Chapter 18.14


18.14.010    General intent.

18.14.020    Repealed.

18.14.030    Accessory structures.

18.14.040    Repealed.

18.14.050    Repealed.

18.14.060    Setback and bulk regulations.

18.14.070    Off-street automobile parking and loading requirements.

18.14.080    Repealed.

*Prior legislation: Ords. 515, 515B and 515C.

18.14.010 General intent.

This district is intended to protect single-family residential neighborhoods from incompatible land uses and create new compatible housing at a density of four to five units per net acre. (Ord. 1099 § 9, 2005; Ord. 740 § 4, 1997).

18.14.020 Uses permitted outright.

Repealed by Ord. 1416. (Ord. 1099 § 10, 2005; Ord. 746 § 2, 1997; Ord. 740 § 4, 1997).

18.14.030 Accessory structures.

The following accessory residential structures are permitted on a lot in this district:

A. Accessory Structures.

1. Swimming pool, if enclosed with a six-foot fence;

2. Awnings or canopies;

3. Walls or fences, provided the requirements of BLMC 18.22.020 are met;

4. Flagpoles;

5. Outside fireplaces;

6. Accessory greenhouses;

7. Accessory sheds and tool rooms, provided they are part of a residential use;

8. Private docks, mooring facilities and boathouses, provided the project complies with shoreline management regulations and the provisions of BLMC 18.22.070;

9. Garage or carport.

B. Repealed by Ord. 1416. (Ord. 1416 §§ 1, 3, 2011; Ord. 740 § 4, 1997).

18.14.040 Conditional uses.

Repealed by Ord. 1416. (Ord. 1099 § 11, 2005; Ord. 1002 § 2, 2003; Ord. 988 § 2, 2003; Ord. 740 § 4, 1997).

18.14.050 Land use tables.

Repealed by Ord. 1099. (Ord. 740 § 4, 1997).

18.14.060 Setback and bulk regulations.

The following bulk regulations shall apply to the uses permitted in this district, subject to the provisions for yard projections included in BLMC 18.22.080:

A. Required density at the conclusion of any short plat or subdivision: four to five dwelling units per net acre. For example, the subdivision of a parcel of three net acres must result in between 12 and 15 dwelling units.

B. Minimum lot width: 55 feet.

C. Minimum front setback: 20 feet for garages as measured from the garage door to the street, 10 feet for residences and the wall of a garage that does not contain a garage door. In areas where existing right-of-way is insufficient, additional setback shall be required as necessary.

D. Minimum side yard: five feet; provided, that a boathouse and other accessory structures allowed by BLMC Title 16, Division III, Shoreline Code, shall not have a side yard setback in cases where the side lot line is parallel to Lake Tapps.

E. Minimum rear setback shall be as follows:

1. Residence: 20 feet.

2. A separate garage or accessory building: within 10 feet.

3. A boathouse and other accessory structures allowed by BLMC Title 16, Division III, Shoreline Code, shall not have a rear yard setback in cases where the rear lot line is parallel to Lake Tapps.

F. Maximum height: 35 feet above grade.

G. Maximum lot coverage by impervious surfaces: 60 percent.

H. In the case of new subdivisions or short subdivision that cluster residences to preserve open space and/or environmental critical areas regulated under BLMC Title 16, Division II, concurrent with subdivision or short subdivision approval, the city may reduce the requirements in subsections B, C, E and G of this section by up to 50 percent; provided, that the open space/critical area is placed in a tract(s) and the subdivision still complies with the residential density requirements established in subsection A of this section.

I. In cases where setbacks were established in the recorded subdivision or short subdivision that are different than those established in this section, the setbacks established by the recorded subdivision or short subdivision shall be used in lieu of the setbacks established in this section; provided, that:

1. Garages are still required to be set back 20 feet from the front property line; and

2. In instances where the plat or short plat establishes setbacks for some of the lot lines, but not all lot lines, the lot line for which a setback was not established in the plat or short plat shall comply with the setback for that lot line established in this section. (Ord. 1641 § 13, 2020; Amended during 10/14 supplement; Ord. 1492 § 9, 2014; Ord. 1302 § 2, 2009; Ord. 1230 § 11, 2007; Ord. 1099 §§ 12, 17, 2005; Ord. 740 § 4, 1997).

18.14.070 Off-street automobile parking and loading requirements.

For off-street automobile parking and loading requirements, see Residential Development Standards, BLMC 18.22.100. (Ord. 740 § 4, 1997).

18.14.080 Planned unit development.

Repealed by Ord. 1131. (Ord. 740 § 4, 1997).