Chapter 12.36


12.36.010    Applicability.

12.36.020    FIC—Base fee.

12.36.030    Use of FIC funds.

12.36.010 Applicability.

The provisions of this chapter shall apply to new development and substantial remodel projects in the neighborhood residential (NR) zone. Developments shall install frontage improvements as required by the city’s public works design and construction standards, which are incorporated by reference. In accordance with the city’s public works design and construction standards, applicable projects may pay the frontage improvement charge (FIC) in lieu of installing full frontage improvements. (Ord. 2020-0224 § 1, 2024; Ord. 1870-0415 § 1 (part), 2015)

12.36.020 FIC—Base fee.

A.    A base fee for the FIC (fee in lieu of construction charge) for frontage improvement items shall be established in the city’s master fee schedule. Cost for additional required street improvement items not shown in the master fee schedule shall be determined by the city engineer.

B.    Effective January 1st of subsequent years, the FIC shall be adjusted based on the October to September change in the Construction Cost Index for the Seattle area as published by Engineering News-Record.

C.    The base fee will be applied to all eligible projects identified in Sections 2.160.G and 2.165 of the current “City of Shelton Design and Construction Standards.” (Ord. 2020-0224 § 1, 2024; Ord. 1884-2016 § 1, 2016: Ord. 1870-0415 § 1 (part), 2015)

12.36.030 Use of FIC funds.

A.    FIC, once collected, shall be placed in an appropriate deposit account within the capital improvement fund.

B.    FIC revenues shall be held and disbursed as follows:

1.    FIC revenues shall be used for costs incurred on capital projects for the design, construction, and improvement of gravel roads, alleys, pedestrian and nonmotorized improvements, including capitalized repair and maintenance, when such improvements are part of a project identified in the annual six-year capital plan or six-year transportation improvement program.

2.    Priority for funds shall be given to projects that improve conditions on “critical pedestrian routes” as shown on the current “critical pedestrian route” map included in the “City of Shelton Design and Construction Standards.”

3.    Public works shall prepare an annual report to the council on the FIC showing all sources and amounts of revenue collected and projects for which funds were expended. (Ord. 2020-0224 § 1, 2024; Ord. 1921-0518 (part), 2018; Ord. 1870-0415 § 1 (part), 2015)