Chapter 12.10


12.10.010    Purpose.

12.10.020    Applicability.

12.10.030    Authority for designation of streets and house numbers.

12.10.040    Assignment of addresses.

12.10.050    Changes to names and/or numbers.

12.10.060    Newly annexed areas.

12.10.070    Official map.

12.10.080    Street and road signs.

12.10.090    Signage.

12.10.100    Violation – Penalty – Corrective action.

12.10.010 Purpose.

This chapter further supplements the building, zoning, and subdivision ordinances. Its purpose is to provide the residents of the city with a uniform and standardized system of street naming and addressing to:

A. Minimize future street name and addressing conflicts.

B. Provide a database for city and county records and enhanced 911 service.

C. Expedite property identification by emergency services. (Ord. 05-665 § 1, 2005)

12.10.020 Applicability.

This chapter shall apply to all property and to all public and private streets in the city of Asotin, whether currently existing, hereafter annexed, or hereafter constructed. (Ord. 05-665 § 1, 2005)

12.10.030 Authority for designation of streets and house numbers.

A. The Asotin County building and planning department, in conjunction with the city engineer, shall retain primary authority for designating new street names and house numbers. The department shall be responsible for ensuring that proposed street names are in conformance with this chapter and do not duplicate existing street names.

B. The building department of the city shall on all building permits for new residences, buildings, structures or places of business, excepting sheds and accessory buildings, assign an address number consistent with this chapter. On building permits other than new construction, the building department shall ensure that the address listed thereon is consistent with this chapter. (Ord. 05-665 § 1, 2005)

12.10.040 Assignment of addresses.

A. The department shall assign addresses at the time of issuance of building permits. The department shall then notify Whitcom, the city fire department, and other appropriate agencies.

B. Should the department find that any building, structure or premises is not provided with an address, is not correctly addressed, or is not using the correct address, the department shall notify the owner, agent or renter of the building, structure or premises of the correct address. The address shall be properly placed in accordance with the provisions of this chapter by the effective date shown on the notice. It shall be unlawful for any owner, agent or renter to display, advertise or use the wrong address after notification by the department.

C. Whenever there is a doubt or difference of opinion as to the correct road designation or correct address, the road designation or address shall be determined by the department. (Ord. 05-665 § 1, 2005)

12.10.050 Changes to names and/or numbers.

A. Minor changes or corrections to numbers may be made administratively by the department following the written request of a residential or commercial occupant or when in the interest of public safety.

B. Major changes, such as block renumbering or street name changes, may be initiated by a written request from a residential or commercial occupant, or by the department in the interest of public safety and/or public benefits. In either case, the department shall convene a review committee to include, but not be limited to, the city engineer and representatives of the police and fire departments.

C. If the committee determines that a change should be made, a proposed plan shall be prepared and the affected neighborhood or commercial area notified for comment. The committee shall review any comments received and determine if the public safety interest is best served by the proposed change. Such determination must be made prior to any such change being effected. (Ord. 05-665 § 1, 2005)

12.10.060 Newly annexed areas.

All newly annexed areas will be re-addressed if it is determined that the existing addressing is inconsistent with the standards set forth in this chapter or street names duplicate existing city street names. (Ord. 05-665 § 1, 2005)

12.10.070 Official map.

The city engineer shall be responsible for the development and maintenance of maps indicating street names and house numbers. (Ord. 05-665 § 1, 2005)

12.10.080 Street and road signs.

All new street and road signs in the city shall display street names and block numbers in conformance with the provisions of this chapter. (Ord. 05-665 § 1, 2005)

12.10.090 Signage.

A. The owner, occupant or renter of any addressed building, structure or premises shall conspicuously display the address of each building or each front entrance immediately above, on or at the side of the proper door so the number can be plainly seen from the adjacent way-of-travel.

B. If the building is not clearly visible from an adjacent way-of-travel, the numbers shall be displayed at the main entrance from the way-of-travel and each branch of private ways-of-travel.

C. Numbers shall be easily legible against a contrasting background and shall be at least three inches in height if a residential use or individual multifamily unit, and at least five inches high if a commercial use. (Ord. 05-665 § 1, 2005)

12.10.100 Violation – Penalty – Corrective action.

A. Any person failing to comply with the provisions of this chapter, or affixing to or displaying upon any house or building any numbers other than those assigned to the house or building, is guilty of an infraction punishable by a fine not to exceed $100.00 for each violation.

B. When the city determines that a violation exists, the city may issue or cause to be issued a notice of violation to the person responsible for the violation. The notice shall include:

1. The name and address of the person responsible for the violation;

2. The street address or other description of the building, structure or premises affected by the violation;

3. A description of the violation and the required corrective action;

4. A statement indicating that an infraction citation will be issued on a date not less than 10 days from the date of the notice; and

5. A statement indicating that the citation will not be issued and no monetary penalty assessed if the city approves the completed corrective action at least 48 hours prior to the date designated for issuance of the citation.

C. The city shall serve or cause to be served the notice of violation upon the person to whom it is directed, either personally or by mailing a copy of the notice to such person at their last known address. If the person to whom the notice is directed cannot after due diligence be so served, the notice shall be served by posting a copy of the notice conspicuously on the affected property or structure.

D. Payment of the infraction pursuant to this chapter does not relieve the person to whom the infraction was issued of the duty to correct the violation. (Ord. 05-665 § 1, 2005)