Chapter 9.1 Introduction to Article 9

9.1.10 Purpose of this Article

This Article is adopted to supplement and implement the Subdivision Map Act of the Government Code and may be cited as the Subdivision Ordinance of the City of La Habra Heights. The purpose of this Article is to regulate and control the division of land within the City of La Habra Heights.

9.1.20 Conformity with La Habra Heights General Plan

No land shall be subdivided and developed for any purpose that is not in conformance with the City of La Habra Heights General Plan or an adopted specific plan. The type and intensity of land use as shown on the City of La Habra Heights General Plan shall determine the type of streets, roads, highways, utilities and public services that shall be provided.

9.1.30 General Requirements Based upon Number of Lots

A.    Ten (10) or More Lots. A Specific Plan is required for any subdivision that contains sufficient acreage to be divided into ten (10) or more legal lots and any other properties for which a specific plan is required pursuant to Article 7.

B.    Five (5) or More Lots. Subdivisions containing five (5) or more legal lots require a Tentative Map and a Final Map. The applicant may also wish to obtain a Vesting Tentative Map. For procedures, see corresponding Chapters with identical names.

C.    Four (4) or Fewer Lots. Subdivisions containing four (4) or fewer legal lots require a Parcel Map. The applicant may also wish to obtain a Tentative Map and/or a Vesting Tentative Map. See corresponding Chapters for procedures.