40.250.100    Urban Reserve Overlay (UR-10, UR-20)

A.    Purpose.

    Urban reserve lands are identified as being possible future additions to urban growth areas and may only be changed during the comprehensive plan update process. These lands are outside of but adjacent to urban growth boundaries. The purpose of the urban reserve overlay is to protect areas from premature land division and development that would preclude efficient transition to urban development. The urban reserve overlay is implemented by Urban Reserve-10 (UR-10) and Urban Reserve-20 (UR-20).

1.    Urban Reserve-10 (UR-10). The Urban Reserve-10 overlay protects identified land adjacent to urban growth boundaries from premature land division and development that would preclude efficient transition to urban development.

2.    Urban Reserve-20 (UR-20). The Urban Reserve-20 overlay protects identified land adjacent to urban growth boundaries from premature land division and development that would preclude efficient transition to large-scale nonresidential development.

B.    Uses.

1.    The uses allowed in the underlying district are allowed in the urban reserve overlay.

2.    In addition to the criteria in Section 40.520.030, in order to be approved, the following criteria shall be met by all conditional uses:

a.    Permanent structures or facilities shall be designed and located to provide for the orderly extension of public roads, water and sewer to the site and surrounding urban reserve properties.

b.    All necessary road, drainage and other rights-of-way or easements necessary to ensure that future urban development will occur in an orderly manner shall be identified and approved by the county engineer and dedicated or otherwise protected.

c.    The property owner shall submit with the conditional use application a signed agreement(s) between the property owner and the service provider(s) that obliges the property owner to connect to public sewer and water when each becomes available within three hundred (300) feet of the site. The agreements must be consistent with Section 40.370.010.

3.    In addition to the criteria in Section 40.520.030, in order to be approved, the following criteria shall be met by all schools:

a.    The proponent shall demonstrate that the proposed site is more suitable than specific alternative sites within the existing urban growth area. The proponent shall address suitability criteria, which includes property size, topography, zoning, surrounding land uses, transportation (including adequacy of roads and transit services), environmental concerns and location within the area to be served.

b.    Schools shall be located within one-quarter (1/4) mile of the urban growth boundary unless the applicant demonstrates no suitable property is available.

C.    Development Standards.

1.    New lots and structures and additions to structures subject to this section shall comply with the applicable standards for building height and setbacks in the underlying zoning districts, subject to the provisions of Chapter 40.200 and Section 40.550.020.

2.    Signs. Signs shall be permitted according to the provisions of Chapter 40.310.

3.    Off-Street Parking. Off-street parking shall be provided as required in Chapter 40.340.

(Amended: Ord. 2016-06-12; Ord. 2016-09-04; Ord. 2017-07-04)