1.02.120 Creation of code—Supplementation.

(1)    The council’s legal counsel shall indicate on the face of all documents subject to codification whether and where the document will be located in the County Code.

(2)    The code reviser shall forthwith cause the codification of county official documents into a Clark County Code for adoption by the council at one (1) of its regular meetings. Thereafter, whenever a document subject to codification is adopted by the council, the clerk to the council shall forthwith send a copy of the executed document to the code reviser. Thereafter the code reviser shall prepare a master code supplement to accommodate any such documents in the code. Such master supplement should be returned to the clerk to the council no later than ten (10) working days from the date of execution of the original document. Thereafter, the clerk to the council shall forthwith cause the reproduction and distribution of code supplements. (Sec. 13, Ord. No. 1976-09-57; amended by Sec. 7 of Ord. 2018-12-15)