40.260.170    Private Use Landing Strips for Aircraft and Heliports

All landing strips for aircraft or heliports shall be so designed and the runways and facilities so oriented that the incidence of aircraft passing directly over dwellings during their landing or taking off patterns is minimized. They shall be located so that traffic shall not constitute a nuisance to neighboring uses. The proponents shall show that adequate controls or measures will be taken to prevent offensive noise, vibrations, dust or bright lights.

A.    Private landing strips and heliports may be permitted upon approval of a conditional use permit only in the R-5, R-10, R-20, AG-20, FR-40, IL and IH zoning districts.

(Amended: Ord. 2012-12-14)

B.    Heliports, helipads and helispots are permitted outright only in the FR-80 district.

C.    Private use heliports may also be permitted upon approval of a conditional use permit in the CC, CL, GC and OR districts.

(Amended: Ord. 2016-06-12; Ord. 2017-07-04)