Chapter 17.24


17.24.010    Purpose

17.24.020    Permitted Principal Uses

17.24.030    Property Development Standards for Permitted Principal Uses

17.24.040    Permitted Accessory Uses

17.24.050    Development Standards for Permitted Accessory Uses

17.24.060    Permitted Conditional Uses

17.24.010 Purpose

This district is intended to promote and preserve residential development. Regulations are designed to stabilize and protect the single-family residential character of the district, to promote and encourage creation of a favorable environment for family life, and to prohibit all incompatible activities. Land use is composed chiefly of individual homes, together with required recreation, religious and educational facilities as the basic elements of a balanced neighborhood. Certain essential and complementary uses are permitted under conditions and standards which assure their compatibility with the character of the district. (Ord. 736 Art. IV § (A)(3)(a), 1997)

17.24.020 Permitted Principal Uses

A.    One single-family dwelling or modular home subject to design guidelines in Chapter 17.64.

B.    Publicly owned parks and recreation centers. (Ord. 736 Art. IV § (A)(3)(b), 1997)

17.24.030 Property Development Standards for Permitted Principal Uses


Minimum lot or site area:

7,000 square feet


Minimum lot width:



Required yards:




Front yard:




Exterior side yard:




Interior side yard:




Rear yard:



Maximum building height:


(Ord. 736 Art. IV § (A)(3)(c), 1997)

17.24.040 Permitted Accessory Uses

Limited to fences and walls (as noted below), garage, enclosed storage, storage container, barn, satellite earth station, swimming pool, amateur radio tower, game court (unlighted), home occupation (see Section 17.52.020) and household pets.

A.    Fences and walls, provided they are no higher than four feet in the front yard, no higher than six feet six inches in the side or rear yard.

B.    The side yard fence shall not extend beyond the front of the principal building.

C.    Open wire fences exceeding the above heights are allowed around schools and other public or quasi-public uses when necessary for the safety or restraint of the occupants thereof.

D.    No fence may contain barbed wire, electrical current, broken glass, or other hazardous material. (Ord. 736 Art. IV § (A)(3)(d), 1997)

(Manual, Amended, 06/18/2004)

17.24.050 Development Standards for Permitted Accessory Uses

A.    No accessory building shall be located in the required front or side yard.

B.    Accessory buildings shall not occupy more than twenty-five (25) percent of the required rear yard.

C.    Garages accessed from an alley shall be setback at least ten feet from the property line adjacent to the alley. (Ord. 736 Art. IV § (A)(3)(e), 1997)

D.    One (1) storage container per parcel may be used under the following conditions:

1.    A city permit shall be obtained after submission of a site plan showing required front and side setbacks.

2.    Length shall not exceed twenty (20) feet, with height not to exceed eight (8) feet.

3.    If permanent, they shall be painted similar of complimentary to the surrounding structure(s) or dwellings.

4.    Temporary placement shall be no more than six (6) moths, after which the container shall be removed.

Exception to the above conditions may be made for storage containers used on construction sites.

(Manual, Amended, 06/18/2004)

17.24.060 Permitted Conditional Uses

A.    Schools, public or private;

B.    Churches and church facility complexes;

C.    Public and quasi-public buildings;

D.    Public utilities;

E.    Class II home occupations;

F.    Apiaries;

G.    Hospitals. (Ord. 736 Art. IV § (A)(3)(f), 1997)

H.    Storage container in excess of twenty (20) feet in length.

(Manual, Amended, 06/18/2004)