchandise, or for the storage or repair of vehicles or equipment.

b. Required parking and loading facilities shall not be used for the sale of merchandise, except on a temporary basis subject to the issuance of temporary use permit pursuant to the provisions of HMC 16.08.120.

2. It shall be the responsibility of the owner or operator of a specific use to ensure that required parking facilities are maintained in good operating condition, and to ensure that the parking facilities are periodically swept and cleaned, and are properly striped.

I. Requirements Not Given in Parking and Loading Schedules.

1. Where the parking and loading facility’s requirements for a specific use are not listed in the schedules contained in HMC 16.52.030 and 16.52.040, the required parking shall be determined through the individual development application review process.

2. An applicant proposing to develop or expand a use whose parking requirements are not shown shall submit four copies of a parking study to the community development director providing justification for the proposed number of spaces. This study, along with any traffic engineering and planning data that is appropriate to the establishment of a parking requirement for the proposed use, shall be considered during review of the development application.

J. Compact Parking. A maximum of 25 to 40 percent of all on-site parking may be permitted as compact spaces, unless otherwise specified in HMC 16.52.050.

K. Tandem Parking. Tandem parking shall not be used to meet the required number of parking spaces specified in the parking schedules, unless specifically permitted, or unless the findings for a variance can be made.

L. Time-Restricted Customer Parking. Time-restricted customer parking may be delineated for high turnover businesses for the purpose of restricting long-term parking at selected locations within commercial centers. Time restricted customer parking shall comply with the following requirements. Requests for time restricted parking may be included within the required development application submittal for new or expanded uses, and shall be approved or denied based on the criteria listed in subsection (L)(3) of this section.

1. Application Requirements. Requests for delineation of time-restricted customer parking shall be submitted to the community development director on forms supplied by the community development director and shall be reviewed under the development review. The following information shall be supplied within the application:

a. Site plan of the commercial center, including information regarding the total number of parking spaces; the number and designation of

proposed time-restricted parking spaces; and on-site vehicular, bicycle, and pedestrian circulation, access, and design.

b. A letter of justification describing how the proposed use will meet the required findings set forth in subsection (L)(3) of this section.

c. Other information as may be required by the community development director.

2. Approval Authority.

a. Requests for time restricted parking may be approved by the community development director in the case of a department review application filed along with or independently of any other application for a commercial land use.

b. When a request for time-restricted parking accompanies an application which requires planning commission approval, said request shall be considered by the planning commission at the time of consideration of the application.

3. Required Findings. A request for time-restricted customer parking may be approved; provided, that all of the following findings are made:

a. The amount and distribution of time-restricted customer spaces allows for time-restricted parking without adversely affecting the parking needs of other uses within the center, as well as the center as a whole; and

b. The location of the time-restricted customer parking spaces will not impede vehicular, bicycle, or pedestrian circulation, and will not encroach into required fire lane access areas.

4. Revocation of Time-Restricted Customer Parking.

a. Approvals for time-restricted customer parking spaces granted pursuant to the provisions of this section may be revoked if it is found that the continued use of time-restricted customer parking adversely affects the parking needs of the commercial center or impedes vehicular, bicycle, or pedestrian circulation due to changes in tenant mix, customer parking demands, or any other factors which change the commercial center’s parking demand characteristics.

b. Any decision to revoke a time-restricted customer parking approval shall become final 30 days after the decision to revoke is made, unless an appeal is filed in accordance with the provisions of HMC 16.08.200. (Ord. 171 § 13.20, 1994)

16.52.030 Schedule of off-street parking requirements.

A. Automobile Parking Requirements. Minimum off-street automobile parking requirements for uses within the city of Highland are presented in Table 16.52.030.A. HMC 16.52.060 provides design standards for automobile and truck parking.

Table 16.52.030.A

Off-Street Automobile Parking Space Requirements 


Minimum Off-Street Parking Requirements

Maximum % Compact Uses

Maximum % Noncompact Uses That May Be Long Term


A. Residential uses





1. Single-family detached

2.0 spaces per unit1,2,3



1 Must be provided within enclosed garage.





1a Within Village Residential District, no more than a two-car space and no less than a one-car space shall be provided within an enclosed garage and shall be located a minimum of 45 feet from the exterior garage door to the front property line.





2 Units which meet state requirements for second units shall be required to provide an additional parking space as a condition of approval. The additional space may be tandem.





3 Guest parking is assumed to be available on the public or private street. If it is not permitted or is restricted on the street, then one visitor space per unit will be required within 100 feet of each unit’s frontage and cannot be tandem. Up to 50 percent of visitor parking may be provided on private driveways if the driveway is a minimum of 18 feet wide and 23 feet long (from travelway to garage door). Parked cars must not encroach upon the sidewalk. No more than one parking space in a driveway may be designated for visitor parking.

2. Single-family attached/multiple-family (R-2, R-2C, R-3 Districts)





a. Resident parking4,5,6

Studio: 1 covered space per unit



4 All covered parking spaces shall be assigned to a specific unit.


1 bedroom: 1.5 spaces per unit (1 covered)



5 For R-2 and R-2C Districts, covered spaces may be required to be provided in an enclosed garage. Emphasis should be made to locate the garage adjacent to the unit being served. If it is not adjacent, the garage shall be located within 150 feet of the unit being served.


2 or more bedrooms: 2.0 spaces per unit (1 covered)



6 The parking requirement shall be reduced pursuant to a density bonus granted for a qualifying residents project in accordance with the provisions of HMC 16.40.090(B)(1)(e). The community development director may also reduce the parking requirement for projects that incorporate affordable housing units but do not qualify for a density bonus.

b. Guest Parking7

0.5 space per unit



7 Guest spaces may be uncovered. On-street parking can count for visitor parking if spaces are within 250 feet of each unit’s frontage.

3. Multifamily (R-4 District)





a. Resident parking8

Studio and 1 bedroom: 1.5 per unit



8 Minimum of 1 parking space shall be covered within a garage or carport.


2 bedrooms: 1.9 per unit





3 bedrooms: 2.1 per unit





4 bedrooms: 2.4 per unit




b. Guest parking9

0.3 spaces per unit



9 Guest spaces may be uncovered.

4. Senior housing:





a. Resident parking

1.0 space per unit10



10 Spaces shall be covered and may be either a carport or garage.

b. Guest parking

0.25 space per unit11



11 Guest spaces may be uncovered.

5. Senior housing: congregate care





a. Resident parking

0.5 spaces per unit or as determined by the planning commission for the proposed use12, 13



12 Applicant shall submit a parking study pursuant to the requirements of HMC 16.52.020.





13 The 0.5 space per dwelling unit shall be for the exclusive use of residents within a garage or carport as approved by the approving authority adjacent to the unit it is serving. For multiple-family units, the parking shall be within 150 feet of the dwelling it is serving.

b. Guest parking

0.25 space per unit14



14 Guest parking may be uncovered.

6. Mobilehome parks and subdivisions





a. Resident parking

2 spaces per unit15



15 Tandem spaces may be used to meet resident parking requirements.

b. Guest parking

1 space for each five units or fraction thereof




7. Model home complexes

3 spaces per model home, plus 1 space per salesperson16,17



16 On-street parking adjacent to the model home complex may be counted toward the parking requirement if it is found that on-street parking will not impact residential parking and will not obstruct traffic flow.





17 Spaces for salespersons may be provided in vacant garages of model homes.

B. Commercial uses





1. Uses located in regional commercial shopping centers (more than 750,000 ft. of gross leasable area)

1 space per 200 ft. of gross floor area




2. Uses located in neighborhood, community, and convenience shopping centers (less than 750,000 ft. of gross leasable area)

1 space per 250 ft. of gross floor area18



18 Alternative parking requirements for specialty commercial centers may be established by the community development director based upon a parking study submitted by or required of a project applicant. (See HMC 16.52.020 for parking study submittal requirements.)

3. Freestanding commercial and service uses





a. Automobile repair

1 space per 500 ft. of gross floor area plus 2 spaces per service bay19



19 No required off-street parking space shall be used for sale, service, rental, or repair of vehicles.

b. Automobile sales

3 spaces per 1,000 ft. of interior office area plus 2 spaces per service bay20



20 No required off-street parking space shall be used for repair of vehicles.

c. Vehicle fueling station

1 space per 200 ft. of retail area




d. Automobile washing

3 spaces per washing stall




e. Barber shop, beauty parlor

3 spaces per barber chair or beautician station




f. Bank, savings and loan22

1 space per 250 ft. of gross floor area



22 Special design requirements shall apply for drive-through facilities (see Chapter 16.44 HMC, Specific Use Development Standards).

g. Business and personal services, general

1 space per 250 ft. of gross floor area




h. Eating and drinking establishments





i. With drive-in or take-out facilities23

1 space per 75 ft. of gross dining area, inside and outside



23 Special design requirements shall apply for drive-through facilities (see Chapter 16.44 HMC, Specific Use Development Standards).

ii. All others (without drive-in or take-out facilities)

1 space per 75 ft. of gross floor area for dining, inside and outside, up to 6,000 gross ft., plus 1 space per 55 ft. of gross floor area for dining, inside and outside, over 6,000 ft.




i. Hotel, motel

1 space per guest room plus 1 space per 100 gross ft. of banquet, assembly, or restaurant seating area plus 1 space per 400 ft. of accessory retail area




j. Lumber yard, nursery

1 space per 250 ft. of gross floor area for retail sales plus 1 space per 1,000 gross ft. of outdoor area devoted to displays and storage




k. Mortuaries

1 space per each 4 seats plus funeral procession queue capacity for 5 cars




l. Offices





i. Administrative, business, professional

1 space per 250 gross ft. of floor area




ii. Government

1 space per 200 gross ft. of floor area




m. Retail, general (i.e., department stores, markets, specialty, etc.)

1 space per 250 gross ft. of floor area




n. Retail, furniture, major appliances

1 space per 500 gross ft. of floor area




C. Educational services





1. Business and trade schools

1 space per each 4-person capacity, or 1 space per 250 gross ft. of floor area, whichever is greater




2. Colleges

10 spaces plus 30 spaces per classroom




3. Elementary, junior high schools

2 spaces per classroom




4. Senior high schools

10 spaces plus 10 spaces per classroom




D. Medical and health services





1. Convalescent and nursing homes

1 space per 3 beds




2. Hospitals

1 space per 1.5 beds




3. Medical and dental offices and clinics; emergency medical veterinary hospitals and clinics

1 space per 200 gross ft. of floor area




E. Industrial uses





1. Manufacturing

1 space per 500 gross ft. of floor area devoted to manufacturing plus the required amount of parking for gross square footage devoted to other uses




2. Research and development

1 space per 250 gross ft. of floor area




3. Warehouse and distribution

1 space per 1,000 gross ft. of floor area devoted to warehousing plus the required amount of parking for gross square footage devoted to other uses




F. Entertainment and recreation uses





1. Arcades, games

1 space per 75 gross ft. of floor area or 1 space per 2.5 persons of the occupancy of the building, whichever is greater. In addition, 1 space per every 3 employees on the premises in a 24-hour period



Applicant shall submit a floor plan with the occupancy noted in each room and space as required by the city building code.

2. Auditoriums, places of public assembly

1 space per 3 seats or 1 space per 35 gross ft. where there are no fixed seats, or 1 space per 2.5 persons of the occupancy of the building, whichever is greater. In addition, 1 space per every 3 employees on the premises in a 24-hour period



Applicant shall submit a floor plan with the occupancy noted in each room and space as required by the city building code.

3. Bowling alleys, billiard halls

5 spaces per alley plus 2 spaces per billiard table plus required parking for other on-site uses




4. Commercial stables

1 space per 5 horses capacity for boarding on site




5. Golf driving range

1 space per tee plus required parking for other on-site uses




6. Golf course (executive and regulation)

6 spaces per hole plus required parking for other on-site uses




7. Golf, miniature

3 spaces per hole plus required parking for other on-site uses




8. Health club

1 space per 80 ft. floor area24



24 Alternative parking requirements for health centers may be established by the approval authority based upon a parking study submitted by or required of a project applicant. (See HMC 16.52.020 for parking study submittal requirements.)

9. Parks, public and private (over 10 acres in size)

To be determined for the proposed use based upon the parking study findings25



25 Applicant must submit a parking study (see HMC 16.52.020 for parking study submittal requirements).

a. Neighborhood parks (under 10 acres)

A minimum of 5 spaces for the first 2 acres plus 1 space for each additional acre




b. Community park (under 5 acres)

A minimum of 5 spaces per acre, plus additional spaces for spectator seating at athletic fields, community centers, and pools, plus 1 space for each picnic table




10. Skating rinks

1 space per 100 gross ft. of floor area




11. Tennis, handball, racquetball facilities

3 spaces per court plus required parking for other on-site uses




12. Theaters, movie, stage shows, live performances, adult cabarets

5 spaces plus 1 space per 3 fixed seats, or 1 space per 2.5 persons of the occupancy of the building, whichever is greater. In addition, 1 space per every 3 employees on the premises in a 24-hour period



Applicant shall submit a floor plan with the occupancy noted in each room and space as required by the city building code.

G. Public and quasi-public uses





1. Day care, preschools, nursery schools, family day care, residential care homes26




26 Parking requirements are determined based upon maximum capacity of proposed facility.

a. Day care centers

1 space per employee plus 1 space per 5 children




b. Family day care homes

2 spaces per dwelling unit in addition to residential requirement




c. Residential care homes

2 spaces per dwelling unit in addition to residential requirement




2. Libraries, museums, galleries

1 space per 300 gross ft. of floor area




3. Places of worship

1 space per 80 ft. of floor area of main assembly/auditorium area, plus requirement for office space, if applicable, plus requirement for school uses, if applicable




4. Public utilities

To be determined by the approval authority for the proposed use27



27 Applicant shall submit a parking study. (See HMC 16.52.020 for parking study requirements.)

B. Schedule of Handicapped Parking Requirements.

1. Handicapped parking requirements are established by the state of California. The following requirements for handicapped parking are intended to be identical to the state requirements at the time of adoption of the ordinance codified in this title. Any future changes in state requirements shall preempt the standards for provisions of handicapped parking spaces contained in this title.

2. Handicapped parking space dimensions are provided in HMC 16.52.070.

Handicapped parking spaces for other uses shall be provided at the following rates:

Number of Automobile Spaces Provided

Number of
Handicapped Spaces Provided

1 – 40


41 – 80


81 – 120


121 – 160


161 – 300


301 – 400


400 +

7 + 1 space for each additional 200 automobile spaces provided

C. Schedule of Motorcycle Parking Requirements.

1. Motorcycle parking space design standards are provided in HMC 16.52.070.

2. Motorcycle parking spaces shall be provided for all nonresidential uses at the following rates:

a. Uses requiring more than 25 spaces shall provide one designated motorcycle parking area.

b. Uses with more than 100 spaces shall provide one designated motorcycle parking area for each 100 required automobile parking spaces.

c. Motorcycle parking areas required by this title shall count toward fulfilling automobile parking spaces at the rate of one parking space per motorcycle parking area.

D. Schedule for Recreational Vehicle Parking Spaces.

1. Recreational vehicle spaces containing not less than 400 square feet per space (10 ft. x 40 ft.) shall be provided within multiple-family residential developments as follows (the planning commission may reduce or eliminate this requirement within R-4 and HDS developments):


Recreational Vehicle Spaces

0 – 20

No requirement

21 – 100

1 space per 20 units

101 +

1 space per 20 units for the first 100 units, plus 1 additional space for each 25 units over 100

(Ord. 456 § 6, 2022; Ord. 362 §§ 10, 11, 2011; Ord. 307 § 40, 2006; Ord. 278 § 5, 2002; Ord. 254 § 2, 2000; Ord. 171 § 13.30, 1994)

16.52.040 Schedule of off-street loading requirements.

A. Loading space design standards are provided in HMC 16.52.070.

B. Minimum off-street loading space requirements for uses within the city of Highland are presented in Table 16.52.040.A.


Table 16.52.040.A

Off-Street Loading Requirements

Type of Use


Spaces Required

A. Residential uses



1. Single-family detached, single-family attached, multiple-family, model home complexes



2. Senior housing (where meals are provided in common dining facilities)



3. Mobilehome parks and subdivisions



B. Commercial uses



1. Automotive uses

0 – 29,999 square feet


30,000 – 69,999 square feet


70,000 – 120,000 square feet


For each additional 50,000 gross square feet over 120,000


2. Hotel, motel

0 – 9,999 square feet


10,000 – 99,999 square feet


100,000 – 199,999 square feet


Over 200,000 square feet


3. Offices – administrative, business, professional, medical, veterinary

0 – 9,999 square feet


10,000 – 99,999 square feet


100,000 – 199,999 square feet


Over 200,000 square feet


4. General retail and business services, eating and drinking facilities

0 – 4,999 square feet


5,000 – 29,999 square feet


30,000 – 69,999 square feet


70,000 – 120,000 square feet


For each additional 50,000 square feet over 120,000 square feet


C. Medical and health services



1. Convalescent and nursing homes



2. Hospitals

0 – 9,999 square feet


10,000 – 99,999 square feet


100,000 – 199,999 square feet


Over 200,000 square feet


3. Medical/dental offices and clinics; veterinary hospitals and clinics

0 – 9,999 square feet


10,000 – 99,999 square feet


100,000 – 199,999 square feet


Over 200,000 square feet


D. Industrial uses



1. Manufacturing, warehouse and distribution

0 – 29,999 square feet


30,000 – 69,999 square feet


70,000 – 120,000 square feet


For each additional 50,000 gross square feet over 120,000


2. Research and development

0 – 9,999 square feet


10,000 – 99,999 square feet


100,000 – 199,999 square feet


Over 200,000 square feet


(Ord. 171 § 13.40, 1994)

16.52.050 Adjustments to off-street parking requirements.

A. Village Commercial District.

1. Modified parking requirements have been developed for use in the Village Commercial District as an incentive to preserve and maintain designated historic structures. The planning commission shall have the authority to approve a request for a Parking Adjustment, subject to the provisions of this section.

2. For designated historic structures located in the Village Commercial District, the off-street parking requirements may be modified in utilizing the following techniques:

a. A reduction of the required number of parking spaces by 20 percent; or

b. The crediting of on-street parking spaces which are adjacent to frontage of the designated historic structure site towards the total number of required off-street parking spaces required for the use; provided, that a determination is made that such on-street parking spaces will remain available for public parking during all business hours in the future. No on-street parking spaces located within 15 feet of a “stop sign” or corner radius shall be counted. No on-street parking spaces located in front of a bus stop shall be counted; or

c. A reduction in two-way aisle widths, as specified in Table 16.52.060.C and 16.52.060.D, from 24 feet to 20 feet; or

d. Allow the use of off-site parking in parking lots that are located off-site within 400 feet from the historic structure, where the applicant has provided adequate incentives for the use of such parking lots; or

e. Allow vehicles to back out into alleys where it is determined that visibility is good and such backing out of vehicles can be done safely; or

f. Allow 45 percent of the parking lot located on the site of the historic structure to be compact spaces, instead of 25 percent as permitted in HMC 16.52.020; or

g. Allow tandem parking where it is determined that such parking would be effectively used; or

h. Allow for the deletion of the loading space requirements prescribed by HMC 16.52.040 for historic structures; or

i. Modify the landscaping requirements.

3. The planning commission may approve a parking adjustment with conditions which are necessary to effectuate the purpose of these adjustments within the Village Commercial District.

a. Notice. Notice of an application for a parking adjustment shall be published in a newspaper of general circulation not less than 10 days prior to the date set for the planning commission hearing. Notices shall also be mailed not less than 10 days prior to the date of the meeting to owners of property within a radius of 300 feet of the external boundaries of the property proposed for the modification described on the application, using for this purpose the name and address of such owners as shown on the latest official tax role of the county.

b. Findings for Approval. The planning commission, in approving a parking adjustment, shall find as follows:

i. The proposed parking modification and use of the historic structure is necessary or desirable for the development of the community, is in harmony with the various elements and objectives of the general plan, and is not detrimental to existing uses or to uses specifically permitted in the zone;

ii. That approving the proposed parking adjustment and use will significantly improve the possibility that the structure will be preserved and maintained as a historic structure;

iii. That the required parking cannot be provided without the approval of the requested adjustment;

iv. That the proposed parking scheme will function safely;

v. That approval of the parking adjustment will not harm the integrity of the historic structure or the surrounding neighborhood.

B. Shared Parking.

1. Up to a maximum 30 percent reduction in the minimum parking requirements for individual uses may be granted by the planning commission where joint use of parking facilities or other factors will mitigate peak parking demand.

2. Requests for parking reductions resulting from joint usage shall be supported by information prepared by a registered traffic engineer. The investigation used to generate the required information shall generally follow the format described below.

3. Shared parking requests shall be analyzed as follows:

a. Initial project review involves documentation and quantification of proposed land uses and anticipated functional relationships between the parking needs of different land uses. The initial review will also consist of data gathering regarding proximity to transit facilities, general location of parking facilities, surrounding land uses and mix, predicted pedestrian patterns, and similar variables which affect parking needs.

b. Adjustments for peak parking factor includes calculating the number of off-street parking spaces required for each land use within the area proposed for joint parking use based upon the requirements of HMC 16.52.030. Other elements to be considered include seasonal adjustment for parking demand and a determination of the mode of transit used in reaching or departing the area being considered.

c. Analysis of hourly accumulation involves an estimation of hourly parking accumulations for each land use during a typical week day or weekend day.

d. Estimate of shared parking merges the hourly parking demand estimate to calculate the overall parking required to be provided within the area being considered for shared parking facilities.

4. In granting parking reductions for shared use of parking facilities, the planning commission shall make one or more of the following findings:

a. The traffic engineering report justifies the requested parking reduction based upon the presence of two or more adjacent land uses which, because of their substantially different operating hours or difference peak parking characteristics, will allow joint use of the same parking facilities.

b. The traffic engineering report indicates that there are public transportation facilities and/or pedestrian circulation opportunities which justify the requested reduction of parking facilities.

c. The traffic engineering report finds that the use otherwise adheres to the parking standards in this section.

d. The traffic engineering report finds that the clustering of different land uses is such that a reduced number of parking spaces can serve multiple trip purposes to the area in question.

5. As a condition of approval to the granting of a reduction in required parking, the city may require the granting of reciprocal access and parking agreements with surrounding properties; recordation of conditions, covenants, and restrictions; or creation of other legal instruments to assure the permanent continuation of the circumstances under which parking requirement reductions were granted.

6. Where parking spaces are provided for an individual development on a separate parcel, a joint access agreement will be required between affected property owners, in a form acceptable to the city.

C. Transportation Management Plans.

1. The number of parking spaces required for an individual use or for a complex may be decreased up to 20 percent, subject to the planning commission approval of a transportation management plan supplied by the applicant for those applications requesting more than a 10 percent reduction. Said plan shall provide evidence that identifies the actual parking requirement and supports and justifies the parking reduction request. Such a plan may include, but is not limited to, car pooling, van pools, and staggered work hours.

2. Decreases approved pursuant to this subsection may be in addition to any other reductions allowed by this section.

3. Before approving the request, the planning commission shall consider, among other factors:

a. Projected effectiveness of car pool, van pool, staggered work hours, or similar transportation management programs.

b. Proximity to public transportation facilities which could be reasonably expected to serve a significant portion of employees and/or customers.

c. Evidence of the likelihood that employees and/or customers will utilize regular transportation alternatives to individual use of automobiles, including transportation management plans prepared pursuant to South Coast Air Quality Management District Rule XV and Chapter 16.48 HMC.

D. Low Percentage of Usable Space.

1. Where buildings contain extensive areas of employee facilities such as, but not limited to, cafeterias, racquetball courts, health facilities, or covered patios; multiple stairways and elevator shafts in multiple-story buildings, or atriums, gross leasable space may be significantly below the 85 percent average assumed in the parking schedules. In such cases, a reduction in parking requirements may be granted by the planning commission.

2. To be eligible for a reduction in parking requirements due to low percentage of usable space, the applicant shall submit a detailed floor plan breaking down the proposed usage of all square footage within the building.

3. As a condition of granting a reduction in parking requirements due to low percentage of usable space, the applicant shall be required to sign an agreement stating that the percentage of leasable space will not be increased unless additional parking is provided pursuant to the requirements of this chapter.

E. Off-Site Parking Facilities. Required parking for a development may be provided off the site under certain instances. Requests for off-site parking facilities shall meet the following requirements:

1. The off-site parking shall be located so that it will adequately serve the use for which it is intended. In making this determination, the following shall be considered:

a. Proximity of the off-site parking facilities;

b. Ease of pedestrian access to the off-site parking facility;

c. The type of use which the off-site parking is intended to serve, recognizing that such facilities are generally not appropriate for high-turnover uses;

d. The need for locating parking facilities off-site, and the resulting urban design benefits of off-site parking, if any.

2. As a condition of granting approval to the development of off-site parking facilities, the applicant and other involved parties shall be required to sign an agreement ensuring the continued availability of the off-street parking facilities for the use they are intended to serve.

F. Valet Parking. Required parking for commercial uses and/or city approved events may be provided by using valets to park vehicles, subject to review and approval by the planning commission, subject to the following requirements:

1. All parking shall be provided on, or adjacent to the site of the business or event which establishes the need for the required parking.

2. Driveway aisles shall be provided in the area designated for valet parking for a minimum of one-way traffic as specified in Tables 16.52.060.C and 16.52.060.D, and as required by the city police and fire department.

3. Shall utilize areas within improved parking lots, or areas that do not contain groundcover, and/or in areas not permanently striped for vehicle parking. Parking on unimproved surfaces shall be treated with water or otherwise dust-proofed prior to use and shall be used as temporary parking for special events as approved by the city planner.

4. Valets (parking attendants) shall be provided at all times that the business or use provides valet parking.

5. In approving a request for valet parking, the planning commission shall find as follows:

a. The use of valet parking is consistent with goals and objectives of the general plan and complies with all other requirements of this title.

b. The use of valet parking will not reduce other on-site parking requirements and shall not restrict other uses on the site.

c. The use of valet parking will function in a safe manner and the city police and fire department have recommended approval of the location and manner of valet parking to be provided.

d. The use of valet parking will not adversely affect other properties in the surrounding neighborhood. (Ord. 270 § 10, 2001; Ord. 171 § 13.50, 1994)

16.52.060 Design standards.

A. Recreational Vehicles. Recreational vehicles, as defined within HMC 16.06.180, shall be governed by the standards specified within HMC 16.52.080.

B. Dimensions of Parking Spaces.

1. Automobile.

a. Residential Uses.

i. All Spaces. All residential parking spaces shall provide an additional one foot to the required parking space width where such space is adjacent to a wall, supporting column or post, garage wall, or other obstruction.

ii. Covered/Enclosed Spaces. Each covered space shall be located within a carport or enclosed garage. Covered residential spaces shall be a minimum of nine feet in width and 19 feet in length plus an additional one-foot clearance from all walls or other permanent obstructions. The measurements shall not include the exterior walls or structural supports. Minimum width for residential enclosed garage door openings shall be 10 feet for a one-car garage and 18 feet for a two-car garage.

iii. Uncovered Spaces, Full-Size. Each full-size uncovered space shall be a minimum of nine feet in width and 19 feet in depth.

iv. Uncovered Space, Compact. Each uncovered compact space shall have a minimum width of eight feet and a minimum depth of 16 feet.

v. Parallel Space. Each parallel parking space shall have a minimum dimension of eight feet wide by 22 feet long. However, if a parallel space abuts one or fewer parallel spaces, and access is adequate to that space, the length may be reduced to 20 feet.

vi. Tandem Space. Each tandem space shall be a minimum of nine feet in width and 22 feet in depth.

b. All Other Uses.

i. Full-Sized Space. Each full-sized space shall be a minimum nine feet in width and 19 feet in depth

ii. Long-Term Space. Each long-term parking space shall have a minimum width of 8.5 feet and a minimum depth of 19 feet

iii. Compact Space. Each compact space shall have a minimum width of 7.5 feet and a minimum depth of 15 feet

iv. Parallel Space. Each parallel parking space shall have a minimum dimension of eight feet wide by 22 feet long. However, if a parallel space abuts one or fewer parallel spaces, and access is adequate to that space, the length may be reduced to 20 feet

2. Motorcycle Parking Spaces for all Applicable Uses. Each motorcycle space shall have a minimum usable area of 56 square feet.

3. Handicapped Parking Spaces, All Applicable Uses. Each handicapped parking space shall be 14 feet wide, lined to provide a nine-foot wide parking area and a five-foot wide loading area, and shall be a minimum 19 feet in depth. If two handicapped spaces are located adjacent to each other, they may share the five-foot wide loading area, resulting in a width of 23 feet for the two spaces.

4. Vehicle Parking, Single-Family Detached.

a. Single-Family Detached Residential Uses.

i. Parking of vehicles on a lot with an established single-family residential use shall be restricted to a driveway (including circular driveway) which provides access to a garage or carport, within a garage or carport, or within the area between the driveway and the closest property line (side yard setback area), subject to the requirements set forth hereinbelow.

ii. Parking is prohibited within the clear sight triangle as defined in Chapter 16.40 HMC.

iii. Any vehicle(s) parked in plain view must be currently registered to operate on a street or roadway, if required by law. Vehicles that are not currently registered, if required by law, as well as inoperative vehicles, may be permitted to be parked in a garage or to the rear of the property and screened from view.

b. Parking Surface Requirements.

i. All parking areas (including driveways and parking in setback areas) on which vehicles are parked in accordance with this section shall be improved and permanently maintained with asphalt, concrete, or other all-weather surfacing approved by the community development director and city engineer.

c. Parking Area Lot Coverage.

i. The parking area located within the front yard setback area, including driveways, shall be limited to a maximum coverage of 40 percent of the front yard area unless a residential parking permit as provided herein is obtained.

d. Exceptions.

i. The parking of any vehicle on an improved single-family residential lot, except as provided herein, is prohibited. If compliance with the standards set forth herein cannot be met, an application for a residential parking permit may be submitted to the community development director (the “director”) for approval. The director shall make the following findings before approving, or conditionally approving, a residential parking permit:

(A) The parking of the vehicle or vehicles at the proposed location will not have a substantial adverse effect on abutting property or the permitted use thereof, meaning that the use will not generate excessive noise, vibration, traffic, dust, odors, or other disturbance. In addition, the use will not substantially interfere with the present or future ability to use solar energy systems.

(B) The proposed site is adequate in size and shape to accommodate the parking of vehicles without material detriment to the use and enjoyment of other properties located adjacent to and in the vicinity of the site.

(C) There is sufficient area to accommodate other uses on the property so as not to impact the ability to provide adequate public safety services to the entire lot and building.

ii. The issuance of a residential parking permit shall be valid for one year at a time, unless approved for a shorter term, and may otherwise be conditioned to ensure continuing compliance with city standards.

iii. The director shall give notice to all adjacent property owners, making them aware of the request for a residential parking permit and requesting their comments. Adjacent property owners shall be given five days’ notice to review and comment on the proposed request for a residential parking permit before the permit will be issued.

5. Recreational Vehicle Spaces, Single-Family Attached and Multiple-Family Residential Uses. Recreational vehicle spaces shall provide a minimum of 400 square feet of usable area.

6. Drive-Through Facilities. Drive-through facilities shall be designed to conform to the specific standards designated in Specific Use Development Standards, HMC 16.44.120.

C. Dimensions of Parking Bays and Aisles.

1. Vehicular. The minimum dimensions of parking bays and maneuvering aisles shall be as set forth in Tables 16.52.060.A through 16.52.060.D.


Table 16.52.060.A

Parking Bay Widths for One-Way Traffic and Double Loaded Aisles

Parking Angle (degrees)

8.0' Stalls

8.5' Stalls

9.0' Stalls


40' 0"

43' 0"

43' 0"


44' 6"

49' 10"

48' 7"


48' 6"

55' 11"

54' 6"


51' 0"

59' 0"

57' 6"


52' 9"

61' 7"

59' 10"


54' 0"

63' 4"

61' 4"


Table 16.52.060.B

Parking Bay Widths for One-Way Traffic and Single Loaded Aisles

Parking Angle (degrees)

8.0' Stalls

8.5' Stalls

9.0' Stalls


26' 0"

27' 6"

27' 6"


28' 3"

31' 6"

30' 3"


31' 9"

36' 9"

35' 3"


34' 3"

39' 8"

38' 1"


36' 9"

42' 6"

40' 9"


39' 0"

45' 4"

43' 4"


Table 16.52.060.C

Parking Bay Widths for Two-Way Traffic and Double Loaded Aisles

Parking Angle (degrees)

8.0' Stalls

8.5' Stalls

9.0' Stalls


48' 3"

51' 2"

51' 2"


52' 0"

56' 4"

56' 4"


54' 0"

59' 9"

59' 3"


54' 0"

61' 5"

60' 5"


54' 0"

62' 8"

61' 1"


54' 0"

63' 4"

61' 4"


Table 16.52.060.D

Parking Bay Widths for Two-Way Traffic and Single Loaded Aisles

Parking Angle (degrees)

8.0' Stalls

8.5' Stalls

9.0' Stalls


34' 0"

35' 6"

35' 6"


36' 3"

38' 6"

38' 4"


37' 9"

40' 11"

40' 7"


38' 6"

42' 6"

41' 9"


39' 0"

44' 0"

42' 9"


39' 0"

45' 4"

43' 4"

D. Standard Improvements.

1. Directional Arrows and Signs.

a. Within parking facilities containing 21 or more spaces, all aisles, approach lanes, and maneuvering areas shall be clearly marked with directional arrows to facilitate vehicular movement.

b. In addition to directional arrows, the community development director may require installation of signs to ensure safe and efficient vehicular movement.

2. Drainage. All parking facilities, except those serving two or fewer dwelling units, shall be graded and provided with drainage facilities so as to provide for the disposal of water without surface flow over sidewalks within public rights-of-way.

3. Lighting.

a. All parking facilities, except those serving two or fewer dwelling units shall be provided with nighttime security lighting.

b. Parking area lighting shall be designed so as to confine emitted light to the parking area.

c. Parking area lighting shall be of an energy-efficient type, such as, but not necessarily limited to, high or low pressure sodium lamps.

4. Safety Features.

a. Additional requirements and guidelines for parking facility safety, including design, internal layout, acceptable turning radii, and pavement slope, vehicular and pedestrian circulation, and other design features may be adopted by the community development director when determined to be appropriate.

b. The community development director may require cross-aisles within parking where necessary to prevent safety hazards and vehicular congestion on public streets which might be created by vehicles queuing or utilizing public streets to travel between parking aisles.

c. Visibility of and between pedestrians, bicyclists, and motorists shall be assured when entering individual parking spaces, when circulating within a parking facility, and when entering and exiting a parking facility. To the extent possible, the parking facility shall be designed so that primary pedestrian traffic to and from building entrances is along, rather than across, parking aisles.

d. Bicycle and automobile parking areas shall be separated by a physical barrier or sufficient identification and distance to protect parked bicycles from damage by cars.

5. Shopping Cart Storage. Parking facilities serving uses which make use of shopping carts, such as, but not limited to, supermarkets, drug stores and lumber stores, or hand trucks shall contain shopping cart storage areas. The dimensions and locations of such storage areas for the proposed use shall be determined by the community development director.

6. Striping and Identification.

a. All automobile parking spaces shall be clearly outlined with painted lines on the surface of the parking facility

b. All handicapped parking spaces shall be striped and marked according to applicable state standards.

c. Each parking space reserved for the handicapped shall be identified by a permanently affixed reflectorized sign, of a construction and material approved by the community development director, displaying the international symbol of accessibility. The sign shall have a minimum size of 70 square inches, and shall be centered at the interior end of the parking space at a maximum height of 80 inches from the bottom of the sign to the finished grade of the parking space.

d. At each entrance to a parking facility containing one or more parking spaces for the handicapped, a sign with a minimum size of 17 inches by 22 inches shall be posted, stating clearly and conspicuously in letters with a minimum height of one inch the following:

Unauthorized vehicles not displaying distinguishing placards or license plates issued for physically handicapped persons may be towed away at owner’s expense. Towed vehicles may be reclaimed at ______ or by telephoning ______.

e. Parking spaces reserved for the handicapped shall have, in addition to the requirements of subsection (D)(6)(c) of this section, a surface identification in blue paint of at least three square feet in size, duplicating the international symbol of accessibility.

f. All parking spaces for compact cars shall be clearly identified as “Compact Car Only.”

g. All motorcycle spaces shall have bollards installed and appropriately spaced so as to prevent automobile usage. Motorcycle spaces shall be marked so as to be clearly identified for motorcycle use.

7. Surfacing.

a. All permanent automobile and handicapped parking spaces and loading and maneuvering areas shall be paved and permanently maintained with asphalt, concrete, or other all-weather surfacing approved by the community development director and city engineer.

b. In order to prevent damage to pavement from motorcycle kick stands, required motorcycle parking areas shall be paved with concrete or equivalent surfacing approved by the community development director.

c. All bicycle parking and storage areas shall be surfaced so as to keep the area in a dust-free condition.

d. Temporary parking facilities shall be provided with surfaces which prevent dust.

E. Location of Parking.

1. All parking spaces required by the Chapter shall be provided on the same site as the use requiring the parking spaces, except as authorized in HMC 16.52.050, Adjustments to off-street parking requirements.

2. All automobile spaces required for residential uses shall be located a maximum of 150 feet from the units they are serving.

a. Distances shall be measured from a dwelling unit’s entry to the parking space(s) serving that unit. For developments where a stairway or elevator provides access to a dwelling, the ground floor entry to that stairway or elevator shall be considered to be the dwelling entry for purposes of measuring distances to parking spaces.

b. Because design considerations may make it impossible or undesirable to meet the maximum distance requirement, variation to the maximum distance requirement may be approved pursuant to HMC 16.52.050, Adjustments to off-street parking requirements.

3. All handicapped spaces shall be located as close as possible to the entrance(s) to the use they are intended to serve, and oriented so that the user of the handicapped parking space need not go past the rear of automotive parking spaces in order to reach the building’s main entrance.

4. All car pool parking spaces which are provided shall be clearly marked reserved for carpool and located as close as possible to the entrance(s) of the use they are intended to serve in order to provide carpoolers with the incentive of the most convenient parking spaces.

5. Permitted compact car spaces shall be dispersed throughout the parking facility in groups of five or more, if at least five compact spaces are provided. The location of compact parking facilities shall be approved by the community development director.

6. All bicycle spaces shall be located as close as possible to the entrance(s) of the use they are intended to serve, but situated so as to not obstruct primary pedestrian circulation.

7. Class 2 and 3 bicycle facilities shall be located in highly visible areas to minimize theft and vandalism.

F. Landscape and Screening Requirements.

1. Each unenclosed parking facility, excluding single-family detached uses, shall contain a minimum landscaped area in accordance with Table 16.52.060.E. Where the total parking provided is separated by differences in grade or by at least 10 feet of nonpaved area, each such area shall be considered to be a separate facility for the purpose of this requirement.

a. The parking area shall be computed by adding the private areas used for access drives, aisles, stalls, maneuvering areas, and landscaping areas within that portion of the project site that is devoted to vehicular parking and circulation.


Table 16.52.060.E

Minimum Parking Area Landscaping

Size of Facility
(in square feet)

Minimum Landscape Area (percent of total parking area)

Under 15,000 feet


15,000 – 29,999


30,000 and greater


2. No more than eight parking spaces shall be permitted in a single row which is not separated by a landscaped island.

a. Landscaped islands shall have a minimum dimension of five feet by 16 feet, exclusive of curbing, and be of sufficient size to accommodate the growth of trees.

b. Within the landscaped islands, a total of one canopy-type tree shall be provided for every five vehicular parking stalls.

c. Parking lot trees shall be clustered with a minimum of two trees per cluster.

3. Required trees shall be a minimum 15-gallon size; except that 25 percent of the required trees shall be 24-inch box or larger.

4. Parking lot landscaping shall be located so as to discourage pedestrians from crossing landscaped areas to reach building entrances.

5. Open parking areas shall be screened from view from adjacent properties and public rights-of-way using berms (maximum 3:1 slope) and/or evergreen landscaping with an ultimate maximum height of three feet.

6. All landscaped areas shall be provided with automatic irrigation, and shall be continuously maintained.

7. Curbs, bumpers, wheel stops, or similar devices shall be provided within parking areas so that parked vehicles do not overhang sidewalks, planters, or other landscaped areas.

8. In addition to the preceding landscape standards, parking facilities containing more than 3,600 square feet of uncovered parking area shall include landscape islands at the ends of all parking lanes.

9. The parking area landscape standards contained herein shall not apply to temporary parking facilities; however, minimum landscaping may be required for temporary parking facilities as part of the issuance of a temporary use permit.

G. Access.

1. Parking Access from Streets.

a. Access to parking spaces, other than four or fewer spaces serving a residential use, shall not require backing onto a public or private street or onto a private drive other than a drive designed exclusively to provide access to parking spaces.

b. All spaces within a parking facility shall be accessible without entering a public right-of-way or private street.

2. Driveway Widths and Clearances. For purposes of this section, a “driveway” shall be defined as an access leading from a public street or right-of-way or a private street to a parking area, or from one parking area to another, but shall not be defined to include any ramp, aisle, or maneuvering area. A “ramp” is defined as an access driveway from one parking level to another. All driveways and ramps shall comply with the following standards:

a. Driveways for single-family detached structures shall not be less than 10 feet in width for a one-car garage, and 16 feet in width for a two-car garage, and shall be maintained free and clear of all obstructions. In no case shall any driveway serving a single-family detached structure be less than 10 feet in width.

b. Driveways for single-family detached structures within the Historic District shall be a maximum of 15 percent of the lot width and no less than nine feet in width for a one-car garage, and shall be maintained free and clear of all obstructions.

c. Driveways for single-family attached, multiple-family, and nonresidential uses shall be as shown in Table 16.52.060.F.

d. Driveways which serve single-family development shall be defined as the paved area leading from a public street or right-of-way or a private street to the designated parking area, and need not be wider than such designated parking area.

e. Ramps with one-way traffic shall be not less than 14 feet in width, and two-way ramps shall be not less than 20 feet in width.

3. Gated Entries. Gates which serve to limit or control access to parking facilities require special consideration and regulation because their design may significantly impact parking demand and usage, as well as vehicular circulation into and within the parking area. Requests for gated entries shall be submitted to the community development director, and shall be accompanied by a study addressing the following issues.

a. Type and operation of gate;

b. Adequacy of vehicle stacking area;

c. Effect of gated entry on parking usage and distribution on the site; and

d. Effect of gated entry on parking for surrounding or adjacent areas.


Table 16.52.060.F

Driveway Dimensions for Single-Family Attached, Multiple-Family, and Nonresidential Uses 

Driveway Dimension

Width, excluding flares or curb radius


Minimum (one-way)


Minimum (two-way)




Turn Radius1






Minimum Spacing2


From side property line


From street corner






One-way (minimum width4)


Two-way (minimum width)


1. On side of driveway exposed to entry or exit by right turning vehicles. Applicable only to driveways with curb radius.

2. Minimum spacing is measured along the curb line from the top of driveway “x” to the side property line, or the beginning of the intersection curb return.

3. Minimum acute angle measured from edge of pavement.

4. Unless a larger dimension is required for emergency vehicle access.

H. Loading Area Design Requirements.

1. Loading areas shall be designed to provide adequate area for backing and maneuvering on-site, and shall not require maneuvering within public rights-of-way or backing onto or from a public street.

2. Loading doors fronting a public street shall not be located closer than 70 feet from the property line, and shall not encroach into side or rear setback areas.

3. All loading doors fronting a public street shall be screened with a combination of screen walls, ornamental landscaping, and/or portions of the building such that loading doors are not readily visible from the public street.

4. Where loading doors face a public street, roll-up doors and openings in the screen wall shall be positioned such that the roll-up doors are not readily visible from the street.

5. Loading doors not facing a public street shall be screened from public view by concrete wing walls.

6. Screen walls and wing walls for screening loading areas shall have a maximum height of 12 feet.

7. A sight-line analysis shall be provided with all site plans for which loading areas are proposed. The sight-line analysis shall show that all roll-up doors are screened from view from adjoining parcels and from public streets. (Ord. 395 §§ 7 – 15, 2014; Ord. 278 § 6, 2002; Ord. 270 § 11, 2001; Ord. 222 § 3, 1997; Ord. 171 § 13.60, 1994)

16.52.070 Subterranean, semi-subterranean and above-ground parking structures.

Parking structures add significantly to the bulk of a building on a site. In addition, poor parking structure design can lead to significant crime hazards. Parking structures therefore require special design consideration and regulation. The following requirements shall apply to subterranean, semi-subterranean and above-ground structures.

A. Requirements for All Parking Structures.

1. The development of parking structures shall be subject to a conditional use permit and major development review process.

2. No interior parking lot landscaping shall be required for parking spaces located within parking structures.

3. Stair wells within parking structures shall be open so as to facilitate casual observation.

4. Ramps within parking structures shall not have a slope greater than 20 percent; provided, however, that the first and last 10 feet each of a ramp shall have a transitional slope no greater than 30 percent.

5. The minimum ramp width (two-way) shall be 18 feet.

6. Facilities with controlled entries shall provide a minimum off-street three-car queuing length of 60 feet.

B. Subterranean Parking Facilities.

1. All openings for ingress and egress facing a public street shall be situated behind the street setback line established by the district within which the facility is located.

2. A subterranean parking structure may be constructed and maintained in any required setback area.

3. Exits from any subterranean parking structure shall provide adequate sight distance in compliance with applicable standards established by the city engineer.

C. Semi-Subterranean Parking Facilities. A parking structure shall be considered to be semi-subterranean if the structure is partially underground, or if the finished floor of the first level of the main building or structure does not exceed three feet above the average natural or existing grade of the parcel, except for openings for ingress and egress. A semi-subterranean parking structure shall not be counted as a floor or story for calculating building height.

1. All openings for ingress and egress facing a public street shall be situated behind the street setback line established by the district within which the facility is located.

2. Semi-subterranean parking structures shall meet the setback requirements for structures established in the district within which they are located.

3. Exits from any semi-subterranean parking structure shall provide adequate sight distance in compliance with applicable standards established by the city engineer.

D. Above-Ground Parking Facilities.

1. Above-ground parking facilities shall meet the height and setback requirements established for the district in which it is to be located.

2. The exterior elevations of above-ground parking structure shall be designed so as to minimize the use of blank concrete facades as determined by the approval authority.

3. The perimeter of the parking structure shall be landscaped at ground level with a minimum of one tree for every 20 feet of linear distance of facade in addition to any required streetscape landscaping. (Ord. 171 § 13.70, 1994)

16.52.080 Off-street parking, storage and loading of recreational vehicles.

A. Intent. The general purpose of this section is to set forth provisions for parking and storage of recreational vehicles, boats, truck campers and trailers as an accessory use in residential zones in order to protect the integrity, value and character of residential neighborhoods and ensure public health and safety.

B. Applicability. The provisions of this section shall apply to all recreational vehicles as defined in Chapter 16.06 HMC.

C. Registered Owner. The registered owner of a recreational vehicle stored on the property shall either be the owner of the property or use the property as their primary residency.

D. Limitation on Number of Recreational Vehicles. Under no circumstances shall more than one “motorized” recreational vehicle be parked or stored on any residential property at any given time.

E. Parking and Storage Standards.

1. Recreational vehicles shall only be stored on lots containing one single-family residence or other residential uses that have designated recreational vehicle parking.

2. Parking or storage shall occur as an accessory use to the primary residential use of the property and is only allowed on a lot with a habitable residence.

3. Parking and storage of recreational vehicles is permitted within the side yard and rear yard. No storage of recreational vehicles shall occur in the front yard of a residential property unless there is no suitable location within the side yard or rear yard which meets the requirements specified within this section.

4. Parking and storage of all motorized and nonmotorized recreational vehicles which contain an engine shall only occur on a paved surface of asphalt or concrete. Parking and storage of all nonmotorized recreational vehicles which do not contain and/or carry an engine shall occur on asphalt, concrete, gravel or pavers. Preventative measures shall be taken by the property owner to ensure gasoline, motor oils, or other hazardous fluids do not leak onto the ground or run off into the storm drain system.

5. Recreational vehicle parking and storage shall not occur within a parking space required for the residence as specified within HMC 16.52.030 and shall not be stored or parked so as to block access to a required off-street parking space.

6. The recreational vehicle shall not encroach into the public sidewalk or into the public right-of-way.

7. Recreational vehicles shall not be parked or stored in such a way that would prevent safe vehicular ingress and egress for adjacent property owners. When adjacent property owners have contiguous driveways, the recreational vehicle shall be parked or stored on the portion of the driveway furthest away from the adjacent driveway.

8. The parking of recreational vehicles on public streets for any period of time shall be in accordance with the specifications of Chapter 10.28 HMC.

9. Recreational vehicles which are visible from the public right-of-way shall be maintained in a clean and usable appearance.

10. Fitted covers are permitted and may be used as long as they are maintained in good condition.

11. No recreational vehicle storage or parking shall be located on a portion of a site required to be landscaped with plant materials.

12. No person shall dump or dispose of gray water, sewage of any other waste products from a recreational vehicle other than at a certified waste disposal facility.

13. Recreational vehicles shall not be used as living quarters when parked or stored on residential property.

F. Temporary Loading.

1. Temporary off-street parking of a recreational vehicle on a paved driveway in the front yard shall be allowed for the purpose of loading, unloading, or otherwise prepping or cleaning the recreational vehicle and shall be in compliance with the following conditions:

a. Parking of the recreational vehicle shall only be permitted on site and shall not encroach into the public sidewalk or into the public right-of-way.

b. Parking shall be limited to the paved driveway in front of the residence or a paved surface within the side yard or rear yard.

c. The recreational vehicle shall not be parked within a parking space required for use by the residence as specified within HMC 16.52.030.

d. All temporary utility connections shall be subject to review and approval by the building and safety division and fire department. (Ord. 395 §§ 16, 17, 2014)