2-3.01 Designation and Responsibilities.

The organization of the departments and divisions of the City of Walnut Creek shall be set forth in the "Organization Plan" which shall be adopted, maintained and operated by the City Manager. That plan shall be a written and graphic description of the departments and divisions which shall be on file in the City Clerk’s office. (§3, Ord. 1143, eff. August 30, 1972)

2-3.02 Duties.

The duties and responsibilities of the positions assigned to the departments and divisions so established as above shall be set forth in the "Position Classification Plan" as provided for in Section 2-7.03 of this Code. (§3, Ord. 1143, eff. August 30, 1972)

*Chapter 3 - Departments. Codified from 2240, 2241, 2242, 2243, 2245 and 2246, amended in its entirety by §3, Ord. 1143, eff. August 30, 1972.