40.240.300    Review Uses – Forest Land (REPEALED)

A.    The following uses may be allowed on lands zoned Gorge Small Woodland subject to compliance with the appropriate scenic, cultural, natural, and recreation resources guidelines (Sections 40.240.490 through 40.240.590):

1.    On lands designated Gorge Small Woodland, one (1) single-family dwelling on a legally created parcel upon the parcel’s enrollment in the state’s forest assessment program. Upon a showing that a parcel cannot qualify, a parcel is entitled to one (1) single-family dwelling. In either case, the location of a dwelling shall comply with Sections 40.240.190(C) and 40.240.330. A declaration shall be signed by the landowner and recorded into county deeds and records specifying that the owners, successors, heirs and assigns of the subject parcel are aware that adjacent and nearby operators are entitled to carry on accepted farm or forest practices on lands designated Gorge Small Woodland, or Gorge Large-Scale or Small-Scale Agriculture.

2.    One (1) single-family dwelling if shown to be in conjunction with and substantially contribute to the current agricultural use of a farm pursuant to Section 40.240.230(A)(5). The siting of the dwelling shall comply with Section 40.240.330.

3.    Temporary on-site structures which are auxiliary to and used during the term of a particular forest operation. “Auxiliary” means a use or alteration of a structure or land which provides help or is directly associated with the conduct of a particular forest practice. An auxiliary structure shall be located on-site, temporary in nature, and not designed to remain for the forest’s entire growth cycle from planting to harvesting. An auxiliary use is removed when the particular forest practice for which it was approved has concluded.

4.    Temporary portable facilities for the primary processing of forest products grown on a parcel or contiguous parcels in the same ownership where the facility is to be located. The facility shall be removed upon completion of the harvest operation.

5.    Uses to conserve soil, air and water quality and to provide for wildlife and fisheries resources.

6.    Structures associated with hunting and fishing operations.

7.    Towers and fire stations for forest fire protection.

8.    New agricultural structures subject to Section 40.240.330.

9.    The temporary use of a mobile home in the case of a family hardship, subject to Sections 40.240.190(C) and (D), and Section 40.240.330.

10.    Accessory building(s) greater than sixty (60) square feet in floor area and/or exceeding eighteen (18) feet in height as measured at the roof peak; subject to Sections 40.240.190(C) and 40.240.330.

11.    A second single-family dwelling for a farm operator’s relative, subject to Sections 40.240.190(C), 40.240.230(A)(8) and 40.240.330.

12.    Private roads serving a residence, subject to Sections 40.240.190(C) and 40.240.330.

13.    Recreation development, subject to Section 40.240.580 and the Recreation Development Plan (Management Plan, Part III, Chapter 1).

14.    Construction or reconstruction of roads or modifications not in conjunction with forest use or practices.

15.    Agricultural labor housing upon a showing that:

a.    The proposed housing is necessary and accessory to a current agricultural use.

b.    The housing shall be seasonal unless it is shown that an additional full-time dwelling is necessary to the current agricultural use of the subject agricultural unit. Seasonal use shall not exceed nine (9) months.

c.    The housing shall be located to minimize the conversion of lands capable of production of farm crops and livestock and will not force a significant change in or significantly increase the cost of accepted agricultural practices employed on nearby lands devoted to agricultural use.

16.    New cultivation, subject to compliance with Sections 40.240.510, and 40.240.530 through 40.240.560.

17.    Life estates on lands Gorge Small Woodland, pursuant to Section 40.240.340.

18.    Land divisions, subject to Section 40.240.190(A)(2).

19.    Placement of structures necessary for continued public safety and the protection of private property and essential public services damaged during an emergency/disaster event. This includes the replacement of temporary structures erected during such events with permanent structures performing an identical or related function. Land use proposals shall be submitted within twelve (12) months following an emergency/disaster event.

B.    The following uses may be allowed on lands zoned Gorge SMA Federal or Non-Federal Forest subject to compliance with the appropriate scenic, cultural, natural, and recreation resources guidelines (Sections 40.240.490 through 40.240.590). The use or development will be sited to minimize the loss of land suitable for the production of forest products:

1.    Any use listed in Section 40.240.230(B).

2.    Forest practices in accordance with a site plan for forest practices approved by the Washington Department of Natural Resources, or other designated forest practices review agency, including the following:

a.    The following information, in addition to the site plan requirements of Section 40.240.100, shall be included on the site plan:

(1)    Boundary of proposed commercial forest practice.

(2)    Location of proposed rock or aggregate sources.

(3)    Timber types.

(4)    Harvest units.

(5)    Silvicultural prescriptions.

(6)    Road and structure construction and/or reconstruction design.

(7)    Major skid trails, landings, and yarding corridors.

(8)    Commercial firewood cutting areas.

(9)    Existing and proposed rock pit development plans.

(10)    Protection measures for scenic, cultural, natural, and recreation.

(11)    Resources, such as road closures.

b.    A discussion of slash disposal methods.

c.    A reforestation plan as reviewed by the appropriate state forest practices agency.

3.    Railroad and road construction or reconstruction.

4.    Exploration, development, and production of sand, gravel, or crushed rock, as defined in Section 40.240.060, for the construction, maintenance, or reconstruction of roads used to manage or harvest commercial forest products in the Special Management Area, subject to Sections 40.240.490 and 40.250.020, and all other applicable federal, state and county standards.

5.    Silvicultural nurseries.

6.    Utility facilities for public service upon a finding that:

a.    There is no alternative location with less adverse effect on Forest Land, and

b.    The size is the minimum necessary to provide the service.

7.    Structures or vegetation management activities for the purpose of wildlife, fisheries, or plant habitat enhancement projects.

8.    Fish hatcheries and agricultural facilities.

9.    Public recreation, commercial recreation, interpretive and educational developments and uses consistent with Section 40.240.590.

10.    One (1) dwelling on a parcel of forty (40) contiguous acres or larger if an approved forest management plan demonstrates that such dwelling is necessary for and accessory to forest uses. The forest management plan shall demonstrate the following:

a.    The dwelling will contribute substantially to the growing, propagation, and harvesting of trees. The principal purpose for allowing a dwelling on forest lands is to enable the resident to conduct efficient and effective management. This requirement shall indicate a relationship between ongoing forest management and the need for dwelling on the subject property.

b.    The subject parcel has been enrolled in the state’s forest assessment program.

c.    A plan for management of the parcel has been approved by the Washington Department of Natural Resources and the responsible official. The plan must indicate the condition and productivity of lands to be managed; the operations the owner will carry out (thinning, harvest, planting, etc.); a chronological description of when the operations will occur, estimates of yield, labor, and expenses; and how the dwelling will contribute towards the successful management of the property.

d.    There are no other dwellings on the parcel that are vacant or currently occupied by persons not engaged in forest management of the subject parcel.

e.    The dwelling complies with all applicable building code and fire protection guidelines.

f.    A declaration has been signed by the landowner and recorded into county deeds and records specifying that the owners, successors, heirs, and assigns of the subject property are aware that adjacent and nearby operations are entitled to carry on accepted agricultural or forest practices.

11.    Accessory structures over sixty (60) square feet.

12.    Home occupations pursuant to Section 40.240.190(E).

13.    Temporary portable facility for the processing of forest products.

14.    Towers and fire stations for forest fire protection.

15.    Community facilities and nonprofit facilities related to forest resource management.

16.    Expansion of existing nonprofit group camps, retreats, or conference or education centers, necessary for the successful operation of the facility on the dedicated site. Expansion beyond the dedicated site shall be prohibited.

17.    Signs as specified in Section 40.240.200(B).

18.    Placement of structures necessary for continued public safety and the protection of private property and essential public services damaged during an emergency/disaster event. This includes the replacement of temporary structures erected during such events with permanent structures performing an identical or related function. Land use proposals shall be submitted within twelve (12) months following an emergency/disaster event.