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1The 20 percent figure is based on WSDOT’s practices in determining whether sidewalks will be provided with state roads (pers. com. Paula Reeves, WSDOT, email to WAAPA list serve, April 24, 2009).

2There are only four potential areas of channel migration in the city. These are identified in the city’s shoreline analysis report: 1) in North Creek – Centennial Park (Reach 2), 2) the open space/wetland area just north of 228th Street SE in North Creek – Canyon Park assessment unit (lower Reach 3), 3) south of 228th Street SE and north of 240th Street SE along the North Creek – Fitzgerald assessment unit (Reach 4), and 4) west of Interstate 405 and north of the North Creek confluence with the Sammamish River within the North Creek – Campus assessment unit (Reach 6).

3The 20 percent figure is based on WSDOT’s practices in determining whether sidewalks will be provided with state roads (pers. com. Paula Reeves, WSDOT, email to WAAPA list serve, April 24, 2009).

4The 20 percent figure is based on WSDOT’s practices in determining whether sidewalks will be provided with state roads (pers. com. Paula Reeves, WSDOT, email to WAAPA list serve, April 24, 2009).