Chapter 22.39


22.39.010    Location.

22.39.020    Purpose and intent of an area development plan.

22.39.030    Description of the development area and vicinity.

22.39.040    Area development plan objectives.

22.39.050    Area development plan policies.

22.39.060    Definitions.

22.39.070    Area map.

22.39.080    Illustrative plan.

22.39.090    Permitted uses.

22.39.100    Intensity standards.

22.39.110    Site development standards.

22.39.120    Environmental performance standards.

22.39.130    Art in public places.

22.39.140    Severability.

22.39.010 Location.

Area development plan fifteen is located along the western edge of Studebaker Road approximately one hundred fifty feet south of Artesia Boulevard. Area development plan fifteen is bounded by an industrial/commercial development to the north, Studebaker Road to the east, the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) right-of-way to the south, and the San Gabriel River (I-605) Freeway to the west. (Ord. 967 § 1 (part), 2012)

22.39.020 Purpose and intent of an area development plan.

As provided for in Chapter 22.10, an area development plan is an instrument for guiding, coordinating and regulating the development of property within a given area. It is similar to a “specific plan” as authorized in Article 8 of Chapter 3 of the State Planning and Zoning Law and replaces the usual zoning regulations. The area development plan must be consistent with and carry out the provisions and objectives of the general plan of the city. It serves as a basis for the city to consider and act upon more detailed precise plans prepared by landowners, developers and public agencies.

The purpose of an area development plan is to promote an appropriate land use and to encourage the highest possible quality of design and environment within the designated area. Objectives, policies and standards are set forth in order to promote the special qualities and opportunities of the area while permitting the flexibility required to consider unique and imaginative designs. An area development plan establishes a pattern for the arrangement of land uses, circulation systems, open spaces and other features as necessary to coordinate developments on adjacent parcels of property and in order to achieve a functionally and visually integrated development of the entire area. (Ord. 967 § 1 (part), 2012)

22.39.030 Description of the development area and vicinity.

Area development plan fifteen (ADP-15) consists of an irregular shaped property measuring approximately 1.07 acres in area. The property has one street frontage along Studebaker Road, which is a one-hundred-foot wide major arterial street. The frontage is approximately four hundred and thirty-five lineal feet. The site is approximately two hundred forty feet wide at its maximum. Surrounding land uses include: an existing commercial/industrial building to the north, zoned Industrial/Commercial (MC); Studebaker Road to the east, beyond which exists a commercial/industrial development zoned MC; the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) right-of-way to the south, beyond which exists a commercial/industrial development zoned MC; and the San Gabriel River (I-605) freeway to the west. (Ord. 967 § 1 (part), 2012)

22.39.040 Area development plan objectives.

The basic objectives of this plan are to:

(1) Encourage the development of the entire area development plan at one time;

(2) Provide an area of outstanding environmental character, high quality visual design, suppression of noise and protection of public health and safety;

(3) Obtain additional tax revenues that can be used to improve the quality of public services for all the citizens of Cerritos;

(4) Provide a source of economic strength to the community in terms of employment, governmental revenues, and related business activity; and

(5) Protect and enhance the natural, social, and physical attributes of the development area so as not to detrimentally affect adjacent existing developments. (Ord. 967 § 1 (part), 2012)

22.39.050 Area development plan policies.

In order to achieve the foregoing objectives, the following policies shall be applied in managing, designing and regulating development and use within the area development plan:

(1) Architectural and landscape treatment shall be designed to provide an attractive environment to motorists from the San Gabriel River Freeway and arterial streets while providing visual and acoustic buffering between the development area and adjacent land uses. Architecture, signage, lighting, walks, and landscaping shall be coordinated to achieve a harmony of all elements with an overall design concept for the entire area development plan.

(2) The design and control of pedestrian and vehicular access and circulation, including roads and walks, shall be coordinated throughout the area in order to minimize vehicular interference with pedestrian traffic and provide safe and convenient circulation throughout the area development plan.

(3) Particularly high standards of development shall be employed in order to ensure the quality of development and the continued level of upkeep necessary to realize the objectives of this area development plan.

(4) The maximum degree of flexibility shall be provided in order to encourage imaginative design and management.

(5) Noise attenuation measures deemed necessary to achieve city interior noise standards shall be applied to the buildings. (Ord. 967 § 1 (part), 2012)

22.39.060 Definitions.

Unless the context otherwise requires, words and phrases used in this area development plan shall have the same meanings as when used in this code. (Ord. 967 § 1 (part), 2012)

22.39.070 Area map.

The document entitled “Area Map/Area Development Plan Fifteen” is adopted as a part of the area development plan and is attached to the ordinance codified in this chapter. This map shows the boundaries of the development area, the location of required access entrances, and other development conditions. (Ord. 967 § 1 (part), 2012)

22.39.080 Illustrative plan.

The development entitled “Illustrative Plan/Area Development Plan Fifteen” is adopted as a part of the area development plan. The illustrative plan represents one concept of a desirable implementation of the objectives, policies and standards of the area development plan. The illustrative plan is intended to serve as a guide rather than a set of specifications and, as such, is illustrative rather than mandatory. (Ord. 967 § 1 (part), 2012)

22.39.090 Permitted uses.

The only permitted use within the area development plan shall be a hotel and associated accessory uses. (Ord. 967 § 1 (part), 2012)

22.39.100 Intensity standards.

On any parcel of land or unit of development the following intensity standards shall apply:

(1) Building Coverage. The percentage of building coverage to parcel area shall be no greater than fifty percent.

(2) Floor Area. The floor area shall be no greater than two hundred percent of the net land area. (Ord. 967 § 1 (part), 2012)

22.39.110 Site development standards.

In connection with precise plan approval, the approving authority may permit minor deviations from the following site development standards if it is found that there are practical reasons for such deviations and that the changes conform to the spirit and intent of the area development plan. In addition to the development standards established by and under Chapter 22.70, the following standards shall apply to area development plan fifteen:

(1) Building Height.

(a) Buildings or portions of buildings within fifty-five feet of the curb face of an arterial street shall not exceed a height of two stories or thirty-five feet, whichever is lower.

(b) Buildings or portions of buildings located more than fifty-five feet beyond the curb face of an arterial street shall not exceed a height of five stories or seventy feet, whichever is lower.

(2) Building Setbacks.

(a) Adjacent to Studebaker Road. Buildings or portions of buildings within fifty-five feet from Studebaker Road shall occupy less than thirty-five percent of the total building footprint, and have a minimum setback of twelve feet as measured from the face of the street curb.

(b) All Other Building Elevations/Facades. A zero lot line setback may be permitted; provided, that the building footprint and facade design contain offsets for open areas to be developed with landscaping and/or parking. A minimum distance of twenty-five feet shall be maintained between structures on adjacent parcels.

(3) Architectural Elements.

(a) Materials. Building materials such as granite, marble, brick, and stone shall cover no less than forty percent of the building. These shall be used not merely as design treatment of front elevations, but rather with consistency throughout the structure.

(b) Roofs. In order to provide for a measure of architectural harmony, all roofs shall consist of clay mission or mission-style light concrete tile.

(4) Landscaping.

(a) A minimum of twenty percent of the area of the site not covered by buildings or structures shall be landscaped. A majority of the landscaping shall be within visible open areas. Distribution of required landscaping throughout the site is encouraged rather than being primarily along streets or freeways.

(b) The pattern, form and relationship of public and private open spaces and the design of landscaping shall be developed in harmony, integrating and complementing the permitted land uses and the architectural design of buildings.

(c) All landscaped areas shall be provided with an automatic irrigation system as approved by the department of community development.

(d) Parkway landscaping installed in the public right-of-way in accordance with an approved landscape plan shall be irrigated and maintained by the property owner.

(e) Landscape plans shall be designed and prepared by a landscape architect licensed in the state of California. Landscape plans shall indicate the location of turf, trees, plants, walks, fences and other decorative features. The landscape architect shall prepare an irrigation plan indicating the use of an automatic/permanent irrigation system, a hardscape plan identifying proposed paved surface materials and a lighting plan identifying the location and placement of light fixtures, including landscape accent lighting. The landscape architect shall also prepare a planting plan that includes a legend to identify the botanical names (genus and species) of all proposed plant material as well as recommended quantities, spacing requirements and plant sizes.

(5) Fire Protection. All precise plans shall be reviewed by the Los Angeles County fire department to assure that satisfactory consideration has been provided for fire protection. Close coordination with the fire department during the initial design stages is encouraged in order to assure that circulation, the location and type of fire hydrants, and other safety elements are integrated to form an efficient fire protection system.

(6) Lighting.

(a) Lighting shall be designed to provide safety and security, and shall serve to unify and enhance the general appearance of the proposed development.

(b) The installation of a specific style or type of lighting fixture shall be required to create harmony and compatibility of architectural elements within the area development plan.

(c) Accent lighting shall be designed and incorporated to showcase key architectural features of the buildings and key elements of the landscaping and shall be subject to the approval of the department of community development.

(d) No light shall direct or deflect glare to streets, freeways or adjacent uses. Special attention shall be provided to ensure that illumination shall not have a negative environmental impact on the land uses surrounding the area development plan.

(7) Parking.

(a) There shall be at least 0.75 parking space for each guest suite.

(b) Open air parking spaces shall be not less than nine feet in width and twenty feet in length. Drive aisles shall be not less than twenty-six feet in width for two-way traffic.

(c) Enclosed or covered parking spaces may be reduced to not less than eight feet six inches in width and eighteen feet in length. Drive aisles may be reduced to not less than twenty-four feet in width for two-way traffic.

(8) Alarm Systems and Additional Security Devices. Buildings shall be required to be installed with periphery alarm system wiring approved by the department of community development. In those instances where the proposed use of the property may require additional security devices, then the department of community development may require, in addition to the periphery system wiring, the installation of an approved alarm system device.

(9) Exterior Equipment. Exterior equipment, including antennas and air conditioners, shall be mounted only on the roof of a building and such equipment shall be screened from public view.

(10) Signs. The provisions of Chapter 22.48 shall apply within the development area.

(11) Trash Receptacles. Trash receptacles shall be stored in an enclosed area to eliminate aesthetic impacts. If additional screening measures are necessary, the type and design of said screening shall be subject to the approval of the department of community development. (Ord. 967 § 1 (part), 2012)

22.39.120 Environmental performance standards.

The environmental performance standards established under Chapter 22.80 shall apply to area development plan fifteen. (Ord. 967 § 1 (part), 2012)

22.39.130 Art in public places.

The art in public places program provisions established under Chapter 22.94 shall apply to area development plan fifteen. (Ord. 967 § 1 (part), 2012)

22.39.140 Severability.

If any part or provision of this plan, or any application thereof to a particular parcel, situation or owner, is held to be contrary to law by a court of competent jurisdiction, such provision or application will not be deemed valid and subsisting, except to the extent permitted by law, but all other provisions or applications will continue in full force and effect. (Ord. 967 § 1 (part), 2012)