Chapter III


A.1.    Purpose

The following administrative regulations are general and apply to all properties within the Downtown Coronado Specific Plan area. These general provisions will be in addition to the General Provisions set forth in the Zoning Ordinance (Chapter 86.02). The provisions of the City of Coronado Zoning Ordinance Chapter 86.22 (Central Commercial Zone), Chapter 86.26 (Limited Commercial Zone), and Chapter 86.16 (R-4 Multiple Family Residential Zone) are null and superceded by the provisions of this Specific Plan.

A.2.    Relationship to the City of Coronado Municipal Code

Development standards and criteria contained in this Specific Plan will supplement or replace those of the City of Coronado’s Zoning Ordinance. Whenever the regulations contained herein conflict with the provisions of the Zoning Ordinance, the regulations of the Specific Plan shall apply. Any development standards or land use regulations not specifically covered herein shall be subject to the regulations, standards, and specifications of the City of Coronado Municipal Code.

A.3.    Definitions

Words, phrases and terms not specifically defined herein shall have the same definition as provided in the Zoning Ordinance.

When used in this Specific Plan, the term “Director” shall mean the Director of Community Development or an appointed representative.

When used in this Specific Plan, the term “Department” shall mean the Community Development Department.

When used in this Specific Plan, the term “Commission” shall mean The City of Coronado Planning Commission.

A.4.    Interpretations

The Director shall have the responsibility to interpret the provisions of this Specific Plan. All such interpretations shall be in written form and shall be permanently maintained. Any person may request that such interpretation be reviewed by the Planning Commission.

A.5.    Amendments

The Specific Plan, including the Land Use Map, may be amended by the same procedure as it was originally adopted. Each amendment shall include all sections or portions of the Specific Plan that are affected by the change. An Amendment may be initiated by the City Council, Planning Commission or private property owner. Any amendment requested by a property owner may be subject to the fee schedule adopted by the City Council.

A.6.    Severability

If any regulation, condition, program or portion thereof of this Specific Plan is held invalid or unconstitutional by any court of the competent jurisdiction, the portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct and independent provision and the invalidity of such provision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions.

A.7.    Establishment and Maintenance of the Land Use Districts

Per the adoption of the Downtown Coronado Specific Plan, the following districts will supercede those set forth in the Zoning Ordinance. See Figure III-1 for the Specific Plan’s zoning districts.

Commercial Zone (C)

The Commercial Zone is comprised of the districts formerly designated Central Commercial (C-C) Chapter 86.22 and Limited Commercial (L-C) Chapter 86.26. This Specific Plan provides development standards and design criteria for the Commercial Zone.

R-4 Multiple Family Residential Zone (R-4)

The R-4 Multiple Family Residential Zone (formerly Chapter 86.16 in City Municipal Code) has been incorporated into this Specific Plan. This Specific Plan provides development standards and design criteria for the R-4 Zone.

Civic Use Zone (CU)

The Civic Use Zone will remain as addressed in the City of Coronado Zoning Ordinance (Chapter 86.36). Any development in this zone shall respond to the Commercial Zone Design Criteria.

Civic Use Overlay Zone

The Civic Use Overlay zone is addressed in the City of Coronado Zoning Ordinance (Chapter 86.37). Any development in this zone shall respond to the design criteria of the underlying zone.

Open Space Zone (OS)

The Open Space Zone will remain as addressed in the City of Coronado Zoning Ordinance (Chapter 86.38). Any development in this Zone shall respond to the Commercial Zone Design Criteria.

Figure III-1 Specific Plan Zoning Map


B.1.    Purpose

The review of the development proposals within the Orange Avenue Corridor Specific Plan area will be the same as a project anywhere else in the City. It is not the intent of this Specific Plan to suggest a new or modified development review process from what the City’s Community Development Department currently uses or what they may use in the future. For consistency, development proposed within the Specific Plan Area shall follow the review and approval process outlined in the City’s Zoning Ordinance, unless specifically detailed here. Therefore, all projects within the Specific Plan area are subject to review and approval in compliance with the provisions herein and the Zoning Ordinance.

B.2.    Reference to Design Criteria

In reviewing projects/improvements subject to any approval, City Staff shall refer to the appropriate Design Criteria in this Specific Plan (or any others that may be adopted by the City) in order to provide guidance to applicants seeking to comply with the requirements of this Specific Plan. Additionally, the Design Criteria serve as adopted criteria for the review of development proposals in compliance with the provisions of the Zoning Ordinance.

The Design Criteria are to be used by property owners, developers, architects, landscape architects, designers and others involved in the planning and design of a project in the Specific Plan area. The Design Criteria communicate the City’s desired qualities and characteristics of development and are intended to promote quality design that is compatible with Coronado’s vision.

The City’s Design Review Commission will use the Design Criteria and Title 80 Design Review Ordinance during project review of development proposals in the Specific Plan area.

(Ord. 2018 §§ 24, 25, 2010)


C.1.    Purpose

This Section is enacted to accomplish the regulation and eventual elimination of nonconforming uses and structural nonconformities.

C.2.    Regulations

Where at the time of adoption of the Orange Avenue Corridor Specific Plan, a lawful use of land or structure exists, which otherwise would not be permitted by the regulations established by the Specific Plan, such use or structure may be continued indefinitely subject to the following:

a.    Any use which was lawfully established prior to the adoption of the Specific Plan and made nonconforming by such plan shall be allowed to remain without prejudice (grandfathered). If such use ceases to exist and the property remains vacant for more than one hundred twenty (120) days, any use proposed on that property shall now be a complying use.

b.    No nonconforming use shall in any way be physically expanded except as provided for in Chapter 86.50 of the Zoning Ordinance.

c.    All other issues of nonconformance shall be consistent with Chapter 86.50 of the Zoning Ordinance.


D.1.    Purpose

Special Use Permits allow for the necessary imposition of special conditions on the creation and maintenance of designated uses that involve special site or design requirements, operation characteristics, or potential adverse effects on surrounding areas. The following provisions are applicable for uses within the Specific Plan area:

a.    No Major Special Use Permits will be required for uses in the Commercial Zone of the Orange Avenue Corridor Specific Plan. Commercial Zone uses will be subject only to the Minor Special Use Permit granted by the Planning Commission, and subject to an appeal to the City Council.

b.    All Minor Special Use Permits are subject to the provisions set forth in Chapter 86.55 (Special Use Permits) of the Coronado Zoning Ordinance.