Chapter 17.35


17.35.010    Purpose.

17.35.020    Permitted uses.

17.35.030    Conditional uses.

17.35.040    Special use standards.

17.35.050    Accessory uses.

17.35.060    Area, width, height, and yard requirements.

17.35.070    General requirements.

17.35.080    Signs and lighting premises.

17.35.090    Off-street parking.

17.35.010 Purpose.

This district is designed to provide a business environment for professional offices and research and technology based businesses. [Ord. 23-418-O § 124 (Exh. A-4)].

17.35.020 Permitted uses.

The following uses and their accessory uses are permitted outright:

A. Public and Institutional Uses.

1. Community service; includes governmental offices;

2. Transportation facilities; includes construction, operation, and maintenance of facilities located within right-of-way controlled by a public agency, consistent with the transportation system plan;

3. Utility structures and facilities, city-planned projects; i.e., utilities identified by an adopted city master plan or development review approval.

B. Commercial Uses.

1. Technical services such as copy shops, appliance and computer repair, and makerspaces;

2. Customer call center;

3. Offices, such as banks, financial, and professional offices;

4. Offices, specializing in research, prototype development, or creation of digital products. [Ord. 23-418-O § 124 (Exh. A-4)].

17.35.030 Conditional uses.

The following are conditional uses, subject to Chapter 17.100 RRMC:

A. Public and Institutional Uses.

1. Automobile parking, public off-street parking;

2. Clinic, outpatient only;

3. Emergency services; includes police, fire, ambulance;

4. Hospital, including acute care center;

5. Public works utilities storage yards; includes vehicle and equipment storage, maintenance, and repair;

6. School, college;

7. School, trade, technical, or vocational;

8. Utility structures and facilities, regional projects; project is not part of an adopted city master plan or development review approval;

9. Wireless communication facilities.

B. Commercial Uses.

1. Automobile parking, commercial parking;

2. Automotive electric vehicle charger;

3. Automotive repair and service, includes fueling station, car wash, tire sales and repair or replacement, painting, and other repair for automobiles, motorcycles, aircraft, boats, RVs, trucks, etc.;

4. Data center or server farm;

5. Medical clinics, including dentist, optician, outpatient, and urgent care.

C. Industrial Uses and Employment Uses.

1. Data center or server farm;

2. Metal/shipping cargo container. [Ord. 23-418-O § 124 (Exh. A-4)].

17.35.040 Special use standards.

The following uses are permitted when found to be in compliance with their relevant special standards criteria, contained in Chapter 17.105 RRMC and/or their specific standards within this chapter.

A. Commercial Uses.

1. Mobile vendors, subject to the same standards throughout all zones, as stated in RRMC 17.65.160. [Ord. 23-418-O § 124 (Exh. A-4)].

17.35.050 Accessory uses.

The following uses are permitted as accessory to a permitted use in the ORT district:

A. Public and Institutional Uses.

1. Child daycare center;

2. Public parks and open space, including playgrounds, trails, nature preserves, athletic fields, courts, swim pools, and similar uses.

B. Commercial Uses.

1. Automotive electric vehicle charger;

2. Indoor restaurant, bakery, cafe, coffee shop, or other eatery, including bars and taverns;

3. Outdoor restaurant, bakery, cafe, coffee shop, or other eatery, including bars and taverns.

C. Industrial Uses and Employment Uses.

1. Freight terminals, including loading docks, storage, warehousing, wholesale distribution, cold storage; except self-service storage or mini-storage warehouses.

D. Other Uses.

1. Solar panels (for incidental use). [Ord. 23-418-O § 124 (Exh. A-4)].

17.35.060 Area, width, height, and yard requirements.

A. The maximum building height is 40 feet.

B. Each new parcel must front on and have access to a publicly owned and maintained road for a minimum of 40 feet, except when the parcel is served by a flagpole approved under RRMC 16.20.030, or a private road created and approved through a partition, subdivision or planned unit development.

C. There are no requirements for lot area or width, or for yard setbacks except as necessary to meet the off-street parking and loading requirements of Chapter 17.70 RRMC, or as a condition of approval. [Ord. 23-418-O § 124 (Exh. A-4)].

17.35.070 General requirements.

A. No use shall be permitted and no process, equipment or materials shall be used which are found by the planning commission to be harmful to persons living or working in the vicinity or by reason of odor, fumes, dust, smoke, cinders, dirt, refuse, water-carried waste, noise, vibrations, illumination, glare, or unsightliness or to involve any hazard of fire or explosions.

B. All business, services and processes shall be conducted entirely within a completely enclosed structure, or in an area immediately adjacent thereto, provided the area of such outside use is paved and does not exceed 10 percent of the area of the enclosed commercial use and is entirely on privately owned property. Off-street parking and loading areas, and outdoor dining, entertainment or recreation areas, need not be within an enclosed structure.

C. Open storage of materials attendant to a permitted use or conditional use shall be permitted only within a paved area surrounded or screened by an approved solid wall or an approved site screening fence six feet in height; provided, that no materials or equipment, except vehicles, shall be stored to a height greater than that of the wall or fence.

D. Where a site adjoins or is located across an alley from a residential district, a solid wall or fence, six feet in height, shall be located on the property line common to such districts, except in a required front yard, where it must be inside the property line.

E. All new development shall be required to provide half street improvements along all frontage roads, including curbs, gutters, sidewalks and storm drain facilities, and pavement to the centerline of the road(s).

F. Any developer working in any public right-of-way within the city limits shall provide the city with a certificate of insurance in the amount of $1,000,000 naming the city as an additional insured. Public utilities are exempt from this subsection.

G. Any developer developing in the city limits may be required to pay for a state of Oregon licensed hydrologist, soil engineer, engineer, and/or geologist who is hired by the city to review the development plans to ensure that all requirements and specifications of the city are met. [Ord. 23-418-O § 124 (Exh. A-4)].

17.35.080 Signs and lighting premises.

A. All signs located within the ORT or office, research and technology commercial district shall comply with Chapter 17.85 RRMC.

B. Outdoor lighting standards and fixtures for illumination of premises shall be so designed and installed that direct rays are not toward or parallel with a public street or highway or directed toward residential uses located in the R-E, R-1, and R-2 districts. [Ord. 23-418-O § 124 (Exh. A-4)].

17.35.090 Off-street parking.

All uses shall provide off-street parking facilities as required in Chapter 17.70 RRMC except when located within a special district organized to provide common public parking areas. [Ord. 23-418-O § 124 (Exh. A-4)].