3.08.040 Stream protection.

Applications for “open space” classification based on protection of streams and water supplies will be limited to the following, provided that the minimum acreage requirement is met:

(1)    Areas of significant springs as delineated by the Department of Natural Resources Study on water resources.

(2)    Tracts contiguous to or straddling major streams designated shorelines of the state, or identified in the county’s shoreline master program. Public access may be required provided that public access shall only be required as open space classification is in full force and effect and shall not be deemed to vest any permanent rights of public access or use. (Sec. 6 of Res. No. 1977-10-32; amended by Sec. 5 of Ord. 1982-02-65; amended by Sec. 1 of Ord. 1996-02-30)