Chapter 2.32


2.32.010    Purpose.

2.32.020    Personnel manual adopted.

2.32.030    Exceptions.

2.32.040    Deviation from personnel manual.

2.32.050    Conflict of laws.

2.32.060    Discrimination.

2.32.070    Amendment to personnel policies.

2.32.010 Purpose.

This chapter is designed to facilitate the efficient operation of the government of the city of Asotin with respect to personnel matters by providing a comprehensive personnel policy. (Ord. 06-679 § 2, 2006)

2.32.020 Personnel manual adopted.

Employment and personnel policies of the city of Asotin are governed by the city personnel manual, a copy of which is attached to the ordinance codified in this chapter and incorporated herein by reference. (Ord. 06-679 § 2, 2006)

2.32.030 Exceptions.

A. The provisions of the city personnel manual shall not apply to elected officials or independent contractors.

B. No provision of the city personnel manual shall be construed to limit or remove any portion of the mayor’s executive power granted by state statute or other city ordinance. (Ord. 06-679 § 2, 2006)

2.32.040 Deviation from personnel manual.

The mayor is authorized to deviate from the policies contained in the city personnel manual in individual situations, particularly in an emergency, in order to achieve the city’s primary mission of providing orderly and cost-efficient services to its citizens. (Ord. 06-679 § 2, 2006)

2.32.050 Conflict of laws.

In any case where the application of the policies contained in the city personnel manual would conflict with applicable civil service rules or other state or local law, such other rule or law shall govern. (Ord. 06-679 § 2, 2006)

2.32.060 Discrimination.

RCW 49.60.180 shall control issues of discrimination that may arise under this chapter. (Ord. 06-679 § 2, 2006)

2.32.070 Amendment to personnel policies.

Any provision of the city personnel manual may be amended, deleted, supplemented, or rescinded by resolution of the city council in regular meeting assembled. (Ord. 06-679 § 2, 2006)