Chapter 15.25
Tentative Plan for Proposed Subdivisions


15.25.010    Scale.

15.25.020    General information.

15.25.030    Existing conditions.

15.25.040    Proposed plan of land to be subdivided.

15.25.050    Supplemental information.

15.25.010 Scale.

The tentative plan of the proposed subdivision shall be drawn on a sheet which is a minimum of 18 by 24 inches in size, at a scale of one inch equals 100 feet. The scale may be increased or decreased if necessary, but in all cases the scale to be used shall be a multiple of 10 feet. [Ord. 509 § 4.010, 1981; 1981 Compilation § 8-7:4.010.]

15.25.020 General information.

The following general information shall be shown on the tentative plan of the proposed subdivision:

A. Proposed name of the subdivision. This name shall not duplicate nor resemble the name of another subdivision in the county and shall be approved by the Planning Commission.

B. Date, north point and scale of drawing.

C. Appropriate identification clearly stating the proposal is a tentative plan.

D. A vicinity map showing the relationship of the proposed subdivision to surrounding development. This map shall include streets within 500 feet of the exterior boundaries of the proposed development.

E. Names and addresses of the owner, subdivider, and engineer or surveyor. [Ord. 509 § 4.020, 1981; 1981 Compilation § 8-7:4.020.]

15.25.030 Existing conditions.

The following existing conditions shall be shown on the tentative plan of the proposed subdivision:

A. The location, widths and names of both opened and unopened, dedicated or nondedicated streets within or adjacent to the tract, together with easements, dedications and other important features, such as section lines, corners, City boundary lines and monuments.

B. Contour lines related to some established bench mark or other datum approved by the City Engineer and having minimum intervals as follows:

1. For slopes of less than five percent: two-foot contour intervals.

2. For slopes of five to 15 percent: five-foot contour intervals.

3. For slopes of 15 to 20 percent: 10-foot contour intervals.

4. For slopes of over 20 percent: 20-foot contour intervals.

C. The location and direction of drainage channels and the local of areas subject to flooding.

D. Natural features such as rock outcroppings, marshes, wooded areas and isolated preservable trees.

E. Existing uses of the property, including location of all structures on the property. [Ord. 509 § 4.030, 1981; 1981 Compilation § 8-7:4.030.]

15.25.040 Proposed plan of land to be subdivided.

The following information shall be included on the tentative plan of the proposed subdivisions:

A. The location, width, names, approximate grades and radii of curves of streets. The relationship of streets to any projected streets as shown on any Comprehensive Plan and as may be suggested by the Planning Commission in order to assure adequate traffic circulation.

B. The location, width and purpose of easements.

C. The location, approximate dimension and square footage of lots and the proposed lot and block numbers.

D. Sites, if any, allocated for purposes other than single-family dwellings.

E. Land to be deeded to the City, school district or other public agency for schools, parks or other public purposes. [Ord. 509 § 4.040, 1981; 1981 Compilation § 8-7:4.040.]

15.25.050 Supplemental information.

The following plans and information shall supplement the tentative plan of the proposed subdivision:

A. If the subdivision pertains to only part of the tract owned or controlled by the subdivider, the Planning Commission may require a sketch of a tentative layout for streets and lots in the unsubdivided portion.

B. Proposed deed restrictions, if any, in outline form.

C. The location within the subdivision and in the adjoining streets and property of existing water mains, culverts, drain pipes and electric lines.

D. Approximate center line profiles with extensions for a reasonable distance beyond the limits of the proposed subdivision showing the finished grade of streets and the nature and extent of street construction.

E. General utility plans for domestic water supply, storm water drainage and street lighting, indicating how these utilities shall be provided.

F. Any proposals to phase development of the subdivision.

G. Location and width of curbs and sidewalks.

H. Preliminary title report. [Ord. 614 § 1, 1992; Ord. 509 § 4.050, 1981; 1981 Compilation § 8-7:4.050.]