Chapter 2.40


2.40.010    Travel expenses – Generally.

2.40.020    Reimbursement for expenses – Meals.

2.40.030    Reimbursement for expenses – Travel.

2.40.010 Travel expenses – Generally.

When employees are required to travel on city business, reimbursement for expenses incurred shall be determined as follows:

A. The propriety of expenditures by city employees is to be judged within the context of those reasonable and prudent under the circumstances. Care must be taken to avoid unnecessary or excessively costly expenditures. With respect to local business expenses, the following guidelines are to be followed:

1. Meals should be limited to those incurred by elective and appointed officers and employees of the city while they are conferring, consulting or meeting with noncity officials, technicians or executives, the city council or any committee thereof, or approved professional organizations, or where work schedules or commitments of the participants make the business meal appropriate for purposes generally associated with routine official duties of such city personnel. It is not, however, the responsibility to bear the cost of evening or other meals as a reward for performance, overtime or attending off-hour meetings.

2. It shall be the responsibility of the city clerk-treasurer to ensure that these policies are adhered to and to provide the form and instruction necessary for implementation. Exceptions to the rules will be made only upon the written directive of the chief administrative officer. (Ord. 96-512 § 1, 1996; Ord. 284 § 1, 1980)

2.40.020 Reimbursement for expenses – Meals.

Reasonable costs of necessary meals while conducting city business locally or while traveling from home are reimbursable. Reimbursement may include the cost of meals of city officials and employees. Reimbursement will be authorized by either vendor’s receipt or the use of the following schedule which is the maximum allowable for meal claims:

Breakfast    $8.00

Lunch    $9.00

Dinner    $18.00

The only exception to the maximum meal authorization expenditure shall be for meals held in conjunction with approved meetings or seminars which exceed the maximum set forth herein, when the meal is an integral part of the meeting or seminar and then only upon prior approval of the city council. (Ord. 98-537 § 1, 1998; Ord. 96-512 § 2, 1996; Ord. 90-428 § 1, 1990; Ord. 284 § 2, 1980)

2.40.030 Reimbursement for expenses – Travel.

The reasonable cost of travel for an employee is reimbursable. General guidelines are as follows:

A. City vehicle out of the area: cost of the vehicle operation such as gas, oil, tires and necessary repairs;

B. Personal vehicle: expenses shall be reimbursed at the rate as specified in the Internal Revenue Service regulations governing travel expenses. Private vehicles are to be used only when a city vehicle is unavailable for use;

C. Actual cost of travel such as air fare, train fare, bus fare shall be reimbursed upon presentation of a verified vendor’s receipt. (Ord. 03-621, 2003; Ord. 00-573, 2000; Ord. 96-512 § 3, 1996)