Chapter 2.36


2.36.010    Established.

2.36.020    Purpose.

2.36.030    Acquisitions—Gifts.

2.36.010 Established.

The Valdez museum and historical archive, hereby established, is organized to support and enhance community goals in heritage preservation, public education and economic development. The governance and management of the Valdez museum and historical archive will be determined by the city council. (Ord. 97-01 § 2)

2.36.020 Purpose.

The Valdez museum and historical archive shall conduct programs for the benefit of residents and visitors and shall particularly support public education and visitor industry development. (Ord. 97-01 § 3)

2.36.030 Acquisitions—Gifts.

A.    The Valdez museum and historical archive may acquire property needed to accomplish its purposes. Such property shall include, but is not limited to informational materials and objects of significance to local/regional history; all such acquisitions shall be considered property of the city and managed as determined by the city council.

B.    Gifts and grants of monies received by the city for the Valdez museum and historical archive will be appropriated to accomplish the purposes for which they were given.

C.    Disposition of deaccessioned objects/materials shall be done in a manner which best protects public confidence in the city’s stewardship of its heritage trust responsibilities. Proceeds from sales of deaccessioned cultural materials may accrue only to the Valdez Museum memorial endowment fund. (Ord. 97-01 § 4)