8.19.150 Dead/injured animals.

The manager of the animal protection and control program, upon request, shall have the authority to assess a fee for the picking up, and disposing of or caring for, any dead or injured animal not provided for in Chapter 8.03 from private property; PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that said fee be reasonably commensurate with the related actual costs. The assessment may be made against the animal’s owner if such can be determined, or against the owner of the property upon which the animal is found, or both. (Sec. 1 of Res. 1981-04-108; amended by Sec. 36 of Res. 1984-12-65; amended by Sec. 1 (Att. A) of Ord. 2009-03-02; amended by Sec. 45 of Ord. 2016-11-13)