Chapter 16.28


16.28.010    Purpose – Adoption by reference.

16.28.010 Purpose – Adoption by reference.

This chapter contains uniform usage and definitions of terms under SEPA. The city adopts the following section by reference, as supplemented by WAC 173-806-040:


197-11-700    Definition

197-11-702    Act

197-11-704    Action

197-11-706    Addendum

197-11-708    Adoption

197-11-710    Affected tribe

197-11-712    Affecting

197-11-714    Agency

197-11-716    Applicant

197-11-718    Built environment

197-11-720    Categorical exemption

197-11-722    Consolidated appeal

197-11-724    Consulted agency

197-11-726    Cost-benefit analysis

197-11-728    County/city

197-11-730    Decision maker

197-11-732    Department

197-11-734    Determination of nonsignificance (DNS)

197-11-736    Determination of significance (DS)

197-11-738    EIS

197-11-740    Environment

197-11-742    Environmental checklist

197-11-744    Environmental document

197-11-746    Environmental review

197-11-748    Environmentally sensitive area

197-11-750    Expanded scoping

197-11-752    Impacts

197-11-754    Incorporation by reference

197-11-756    Lands covered by water

197-11-758    Lead agency

197-11-760    License

197-11-762    Local agency

197-11-764    Major action

197-11-766    Mitigated DNS

197-11-768    Mitigation

197-11-770    Natural environment

197-11-772    NEPA

197-11-774    Nonproject

197-11-776    Phase review

197-11-778    Preparation

197-11-780    Private project

197-11-782    Probable

197-11-784    Proposal

197-11-786    Reasonable alternative

197-11-788    Responsible official

197-11-790    SEPA

197-11-792    Scope

197-11-793    Scoping

197-11-794    Significant

197-11-796    State agency

197-11-797    Threshold determination

197-11-799    Underlying governmental action

(Ord. 84-339 § 8, 1984)