Chapter 17.24


17.24.010    Designated.

17.24.010 Designated.

Minimum standards shall include:

A. Conformance to the intent and purpose of the comprehensive plan;

B. Conformance to zoning ordinance and health regulations;

C. Subdivision design which is appropriate to the intended use and the character of the surrounding area and which gives consideration to flooding potential and ease of fire and police protection;

D. A fire hydrant within 1,000 feet of each lot, and fire flow to the satisfaction of the fire chief;

E. Adequate water supply and sewage disposal;

F. Storm drainage facilities adequate to drain the plat, yet cause no impact to other property owners;

G. Use of storm mains wherever possible as opposed to open ditches;

H. Street system designed for safety, convenience and integration with other streets;

I. Street intersections with adequate sight distance and orientated at 90 degrees wherever possible;

J. Street frontage according to proper zone setbacks;

K. No direct access from lots onto high volume arterials except where no other access is possible;

L. Alleys shall be least 20 feet in width;

M. Where an abutting public right-of-way is substandard in width, additional right-of-way shall be deeded to bring it up to standard on that side;

N. Two-inch asphalt surfacing, adequate ballast, and when required by AMC 12.08.050, sidewalks at least four-foot width and square curbs, all to American Public Works Association standards;

O. Provision shall be made for cooperative maintenance of all private streets;

P. Underground utilities;

Q. Plat and street names which do not duplicate those already in existence;

R. Where applicable water and/or sewer mains shall be installed in the street. Refer to AMC 13.10.160 and 13.30.120 for sewer and water installation. (Ord. 15-794 § 1, 2015; Ord. 89-414 § 1, 1989; Ord. 85-342 § 6, 1985)