Chapter 16.60


16.60.010    Purpose and intent.

16.60.020    Applicability.

16.60.030    Specific plan procedure.

16.60.040    Map designation.

16.60.050    Specific plan requirements.

16.60.060    Minimum design standards.

16.60.070    Consistency of subsequent projects within an approved specific plan.

16.60.010 Purpose and intent.

A. This chapter is intended to provide for the systematic implementation of general plan goals, concepts and strategies through the use of specific plans, which allow for flexibility in development requirements, standards, and design.

B. Specific plans shall be prepared pursuant to Section 65450 et seq. of the California Government Code. (Ord. 171 § 15.10, 1994)

16.60.020 Applicability.

A. The provisions of this chapter shall be applicable to all development within the “planned commercial” districts, and may be applicable in other zone districts.

B. The community development director may require that a specific plan be prepared for a proposed project if it is determined that utilization of the specific plan process would:

1. Reduce or eliminate identified environmental impacts; or

2. Provide for excellence of design and/or more efficient use of the land; or

3. Provide open space areas not attainable by standard subdivision procedures.

C. A land owner or applicant may request that the proposed project be submitted as a specific plan.

D. A specific plan application may be filed for a land area of any size.

E. The specific plan may include land uses and/or regulations which vary from the current zone district regulations applicable to the site. (Ord. 171 § 15.20, 1994)

16.60.030 Specific plan procedure.

A specific plan shall be adopted, amended, or repealed by ordinance following a public hearing before the city council following review by staff and the planning commission, except as provided below:

A. Minor amendments to an adopted specific plan may be approved by the planning commission; provided, that such changes do not significantly alter the approved land use pattern, permitted uses, density or intensity of development. (Ord. 341 § 34, 2009; Ord. 171 § 15.30, 1994)

16.60.040 Map designation.

A. Areas for which a specific plan has been approved shall be designated on the general plan map and the official zoning map as follows: “SP.”

B. In all cases the “SP” symbol shall be followed by a number and the last two digits of the year that the specific plan was filed (e.g., SP-192 indicates specific plan Number 1, filed in 1992). (Ord. 171 § 15.40, 1994)

16.60.050 Specific plan requirements.

A. Specific plans shall include text and diagram(s) which specify all of the following in detail (California Government Code Section 65451):

1. The distribution, location, and extent of uses of the land, including open space, within the area covered by the plan; and

2. The proposed distribution, location, extent and intensity of major components of public and private transportation, sewage, water, drainage, solid waste disposal, energy, parks, and other essential facilities proposed to be located within the area covered by the plan and needed to support the land uses described in the plan.

B. Standards and criteria regulating development of the project and standards for the conservation, development and utilization of natural resources, where applicable.

C. A program of implementation measures including regulations, programs, public works projects, and financing measures necessary to carry out the specific plan, including the components described above.

D. A statement of its relationship to the general plan including a detailed statement and/or matrix of how the specific plan implements the goals and policies of the general plan.

E. Project phasing of all improvements and development.

F. Responsibility of the developer, the city and any other agencies shall be clearly identified in the phasing section of the document.

G. Agreements which require city participation, developer contribution, or construction of facilities shall be identified and discussed. (Ord. 171 § 15.50, 1994)

16.60.060 Minimum design standards.

A. Specific plans shall provide for development which exceeds the minimum standards and quality of development commensurate with development which would be permitted under the existing district classification(s).

B. The following are considered the minimum design standards acceptable for a specific plan. Each of the following shall be addressed within the text and graphic illustrations or design manual submitted for approval of a specific plan:

1. Access and Circulation. The circulation system shall be designed to reduce conflicts between vehicular and pedestrian traffic, vehicle trips, minimize impacts on adjacent properties, combine access between properties where possible, and provide adequate on-site maneuvering areas.

2. Architecture.

a. An architectural theme shall be included and illustrated. Such theme shall consider compatibility with surrounding character, including harmonious building style, form, size, color, material, reveals, overhangs and roof line.

b. The mass and scale buildings shall be proportionate to the site, the open spaces, street locations, and surrounding developments. Setbacks and overall heights should provide an element of openness and human scale.

c. Colors, textures, and materials shall be used to achieve compatibility of design and to enhance architectural interest. They should blend well with the environment and not create inappropriate or abrupt changes.

d. Major entry theme areas, monuments and permanent identification signage shall be treated in a manner consistent with the architectural theme of the development, and shall be compatible in color, texture, and materials with adjacent structures.

3. Fences and Walls.

a. The use of fencing or walls shall be consistent with the overall design theme of the development, and shall incorporate landscape elements, offsets changes in materials, and color/texture changes in order to prevent graffiti, undue glare, heat, and reflection.

b. Exterior wall elevations of buildings and screening walls, excluding rear walls that are not visible to the public, shall have architectural treatments, articulation of elevations and/or recesses which create shadow patterns and texture, and provide variety to the building plane or surface. At ground level, expanses of blank building wall shall be minimized through creative use of materials, textures, color and building form.

4. Grading. Development should relate to the natural surroundings and minimize grading by following the natural contours as much as possible. Graded slopes over 10 feet in height shall be rounded and contoured to blend with existing terrain. Split-level pads, built-up foundations, stepped footings, and similar treatments shall be encouraged.

5. Landscaping.

a. A unifying landscape design which is clearly identifiable shall be included as part of the specific plan. The landscape concept shall enhance the building design, enhance public views and provide buffers and transitions.

b. Landscaping shall provide for both solar access and shade to facilitate energy conservation. Where appropriate, landscape design features such as color accents, specimen tree planting and decorative hardscape shall be provided to enhance roadway intersections, driveway approaches, pedestrian walkways, and building entries. Specifications of plant materials, minimum sizes, number of plants, and placement is required.

6. Lighting.

a. Adequate on-site lighting shall be provided to ensure a safe environment, but shall not cause areas of intense light, glare or spillover on adjacent properties.

b. Lighting fixtures and poles shall be designed as an integral part of buildings or complexes and placed in a manner consistent and compatible with the overall site and building design character.

7. Screening.

a. Parking areas should be screened from streets through combinations of mounding, landscaping, low profile walls, and grade separations. The design of parking areas shall also minimize auto noise, glare, and increases in ambient air temperature. This can be accomplished through sound walls, screening with fences or hedges, trees, and separation of parking spaces and driveways from residences.

b. On-site utilities and ancillary equipment shall be located in inconspicuous areas and screened with material or a combination of materials which best suite the overall design theme.

c. All equipment, whether on the roof, side of building, or ground, shall be screened from public view to the extent practical.

d. All equipment screening shall be architecturally compatible with respect to materials, color, shape, and size. The screening design shall blend with the building design.

8. Signage.

a. A sign program for the entire specific plan area shall be developed and included in the specific plan. Such a program shall discuss the program’s conformance with applicable regulations, provisions for sign placement, sign scale in relationship to buildings and readability.

b. While providing the most effective signing, the sign program shall be compatible with the building and site design relative to color, material, and placement.

9. Site Development.

a. Parcel or lot development shall be compatible with existing surrounding development, topography, views, general vehicle, pedestrian, bicycle and equestrian circulation, and the natural environment.

b. Natural features such as mature vegetation, landforms, drainage courses, rock outcroppings, and views should be included as design elements. Conversely, undesirable site features should be minimized through proper site planning and building orientation. A discussion of view corridors and aesthetic view shed opportunities shall be provided.

c. Placement of buildings shall be done in a manner compatible with surrounding existing and planned uses and buildings. The setback from streets and adjacent properties shall relate to the scale of the proposed building. Larger buildings shall require more setback area for a balance of scale and to provide compatibility with adjacent uses. (Ord. 171 § 15.60, 1994)

16.60.070 Consistency of subsequent projects within an approved specific plan.

No local public works project may be approved, no tentative map or parcel map may be approved, no zoning ordinance may be adopted or amended, no conditional use permit, department review permit, variance, or other discretionary approval or permit shall be adopted or granted within an area covered by a specific plan, unless they are consistent with the adopted specific plan. (Ord. 171 § 15.70, 1994)