Chapter 18.25


18.25.010    Purpose.

18.25.020    Applicability.

18.25.030    Performance requirements.

18.25.040    Trip reduction measures.

18.25.050    Submittal requirements.

18.25.060    Required findings.

18.25.070    Modifications and changed plans.

18.25.080    Monitoring.

18.25.010 Purpose.

The specific purposes of this chapter are to:

A.    Reduce the amount of traffic generated by new development and the expansion of existing development;

B.    Promote the more efficient utilization of existing transportation facilities and ensure that new developments are designed in ways to maximize the potential for alternative transportation usage; and

C.    Establish an ongoing monitoring and enforcement program to ensure that the City’s desired alternative mode use percentages are achieved. (Ord. 1438 § 4 (Exh. A (part)), 2011)

18.25.020 Applicability.

The requirements of this chapter apply to:

A.    New multi-unit development of ten units or more;

B.    New nonresidential development of ten thousand square feet or more;

C.    Additions to nonresidential buildings that are ten thousand square feet or more in size that expand existing gross floor area by ten percent or more; and

D.    Establishment of a new use, change of use, or change in operational characteristics in a building that is ten thousand square feet or more in size that results in an average daily trip increase of more than ten percent of the current use, based on the most recent Institute of Traffic Engineers (ITE) trip generation rates. (Ord. 1438 § 4 (Exh. A (part)), 2011)

18.25.030 Performance requirements.

All projects subject to the requirements of this chapter shall incorporate measures to meet vehicle trip generation rates that are twenty percent lower than the standard rates as established in the most recent edition of the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) trip generation manual. (Ord. 1438 § 4 (Exh. A (part)), 2011)

18.25.040 Trip reduction measures.

All projects subject to the requirements of this chapter shall implement any combination of the following measures to achieve the required minimum vehicle trip generation reduction. Guidelines listing the number of trips that are reduced per trip reduction measure are available from the City/County Association of Governments of San Mateo County.

A.    Passenger Loading Zones. Passenger loading zones for carpool and vanpool drop-off located near the main building entrance.

B.    Direct Route to Transit. A well-lighted path or sidewalk utilizing the most direct route to the nearest transit or shuttle stop from the building.

C.    Pedestrian Connections. Safe, convenient pedestrian connections provided from the project to surrounding public streets and, if applicable, trails. Under this requirement, lighting, landscaping and building orientation are designed to enhance pedestrian safety.

D.    Bicycle Connections. If a site is abutting a bicycle path, lane or route, provision of a bicycle connection close to an entrance to the building on the site.

E.    Land Dedication for Transit/Bus Shelter. Where appropriate, land dedicated for transit or a bus shelter provided based on the proximity to a transit route.

F.    Long-Term Bicycle Parking. Covered and secure long-term bicycle parking located within seventy-five feet of a main entrance. Long-term bicycle parking must be in at least one of the following facilities:

1.    An enclosed bicycle locker;

2.    A fenced, covered, locked or guarded bicycle storage area; or

3.    A rack or stand inside a building that is within view of an attendant or security guard or visible from employee work areas.

G.    Short-Term Bicycle Parking. Secure short-term bicycle parking located within fifty feet of a main entrance to the building.

H.    Free Preferential Carpool and Vanpool Parking. Ten percent of vehicle spaces reserved for carpools or vanpools, with a minimum of one space required. The preferential parking spaces shall be provided free of charge.

I.    Showers/Clothes Lockers. Shower and clothes locker facilities free of charge.

J.    Transportation Management Association (TMA). Participation in or requirement for tenant to participate in a local TMA, the Peninsula Congestion Relief Alliance (Alliance) or a similar organization approved by the Director, that provides ongoing support for alternative commute programs.

K.    Paid Parking at Prevalent Market Rates. Parking provided at a cost equal to the prevalent market rate, as determined by the City based on a survey of paid parking in the City and adjacent communities.

L.    Alternative Commute Subsides/Parking Cash Out. Provide employees with a subsidy, determined by the applicant and subject to review by the Director, if they use transit or commute by other alternative modes.

M.    Carpool and Vanpool Ride-Matching Services. Matching of potential carpoolers and vanpoolers by administering a carpool/vanpool matching program.

N.    Guaranteed Ride Home. Guaranteed rides home in emergency situations for carpool, vanpool and transit riders. Rides shall be provided either by a transportation service provider (taxi or rental car) or an informal policy using company vehicles and/or designated employees.

O.    Shuttle Program. Provision of a shuttle program or participation in an existing shuttle program approved by the Director and subject to any fees for the existing program.

P.    Information Boards/Kiosks. Display of the following information in a prominent location, maintained by a designated TDM contact: transit routes and schedules; carpooling and vanpooling information; bicycle lanes, routes and paths and facility information; and alternative commute subsidy information.

Q.    Promotional Programs. Promotion and organization of events for the following programs: new tenant and employee orientation packets on transportation alternatives; flyers, posters, brochures, and emails on commute alternatives; transportation fairs; Spare the Air (June through October); Rideshare Week (October); trip planning assistance routes and maps.

R.    Compressed Work Week. Allow employees or require tenants to allow employees to adjust their work schedule in order to complete the basic work requirement of five eight-hour workdays by adjusting their schedule to reduce vehicle trips to the worksite.

S.    Flextime. Provide or require tenants to provide employees with staggered work hours involving a shift in the set work hours of all employees at the workplace or flexible work hours involving individually determined work hours.

T.    On-Site Amenities. One or more of the following amenities provided on site: ATM, day care, cafeteria, limited food service establishment, dry cleaners, exercise facilities, convenience retail, post office, on-site transit pass sales.

U.    Telecommuting. Provide or require tenants to provide opportunities and the ability for employees to work off site.

V.    Other Measures. Additional measures not listed in this chapter, such as child care facilities or an in-lieu fee that would be negotiated in a development agreement with the City. (Ord. 1438 § 4 (Exh. A (part)), 2011)

18.25.050 Submittal requirements.

All projects subject to the requirements of this chapter shall submit a transportation demand management plan in conjunction with the development application. These plans must demonstrate that, upon implementation, they will achieve the required alternative mode use and shall include the following.

A.    Checklist. A completed checklist of the trip reduction measures chosen by the applicant pursuant to Section 18.25.040, Trip reduction measures.

B.    Trip Generation. Estimated daily trip generation for the proposed use based on the ITE trip generation rates.

C.    Implementation Plan. A description of how the applicable minimum alternative mode use will be achieved and maintained over the life of the project, including, but not limited to, the transportation demand management goals targeted for the various measures.

D.    Designated TDM Contact. Designation of an employee or resident as the official contact for the transportation demand management program. The City shall be provided with a current name and phone number of the designated TDM contact who administers carpool and vanpool ride-matching services and promotional programs, updates information on the information boards/kiosks, and is the official contact for the administration of the annual survey and triennial report.

E.    Site Plan. A site plan that designates transportation demand management design elements including:

1.    External: preferential parking areas, paid parking areas, bicycle connections, bicycle parking, location of on-site amenities, passenger loading areas, land dedicated for transit facilities and bus shelters, direct route to transit, and pedestrian connections.

2.    Internal: showers/lockers, information boards/kiosks, ATM, dry cleaners, day care, convenience retail, post office, cafeteria, limited food service establishment, exercise facilities, on-site transit pass sales. (Ord. 1438 § 4 (Exh. A (part)), 2011)

18.25.060 Required findings.

Prior to approval of a permit for a project subject to the requirements of this chapter, the review authority shall make both of the following findings:

A.    The proposed trip reduction measures are feasible and appropriate for the project, considering the proposed use or mix of uses and the project’s location, size, and hours of operation; and

B.    The proposed performance guarantees will ensure that the target alternative mode use established for the project by this chapter will be achieved and maintained. (Ord. 1438 § 4 (Exh. A (part)), 2011)

18.25.070 Modifications and changed plans.

A.    Minor Modifications. The Director may approve minor modifications to an approved transportation demand management plan that are consistent with the original findings and conditions approved by the review authority and would result in the same target minimum alternative mode use.

B.    Changed Plans. A change in an approved project that would result in the addition of ten percent of the building area or a ten percent increase in the number of average daily trips shall be treated as a new application. (Ord. 1438 § 4 (Exh. A (part)), 2011)

18.25.080 Monitoring.

A report, documenting the TDM activities undertaken and their results, shall be submitted to the Director annually at the responsibility of the applicant. A five-year review shall evaluate the overall effectiveness of all of the TDM activities and may suggest new or modified activities or substitute activities to meet the program’s objectives, per the Director’s review and approval. The Director may impose reasonable changes to assure the program’s objectives will be met. (Ord. 1438 § 4 (Exh. A (part)), 2011)