Chapter 17.27


17.27.010    Purpose.

17.27.020    Applicability.

17.27.030    Application procedures.

17.27.040    Specific Plan.

17.27.050    Planned development.

17.27.010 Purpose.

The purpose of this Chapter is to establish review procedures and approval standards for projects which, due to their size, complexity, or the nature of their anticipated impacts, require comprehensive planning in order to meet the goals, policies, and objectives of the General Plan. A comprehensive development plan may be either a Specific Plan or a planned development, depending on the size and complexity of the project as described in this Chapter.

Preparation of a comprehensive development plan is appropriate for large-scale, mixed-use projects which are expected to be built in phases over a long period of time; projects which, because of topographic, environmental, or infrastructural constraints, require flexible development standards in order to achieve superior design and minimize adverse impacts; projects in which coordination is required amongst various applicants, owners and agencies to achieve a long-range development or land use plan; and projects requiring the coordination of land use planning with planning for infrastructure, public safety, circulation, open space, resource conservation, housing, or other development issues as identified in the goals, policies and objectives of the General Plan.

The review process for comprehensive development plans provides a method to identify development constraints and opportunities applicable to a specific site, and to tailor the development standards to the site in order to achieve a more efficient use of the land and high quality of design. This process would result in adoption of a Specific Plan or planned development, as described in this Chapter. (Ord. 1603 § 4 (Exh. I), 2023)

17.27.020 Applicability.

(A) Review of a comprehensive development plan shall be required for the following development proposals:

(1) Any project proposed to be adopted as a Specific Plan, pursuant to Government Code Section 65450; and

(2) Projects which, because of the scale, intensity of use, site constraints, or anticipated impacts on infrastructure, are determined by the Director to require comprehensive planning through the comprehensive development plan process.

(B) A comprehensive development plan may be proposed for residential, commercial, or industrial development projects, or for mixed-use projects proposing multiple uses, densities, or intensities of land use.

(C) The City may approve a comprehensive development plan through adoption of a Specific Plan pursuant to PMC § 17.27.040 (Specific Plan); or a planned development, pursuant to PMC § 17.27.050 (Planned development). (Ord. 1603 § 4 (Exh. I), 2023)

17.27.030 Application procedures.

(A) A comprehensive development plan may be initiated by action of the City Council, or by the owner or the authorized agent of the owner of property within the proposed project area.

(B) Submittal of a pre-application may be required for any comprehensive development plan, pursuant to PMC § 17.20.030 (Pre-application).

(C) Any application for a comprehensive development plan shall be made on a form provided for that purpose by the Department, along with the required fee as established by City Council resolution.

(D) Action By Planning Commission.

(1) The Planning Commission shall hold a public hearing on each application for a comprehensive development plan. The hearing shall be scheduled and notice given as prescribed in PMC § 17.20.020 (Notification procedures).

(2) The Planning Commission shall determine whether the proposed comprehensive development plan is consistent with the required findings for approval pursuant to PMC § 17.27.040 (Specific Plan) or PMC § 17.27.050 (Planned development), and, if so, shall recommend to the City Council that the comprehensive development plan be granted, granted in a modified form, or denied.

(E) Action by City Council.

(1) Upon recommendation of the Planning Commission to approve a proposed comprehensive development plan, the City Council shall hold a public hearing. The hearing shall be scheduled and notice given as prescribed in PMC § 17.20.020 (Notification procedures).

(2) Following the closing of a public hearing, the City Council shall determine if the comprehensive development plan is consistent with the findings as specified within PMC § 17.27.040 (Specific Plan) or PMC § 17.27.050 (Planned development) and may approve, modify, or deny the recommendation of the Planning Commission. (Ord. 1603 § 4 (Exh. I), 2023)

17.27.040 Specific Plan.

(A) Purpose and Applicability. The Specific Plan process is intended to provide a method of comprehensive planning for large scale, mixed-use development projects which are anticipated to be built in successive phases over a longer period of time than is typically granted for other development entitlements. Projects for which a Specific Plan would be appropriate would generally meet the following criteria:

(1) The project site is not presently served by infrastructure and community services needed to support the proposed development, nor do comprehensive plans to provide these facilities exist;

(2) The proposed mix and intensity of land uses, and their relationship to the project site, warrant consideration of special development standards and criteria beyond those otherwise provided in this Title;

(3) Specific development plans for each portion of the subject property are not known at the time of project review, but are anticipated to be submitted subsequently as the project develops in conformance with the approved comprehensive development plan; and

(4) Due to the long-term nature of the project and the cost of providing substantial infrastructure improvements, an implementation plan addressing financing, phasing, and maintenance of public improvements is necessary to ensure the project is developed pursuant to the goals, policies, and objectives of the General Plan.

(B) General Provisions.

(1) A Specific Plan may be proposed within any zone(s); provided, that the proposed type and intensity of use is consistent with the General Plan.

(2) A Specific Plan should generally be utilized for development projects of over 100 acres in area. Comprehensive planning for areas less than 100 acres in area may generally be more appropriately accomplished through the planned development process as described in PMC § 17.27.050 (Planned development).

(3) Adoption of a Specific Plan shall constitute a change of land use and zone. Upon adoption, the official General Plan land use and official zoning maps shall be revised to indicate the approved Specific Plan.

(4) Applications for a Specific Plan may be accompanied by other applications for entitlements, which may be reviewed concurrently; provided, that the effective date of any additional approvals shall be on or after the effective date of the Specific Plan.

(5) Any application for a Specific Plan shall be processed pursuant to Government Code Sections 65450 through 65362 and the provisions of this Section.

(C) Required Contents of a Specific Plan.

(1) Narrative Report. The purpose of a Specific Plan narrative report is to describe the proposed development, place it within the regional setting, and provide detailed information necessary for plan review. The report may be organized in any manner necessary to present the required information. The report, however, shall be clear, concise, and organized in a logical manner to facilitate review and processing. Maps, tables, and graphic illustrations shall be required when appropriate. The required report contents shall be included as set forth in the Specific Plan application provided by the Department, and shall include, but not be limited to, the following information:

(a) Information regarding the property, developer, owner, representatives, and consultants preparing the report;

(b) Table of contents, including lists of maps and figures;

(c) A discussion of the nature and intent of the proposed development;

(d) A descriptive analysis of the project site;

(e) Quantified information on the impacts of project build-out;

(f) A development plan for all proposed land uses in the project (including open space);

(g) A description of existing infrastructure, projected improvements needed to serve the project, and a plan for providing needed infrastructure, including community facilities;

(h) A circulation plan for the project;

(i) Development standards applicable to development within the Specific Plan;

(j) Special design standards applicable to the project, including but not limited to signage, landscaping, fences and walls, lighting, and entry monumentation;

(k) Proposed phasing of the project;

(l) An implementation plan for the Specific Plan including processes for minor and major modifications for development within the Specific Plan area;

(m) A discussion of how the project conforms to the goals, policies and objectives of the General Plan policies and maps;

(n) Creation of goals, policies and objectives for creation and implementation of development within the Specific Plan;

(o) A discussion of how the project supports the findings required for a new Specific Plan in Subsection (E) of this Section; and

(p) Identification of any concurrent requested amendments.

(2) Maps. The purpose of the Specific Plan maps is to graphically depict characteristics of the project site, its regional setting, the proposed nature and intensity of development, project phasing, and other pertinent information needed for project review. All required maps shall be submitted at a reduced scale suitable for inclusion in the narrative report, as well as at a larger scale suitable for display. Required contents of maps shall be as set forth in the Specific Plan application provided by the Department, and shall include the mapping information specified in Government Code Sections 65450 through 65362.

(D) Review Procedure.

(1) The Planning Commission shall hold a public hearing on each proposal for a Specific Plan. The hearing shall be scheduled and notice given as prescribed in PMC § 17.20.020 (Notification procedures). The Planning Commission shall determine whether the Specific Plan is consistent with this Title and with the General Plan, and may recommend to the City Council that the Specific Plan be approved, or approved in modified form by the City Council, based on the appropriate findings as contained in this Chapter. If the Planning Commission determines that a proposed Specific Plan is not in conformance with the General Plan or that the findings for approval cannot be made, the Planning Commission may deny the application based upon the findings contained in this Title, and their action is final unless appealed, pursuant to PMC § 17.20.110 (Appeal procedures).

(2) Upon recommendation of the Planning Commission on a proposed Specific Plan, the City Council shall hold a public hearing. The hearing shall be scheduled and notice given as prescribed in PMC § 17.20.020 (Notification procedures). Following the closing of the public hearing, the City Council shall make specific findings as to whether the Specific Plan is consistent with this Title and the goals, policies, and objectives of the General Plan. The Council may adopt in modified form or deny the Specific Plan ordinance, based upon the appropriate findings as contained in this Chapter.

(E) Required Findings for Approval. Prior to approving a Specific Plan, the following findings supported by adequate evidence shall be made by the Review Authority:

(1) The distribution, location, and extent of land uses, including open space, as depicted in the Specific Plan is consistent with the General Plan;

(2) The Specific Plan provides for adequate public infrastructure and services needed to support the land uses described in the plan;

(3) The standards and development criteria will ensure that development proceeds in an orderly fashion and maintains a high level of quality;

(4) The Specific Plan contains implementation measures to ensure that development is supported by adequate infrastructure as development occurs;

(5) The site is suitable for the type and intensity of development proposed; and

(6) The flexibility in development standards afforded by the Specific Plan process has resulted in a project providing a superior design and greater amenities than would occur pursuant to more traditional zoning practices, and the project provides clear and substantial benefit to the City.

(F) Amendments and Modifications to Approved Specific Plans. The process for the amendment or modification to an approved Specific Plan with appropriate findings shall be included within the Specific Plan. (Ord. 1603 § 4 (Exh. I), 2023)

17.27.050 Planned development.

(A) Purpose and Applicability. The planned development document is intended to provide a method of comprehensive planning for smaller, less complex development projects than are typically processed with a Specific Plan, which meet the following criteria:

(1) The project site contains topographic constraints, environmental resources, or other features which require special planning consideration;

(2) A more efficient and desirable design can be achieved through flexible design standards and/or mixed land use patterns than can be attained through the strict adherence to zoning standards;

(3) Adequate public facilities and infrastructure exist or can be provided to the project site to serve the proposed type and intensity of development; and

(4) Buildout of the planned development project area is anticipated within a shorter time frame than a Specific Plan.

(B) General Provisions.

(1) A planned development may be proposed within any zone; provided, that the type and intensity of uses is consistent with the General Plan, zoning, or any applicable Specific Plan.

(2) A planned development should be utilized for projects that generally are less than 100 acres in area. The project site shall be of sufficient size to allow provision of design benefits and site amenities through flexibility of development regulations.

(3) When adopted by the City Council, a planned development shall be depicted on the official zoning map with an identification number that includes the base zone, for purposes of disclosure. The standards in the planned development shall become the governing standards for the area covered by the document. Upon termination or expiration of a previously approved planned development, the Director shall remove the planned development identification number from the official zoning map.

(4) All applications for planned development approval may be accompanied by the appropriate applications for land use entitlements necessary for project implementation, including but not limited to subdivision maps, site plan review, conditional use permit, or other applicable applications.

(C) Initiation. An application for a planned development may be initiated by an applicant or the City Council pursuant to the application requirements specified within PMC § 17.27.030 (Application procedures).

(D) Application Requirements. In addition to the submittal requirements for a zone change pursuant to PMC § 17.24.010 (Zoning map changes), the planned development application shall consist of text and set of maps, in the required number of copies as specified in the application form provided by the Department, which depict the nature of the intended development. At minimum, the submittal package shall contain the following elements:

(1) Map Exhibits.

(a) A development feasibility map showing development opportunities and constraints which could affect the project design. This map shall be prepared on a topographic base map with a contour interval of no greater than five feet or as otherwise approved by the Director. Information to be included on this exhibit may include but is not limited to slope gradients, drainage courses, seismic hazard zones, floodplain designations, easements and utility corridors, viewsheds, significant ridgelines, existing structures, natural or cultural resources and other similar features which shall be considered in reviewing the project. This map shall also include such features off site or adjacent to the project site, if they will impact the project design.

(b) A development plan showing the project site. The development plan shall indicate the type and intensity of proposed land uses (including open space) within the project site.

(c) A circulation map showing proposed locations, widths, and grades of all proposed public and/or private streets, and their relationship to existing or planned streets outside of the project boundary. The area outside of the project site to be included on the exhibit shall be appropriate to clearly demonstrate how the proposed circulation pattern integrates with the existing and proposed circulation system in the vicinity of the site.

(d) An infrastructure plan showing how the project will be provided with sewer and water and similar utilities, its relationship to master drainage facilities, and how the project will be served by school, park, and fire services (if applicable). This plan may be prepared at a smaller scale to show the relationship of the project site to regional infrastructure and community facilities.

(2) Text. The text submitted with the planned development application shall clearly explain the proposed project, including type, intensity, and phasing of development. At minimum, the text shall contain the following information:

(a) Site information, including names, addresses and telephone numbers of owner, developer and/or builder, and consultants; legal description; description of existing site condition; total site area; slope density analysis (if applicable); and description of opportunities and constraints as depicted on the development feasibility map.

(b) Project description, including proposed uses and percent of site area by use, including open space; proposed building footprints, including location and lot coverage; proposed floor area ratio (for commercial and industrial uses); proposed gross density (for residential uses); proposed circulation plan; proposed infrastructure plan; description of any special considerations in the project design (including, but not limited to, affordable or senior housing, hillside development restrictions, etc.); proposed phasing, including tabulation of uses or units by phase; and proposed development schedule.

(c) Special development standards, including a description of any development standards used within the planned development that vary from those in this Title or any applicable Specific Plan, including, but not limited to, setbacks, landscaping, parking, building height, lot coverage, signs, or other standards. This Section need only address those standards which are different from those that would pertain to the site without approval of the planned development and shall refer to the appropriate standard within this Title, where applicable.

(d) Implementation, including a description of procedures for implementation and administration of the project, including ongoing maintenance of common areas and facilities.

(e) Appendices, including any special studies or supporting documentation prepared for the project.

(E) Review Procedure. An application for a planned development shall be processed as an amendment to the zoning map, pursuant to the procedures for a zone change specified within PMC § 17.24.010 (Zoning map changes).

(F) Required Findings for Approval. Prior to approving a planned development, the following findings supported by adequate evidence shall be made by the Planning Commission and City Council:

(1) The distribution, location and extent of land uses is consistent with the goals, policies, and objectives of the General Plan;

(2) The site is suitable for the type and intensity of development;

(3) Adequate access is provided pursuant to the circulation plan prepared for the project and the General Plan Mobility Element;

(4) The project site is or will be provided with adequate public services and facilities to support the proposed development; and

(5) The flexibility in site development regulations contained in the planned development has resulted in a project demonstrating clear and substantial benefit to the City.

(G) Amendments and Modifications to Approved Planned Developments. Revisions or modifications of planned developments may be requested by the applicant and shall be processed as follows:

(1) Minor Revisions. A revision or modification to an approved planned development including, but not limited to, minor changes in the site design, parking or building placement, which will not increase or change the use or intensity of the site, may be acted on by the Director upon submittal of an application, required materials, and applicable fees for minor modification, pursuant to PMC § 17.26.040 (Minor modifications to approved plans).

(2) Major Revisions. A major revision or modification to an approved planned development, including but not limited to expansions, intensification, or significant revisions to the standards provided within the planned development, shall be processed through application of a major modification or new planned development, as determined by the Director based on the extent and scope of the proposed modifications. (Ord. 1603 § 4 (Exh. I), 2023)