3.08.055 Enhancement of recreational opportunities.

Applications for “open space” classification based on the enhancement of recreational opportunities shall be limited to the following:

Public access golf courses, “public airstrips,” or private airstrips with public tie-down and public fuel supply facilities, as mapped by the Federal Aviation Administration or WDOT Aeronautics, ballfield complexes, nonpublic owned parks and lakes designated in the Clark County shoreline management master program, provided there is public access and such properties are kept open and made available for public use. (Provided such public access shall only be deemed required so long as open space classification is in full force and effect and shall not be deemed to vest any permanent rights of public access or use.) It is further provided that all improvement thereto shall be at market value. (Sec. 7 of Ord. 1982-02-65; amended by Sec. 1 of Ord. 1996-02-30)