Chapter 1.37


1.37.010    Policy.

1.37.010 Policy.

The following shall be the policy regarding:

•    The use of county-owned cellular telephones and smartphones by county employees and duly appointed volunteers performing county duties; and

•    The eligibility of elected officials, department heads and designated employees to receive stipends for using personal cell phones in the course of their employment with the county.

(1)    Elected Officials and Directors of All Departments.

(A)    Shall each be responsible for oversight of his or her department’s compliance with this policy and for maintaining any necessary records;

(B)    Shall determine the eligibility of any and all employees and/or volunteers within his or her department for use and possession of a cellular telephone when owned by Chelan County;

(C)    Shall monitor employees using county-owned cellular telephones for appropriate usage;

(D)    Shall assist the Chelan County auditor in notifying employees and/or volunteers in his or her department of delinquent accounts or inappropriate usage.

(2)    Employees, Duly Appointed Volunteers, and Key Personnel with Approval of County Commissioners Using County-Owned Cellular Telephones and Smartphones.

(A)    Take necessary and reasonable precautions to prevent air time theft and equipment theft;

(B)    Acknowledge that the county-owned phones are for county business. Incidental personal calls are allowable so long as no long distance, roaming or other charges apply. Should such charges apply, the employee shall be responsible to make payment;

(C)    Employees/volunteers assigned county-owned cellular phones are to review each billing for accuracy and propriety and initial the billing statement and billing voucher;

(D)    Obtain his/her supervisor’s initials on the cellular bills and vouchers before they are paid to ensure that the supervisor has reviewed the bill and agrees with the personal use and payment;

(E)    Pay for any and all charges which are determined by the supervisor or the auditor to be the result of personal use of the cellular telephone;

(F)    Abide by the cellular telephone agreement and procedure in its entirety.

Chelan County reserves the right to audit all county-owned cellular phones and smartphones and their use.

(3)    Elected officials and department heads who own their own cellular phone may choose a stipend in the amount of fifty dollars per month; provided, that:

(A)    The elected official or department head assumes full responsibility for any and all costs associated with cellular phone service and pay said costs;

(B)    Pay for any installation charges and any equipment needed, which will remain the property of the elected official or department head;

(C)    The cellular number is published to the public on their business card;

(D)    The elected official, department head or designated manager receives no other compensation from the county for cellular calls.

(4) County road crew foreman/assistant director who own their own cellular phone may choose to receive a stipend in the amount of fifty dollars per month; provided, that:

(A)    The foreman assumes full responsibility for any and all costs associated with cellular phone service and pay said costs;

(B)    Pay for any installation charges and any equipment needed, which will remain the property of the foreman;

(C)    The cellular number is published to the public works department;

(D)    Authorization has been made by the public works director and/or county engineer;

(E)    The foreman receives no other compensation from the county for cellular calls.

(5) Employees identified by their department head or elected official as being required to be in contact by cellular phone as part of their daily job duties may be eligible to receive as reimbursement for use of a personal cell phone, a stipend in the amount of twenty-five dollars per month, without being required to publicly publish the cell phone number; provided, that:

(A)    The employee assumes full responsibility for any and all costs associated with cellular phone service and pay said costs;

(B)    Pay for any installation charges and any equipment needed, which will remain the property of the employee;

(C)    Authorization has been made by the elected official or department head and approved by the county commissioners;

(D)    No other compensation is received from the county for cellular calls;

(E)    The phone number is made available to the county department for work purposes. (Res. 2011-94, 11/7/11: Res. 97-99, 8/4/97).