Chapter 18.04


18.04.010    Abbreviations and definitions.

18.04.010 Abbreviations and definitions.

“AASHTO” means American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials.

“AC” means asphaltic concrete.

“ACI” means American Concrete Institute.

“ADA” means Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990.

“ADT” means average daily traffic.

“ALTA Survey” means American Land Title Association Survey.

“ANSI” means American National Standards Institute.

“APWA” means American Public Works Association.

“ASTM” means American Society for Testing and Materials.

“AWWA” means American Water Works Association.

“Bicycle” means a vehicle having two tandem wheels, propelled solely by human power.

“Bicycle facilities” is a general term denoting improvements and provisions which accommodate or encourage bicycling, including parking facilities, maps, signs, pathways, bike lanes, widened sidewalks, bikeways and shared roadways designated for bicycle use.

“Bicycle lane (bike lane)” means a portion of a roadway which has been designated by striping, signing and pavement markings for the preferential or exclusive use of bicyclists.

“Bicycle path (off-street pathway)” means a paved pathway physically separated from motorized vehicular traffic by an open space or barrier within an independent right-of-way.

“Bicycle route (bike route)” means a segment of a system of bikeways designated by the jurisdiction having authority with appropriate directional and informational markers, with or without a specific bicycle route number or as designated on a bicycle map, brochure or guidebook.

“Bikeway” means any road, path or way which in some manner is specifically designated as being open to bicycle travel, regardless of whether such facilities are designated for the exclusive use of bicycles or are to be shared with other transportation modes.

“CARV” means combination air and vacuum release valve.

CBE. “Crushed base equivalent (CBE)” is the number that directly relates the traffic coefficient to the required number of inches of rock for street structural sections.

“CBR” means California bearing ratio.

“City engineer” means city engineer or designated representative.

“DEQ” means Oregon Department of Environmental Quality.

“Development Code” refers to the city of St. Helens Development Code (SHMC Title 17, Ordinance 2875 and amendments).

“DSL” means Division of State Lands.

“Engineer” means the design engineer, stamping engineer, or engineer of record.

“EPA” means U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

“FEMA” means Federal Emergency Management Agency.

“GPS” means global positioning system.

“IE” means invert elevation.

“Intersection” refers to the area jointed by two or more roads intersecting. For approaches of a continuous street at an acute curve or some other angle point with different street names.

“MUTCD” means Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices.

“NEC” means National Electric Code with Oregon amendments.

“OAR” means Oregon Administrative Rules.

“ODOT” means Oregon Department of Transportation.

“ORS” means Oregon Revised Statutes.

“OSHA” means Occupational Safety and Health Administration.

“OSHD” means Oregon State Highway Division.

“Parking lot” means paved surfaces on private property intended for the movement and storage of six or more vehicles.

“PRV” means pressure-reducing valve.

“Review authority” means city staff that the city engineer consults when a decision regarding a design standard modification is made. For the purposes of this title, these staff include the public works director, fire marshal, planning director, and engineering staff.

“Sidewalk” means the portion of a street designed for preferential or exclusive use by pedestrians.

“Street” means a public way which affords the principal means of access to abutting property.

“TCDH” means Traffic Control Device Handbook.

“Temporary parklet” means the use of a vehicle space (e.g., on-street parking space) or curb extension for public use, social interaction, and passive or active recreation. Temporary parklets in an on-street parking space are typically comprised of a platform, barriers to traffic, and seating, yet creativity in incorporating landscaping, art, and other elements is encouraged, given safety requirements are met. The duration of temporary parklets and the design vary accordingly. See SHMC 18.12.190.

“Traffic coefficient” means a number used in determining the structural section of a street.

“Transportation plan” refers to the city of St. Helens transportation plan which is an element of the comprehensive plan.

“UBC” means Uniform Building Code with Oregon amendments.

“UFC” means Uniform Fire Code with Oregon amendments.

“UL” means Underwriter’s Laboratory.

“UMC” means Uniform Mechanical Code with Oregon amendments.

“UPC” means Uniform Plumbing Code with Oregon amendments.

“Wetlands” means those areas that are inundated or saturated by surface or ground water at a frequency and duration sufficient to support, and that under normal circumstances do support, a prevalence of vegetation typically adapted for life in saturated soil conditions. Wetlands generally include swamps, marshes, bogs, and similar areas. Identification and delineation of jurisdictional wetlands and wetland boundaries shall be done by a qualified biologist using applicable state and federal guidelines. (Ord. 3181 § 4 (Att. C), 2015; Ord. 2875 Appx., 2003)