Chapter 20.04


20.04.010    Roles and responsibilities.

20.04.020    Director.

20.04.030    Board of county commissioners.

20.04.040    Planning commission.

20.04.050    Hearing examiner.

20.04.010 Roles and responsibilities.

A. The regulation of land development is a cooperative activity including elected officials, the planning commission, the hearing examiner and county staff. The specific responsibilities of these bodies are set forth below. (Ord. 2016-8 Att. A, 2016).

20.04.020 Director.

The director of planning and development (director) and/or his/her designee shall review and act on the following:

A. Authority. The director is responsible for the administration of county code related to land use matters.

B. Administrative Interpretation. Upon request or as determined necessary, the director shall interpret the meaning or application of the provisions of said titles and issue a written administrative interpretation within 30 calendar days. Requests for interpretation shall be written and shall concisely identify the issue and desired interpretation.

C. Administrative Decisions. Unless otherwise directed in an applicable regulation, the director is responsible for issuing administrative decisions as set forth herein. (Ord. 2016-8 Att. A, 2016).

20.04.030 Board of county commissioners.

The board of county commissioners shall review and act on the following subjects:

A. Recommendations of the planning commission;

B. May adopt policy consistent with the respective titles in the Okanogan County Code; and

C. Final plat approvals. (Ord. 2016-8 Att. A, 2016).

20.04.040 Planning commission.

The planning commission shall review and make recommendations on the following issues:

A. Amendments to the comprehensive plan;

B. Amendments to the official land use controls;

C. Other actions requested or remanded by the board of county commissioners. (Ord. 2016-8 Att. A, 2016).

20.04.050 Hearing examiner.

The hearing examiner shall review and make decisions as provided in Chapter 2.65 OCC as amended. (Ord. 2016-8 Att. A, 2016).