Chapter 13.28


13.28.010    Purpose.

13.28.020    Definitions.

13.28.030    Application of standards.

13.28.040    Procedure for implementation.

13.28.050    Procedure for variance.

13.28.060    Procedure for standards review.

13.28.010 Purpose.

The purpose of the minimum design standards is to set a base-level of utility planning, design, and construction for public water utilities. Uniformity and consistency in the standards will enhance reliable service and hydraulic efficiency to consumers as system inter-ties and/or consolidation of utilities takes place.

(Ord. 134 (1990) § 1, 1990)

13.28.020 Definitions.

The following words or terms are defined as follows:

A.    “Coordinated water system plan” or “CWSP” means a plan for public water systems within a critical water supply service area (CWSSA) which identifies the present and future needs of the systems and sets forth means for meeting those needs in the most efficient manner possible.

B.    “Critical water supply service area” or “CWSSA” means a geographical area which is characterized by a proliferation of small inadequate water systems or by water supply problems which threaten the present or future water quality or reliability of service in such a manner that efficient and orderly development may best be achieved through coordinated planning by the water utilities in the area.

C.    “Existing water system” means any system or water supply intended or used for human consumption or other domestic uses including, but not limited to, source, treatment, storage, transmission and distribution facilities where water is furnished to any community, number of individuals, or is made available to the public for human consumption or domestic use. This definition shall exclude water systems serving one single-family residence, water systems existing prior to September 21, 1977, which are owner-operated and serve less than ten single-family residences, and water systems serving no more than one industrial plant.

D.    “Service area” means a specific area within which direct service or retail service is planned by a public water system, as determined by written agreement between purveyors as provided in WAC 248-56-730.

E.    “Utility” or “water utility” means any agency or subdivision of the state or any municipality, firm, company, mutual or cooperative association, institution, partnership, person, or any other entity that owns or operates a public water system for wholesale or retail service, or their authorized agent.

F.    “Water system plan” or “WSP” means a written, comprehensive water supply plan prepared for a particular water system and service area which identifies a schedule of needed improvements, a financial program, and an operations program.

G.    “Water utility coordinating committee” or “WUCC” means a committee required by WAC 248-56-500 which was established by the Kitsap County board of county commissioners and composed of a representative from each purveyor serving more than fifty customers, the county legislative authority, county planning agency, and health agencies.

(Ord. 134 (1990) § 2, 1990)

13.28.030 Application of standards.

The minimum design standards are hereby adopted and incorporated into the ordinance codified in this chapter by reference.* Subject to the exceptions noted below, each utility is to adopt design standards as part of their water system plan. It is intended that a utility shall adopt the minimum design standards contained herein or higher standards, provided such standards are not inconsistent with applicable land use plans.

Existing water systems are not required to utilize these minimum standards for repair or replacement of facilities so long as no expansion of service are involved. However, if existing facilities must be repaired or replaced to serve an expanded area, new construction shall meet these minimum standards.

(Ord. 134 (1990) § 3, 1990)

*    Editor’s Note: The minimum design standards are not codified in this code. The standards are on file in the office of the clerk to the board of commissioners.

13.28.040 Procedure for implementation.

New and expanding utilities shall meet water system planning requirements using land use designations for their service area, as prescribed in the Kitsap County Comprehensive Plan, appropriate subarea plans, Zoning Code, city comprehensive plans, and any related interlocal agreements. Such designation shall be identified in the utility’s water system plan, and shall be used to establish design requirements.

The utility shall prepare a water system plan and a program of capital improvements required to provide the anticipated level of service within their designated water service area, consistent with the appropriate land use plan. When the utility is requested to provide water service, it will identify that portion of planned capital facilities as well as other installations which are necessary to provide the service requested. As growth occurs, the full level of water service will identify that portion of planned capital facilities as well as other installations which are necessary to provide the service requested. As growth occurs, the full level of water service will eventually be provided throughout the service area of the utility in a planned, phased program which meets county requirements. In this case, the utility and developer may reach an agreement to provide the desired service through a schedule of improvements which is specified by a legally binding contract.

A phased development plan shall be consistent with current Kitsap County ordinances, the capabilities of the utility, and future capital requirements needed for the development at its maximum potential densities. A phased development plan shall depict the capital facilities for phased construction and their conformance with the standards.

Once a water utility’s plan is approved, the utility should be consulted by the land use planning agency with jurisdiction regarding any proposed land use changes which impact the required level of water service. The water service-related cost of said impacts, as determined by the utility, should be fully considered by the planning agency in acting on the proposed land change.

(Ord. 134 (1990) § 4, 1990)

13.28.050 Procedure for variance.

The appropriate utility, upon petition by an applicant for water service, may approve a variance of non-health related standards if deemed justified by public interests. Upon approval, the applicant will be referred by the utility to the appropriate local fire authority and other local and state jurisdictions for further approvals, as may be required.

(Ord. 134 (1990) § 5, 1990)

13.28.060 Procedure for standards review.

The minimum design standards and their implementation shall be reviewed annually by the water and sewer technical advisory committee of the Kitsap County department of community development. The committee shall seek input from the Kitsap County fire marshal and the fire districts in matters related to fire protection standards. Recommendations shall be submitted to the WUCC and, if provisions are approved, they shall be forwarded to the county commissioners for adoption.

(Ord. 134 (1990) § 6, 1990)