20D.210.30 Walkways, Sidewalks, and Trails.

20D.210.30-010 Required Installation.

As development occurs, sidewalks, walkways, and trails shall be provided. Installation is required as a condition of development approval. (Formerly 20C.20.260(05)

20D.210.30-020 Location.

Sidewalks, walkways and trails shall be provided in public rights-of-way or easements across private property that guarantee public access after consideration of the following factors:

(1)    Compliance with RCDG Title 20B, Goals, Policies and Plans;

(2)    Need to improve access to public facilities;

(3)    Need to connect a development with trails;

(4)    Need for access between developments;

(5)    Compliance with the standards of RCDG 20D.210.20, Street and Access Standards;

(6)    Need for sidewalks on one or both sides of a street. (Formerly 20C.20.260(10))

20D.210.30-030 Trails.

As development occurs trails shall be provided as indicated on the Equestrian and Bicycle Trails Plans in RCDG Title 20B, Parks, Recreation and Open Space Plan. Trail locations shall be as close as possible to those delineated on the Trails Plans, but may deviate if connections between points is maintained. (Formerly 20C.20.260(15))

20D.210.30-040 Construction Specifications.

Construction specifications and design details for sidewalks, walkways and trails shall be prepared by the Technical Committee. They shall be made an appendix to the Development Guide and accessible to the public. (Formerly 20C.20.260(20))