Title 17


17.04    General Provisions

17.08    Definitions

17.12    Comprehensive Plan and Official Maps

17.16    Zoning Districts Generally

17.20    Single-Family Residential Zone

17.24    Multifamily Residential Zone

17.28    Professional Service Zone

17.32    Commercial Zone

17.36    Utility Zone

17.40    Public Service Zone

17.44    Shoreline Public Accommodation Zone

17.48    Light Manufacturing Zone

17.52    Light Industrial Zone

17.56    General Requirements

17.60    Nonconformity

17.64    Historic Preservation

17.66    Planned Residential Developments

17.68    Off-Street Parking Requirements

17.72    Concurrency

17.76    Friday Harbor Urban Growth Area Administration

17.80    Conditional Use Permits

17.84    Variances

17.88    Violation and Enforcement