Chapter 18.45


18.45.010    Purpose.

18.45.020    Permitted uses.

18.45.040    Permitted accessory uses.

18.45.050    Area requirements.

18.45.170    Fencing.

18.45.180    Development standards.

Prior legislation: Amended during 2011 recodification; Ords. 07-08, 14-13, 15-02, 17-09, 18-21, 18-30 and Code 1997 §§ 12-250-005 through 12-250-085.

18.45.010 Purpose.

To provide areas of medium residential density with the opportunity for varied housing styles and neighborhood character, with a maximum density of six dwelling units per gross acre. [Ord. 21-28 § 1 (Exh. A).]

18.45.020 Permitted uses.

(1) Detached single-family units;

(2) Household pets, maximum two animals;

(3) Parks and open spaces (public). [Ord. 21-28 § 1 (Exh. A).]

18.45.040 Permitted accessory uses.

(1) Accessory Buildings. Detached garages, sheds.

(2) Recreation Facilities. Basketball and tennis courts, other sports facilities, gazebos and pavilions, and pools and jacuzzis, subject to this chapter.

(3) Community Facilities. Club houses, common meeting rooms, pool houses, etc., subject to the same setback, height requirements, and architectural standards of this chapter as apply to dwelling units. [Ord. 21-28 § 1 (Exh. A).]

18.45.050 Area requirements.

(1) Parcel Size. Each application pursuant to this chapter shall be for a site of not less than one and a half acres and not more than 15 acres. The city council may approve zoning and development under the RM-6 zone on parcels of at least one-half acre where such parcels have frontage onto a major street and where such use is in compliance with the Riverton City general plan and with the surrounding properties. For purposes of this section, “major streets” shall be defined as Redwood Road, 12600 South, 13400 South, 3600 West, 2700 West, or 1300 West. [Ord. 21-28 § 1 (Exh. A).]

18.45.170 Fencing.

(1) Fencing. All fencing shall comply with Chapter 18.155 RCC.

(2) Single-Family Residential Land Uses. All properties adjacent to or abutting an existing multifamily or commercial zone shall install fencing compliant with RCC 18.155.080. For the purposes of fencing, this zone shall be considered compatible with adjacent single-family zones, unless otherwise directed by the city during zoning or development approvals. [Ord. 21-28 § 1 (Exh. A).]

18.45.180 Development standards.

(1) Lot Area. The minimum lot area shall be 5,000 square feet.

(2) Lot Width. The minimum lot width shall be 50 feet. For multifamily units, the minimum lot width shall be 70 feet. Lot width shall be measured at the front yard setback line.

(3) Lot Depth. The minimum lot depth shall be 80 feet.

(4) Front Yard.

Main building: 15-foot minimum front yard setback measured to foundation.

Garage: 20-foot minimum setback measured to foundation.

(5) Side Yards.

Main building: five-foot minimum side yard setback measured to foundation. On corner lots, the street side yard setback shall be 15 feet from the right-of-way.

(6) Rear Yard.

Main building: The minimum rear yard setback shall be 15 feet. Where adjacent to existing single-family residential zoning or use, the setback shall be 25 feet.

(7) Minimum Living Area Square Footage. The minimum finished living area square footage shall be 1,000 square feet for each dwelling unit.

(8) Maximum Building Height.

Main building: 35 feet. No dwelling shall contain less than one story.

(9) Accessory Buildings. Accessory buildings shall comply with the requirements of Chapter 18.225 RCC, Accessory Structures.

(10) Open Space. Projects over 10 acres shall include a minimum of one acre of open space. A 10 percent reduction in lot size may be allowed to compensate for this requirement, except where a stormwater management area is utilized as open space. Said open space shall be privately owned and maintained unless otherwise approved by the city council prior to recordation of a plat and/or issuance of any building permits within the project. [Ord. 21-28 § 1 (Exh. A).]