Chapter 17.10


17.10.010    General design standards.

17.10.020    General access requirements.

17.10.030    Existing streets and unsubdivided land.

17.10.040    Provisions for resubdivision.

17.10.050    Waiver of access rights.

17.10.060    Intersections.

17.10.070    Local streets.

17.10.080    Cul-de-sac streets.

17.10.090    Right-of-way widths and improvement design.

17.10.100    Grades.

17.10.110    Curve radii.

17.10.120    Street names.

17.10.130    Alleys.

17.10.140    Pedestrian-ways.

17.10.150    Walking and biking paths.

17.10.160    Utility easements other than inside front property line.

17.10.170    Utility easements inside front property line.

17.10.180    Other easements.

17.10.190    Easements for centralized mail services.

17.10.200    Block size.

17.10.210    Block corners.

17.10.220    Lots – Width and area for single- and two (2) family uses.

17.10.230    Lot size compatible with nearby lots.

17.10.240    Flag lots.

17.10.250    Lots – Access to two (2) parallel streets discouraged.

17.10.260    Lots adjoining City limits.

17.10.270    Property remnants.

17.10.280    Lot drainage.

17.10.290    Open space ownership and maintenance.

17.10.300    Storm drain facilities.

17.10.310    Private streets in planned developments, condominiums, or community apartment projects.

17.10.320    Protection of natural resources.

17.10.330    Provision for future passive or natural heating or cooling opportunities.

17.10.010 General design standards.

The size, design, character, grade, location, orientation and configuration of lots within a proposed subdivision and improvements required in connection therewith shall be consistent with the density and uses authorized for the area by the General Plan, the applicable specific plan, the zoning ordinance, and other land use regulations.

The density, timing or sequence of development may be restricted by considerations of safety, traffic access or circulation, the slope of the natural terrain, the physical suitability of the site (including soil conditions), the nature or extent of existing development, the availability of public utilities, environmental habitat or wildlife preservation or protection, or other provisions of this title.

All subdivisions shall result in lots which can be used or built upon. No subdivision shall create lots which are impractical for improvement or use due to the location of watercourses, size, shape, inadequate frontage or access or building area or other physical condition. [Ord. 09-026.]

17.10.020 General access requirements.

Each local street providing access to lots within a subdivision shall connect directly or through one (1) or more minor streets to a collector street or major street.

Each route of access to collector streets or major streets and its point of connection therewith shall be adequate to safely accommodate the composition and volume of vehicular traffic generated by the land uses which it serves.

In determining the adequacy of a route of access, the deployment of fire equipment or other services under emergency conditions shall be considered by the approving authority.

A tentative map which makes use of a local street which passes through a predominantly residential neighborhood as a route of access to industrial, commercial or other subdivisions generating traffic which would conflict with the residential character of the neighborhood may be denied by the approving authority.

The terms used to describe streets in this title shall have the meanings ascribed to those terms as are found in the City Standard Specifications. [Ord. 09-026.]

17.10.030 Existing streets and unsubdivided land.

Streets shall be laid out to conform to the alignment of existing streets in adjoining subdivisions and to the logical continuation of existing streets where the adjoining land is not subdivided.

The realignment of streets in contemplation of the development or use of adjoining property and the provision of streets or dead-end street extensions to facilitate the subdivision of adjoining property may be required by the approving authority.

Permanently dead-ended streets (except cul-de-sacs as defined in this title) are prohibited. When a street is temporarily dead-ended, a barricade or temporary turning area or temporary connection to another street may be required. Permanent turnarounds may be required by the approving authority at the end of dead-end streets where the future extension of the street is remote. [Ord. 09-026.]

17.10.040 Provisions for resubdivision.

Where property is subdivided into lots substantially larger than the minimum size required by this title or by the zoning districts in which the subdivision is located, whichever is most restrictive, streets and lots shall be required by the approving authority to be laid out so as to permit future resubdivision in accordance with the provisions of this title. [Ord. 09-026.]

17.10.050 Waiver of access rights.

A frontage road, or through or side-on lots, or other types of limited access layout may be required by the approving authority where a subdivision adjoins or contains an existing or proposed freeway or major street. To accomplish the purpose of this section, waivers of vehicular and pedestrian access rights to the freeway or major street may be required by the approving authority.

Waivers of vehicular and pedestrian access rights may also be required by the approving authority to prevent a local or collector street which passes through a predominantly residential neighborhood from being used as a route of access to industrial, commercial or other subdivisions generating traffic which would conflict with the residential character of the neighborhood. [Ord. 09-026.]

17.10.060 Intersections.

All streets shall intersect or intercept each other according to the City Standard Specifications. Street alignment shall provide for streets entering opposite each other to have their center lines directly opposite. [Ord. 09-026.]

17.10.070 Local streets.

Local streets shall be laid out so that their use by through traffic shall be discouraged. Maps of proposed subdivisions containing excessively long, straight residential streets, conducive to high speed traffic, shall normally be denied by the approving authority. Curvilinear streets, or traffic calming measures, shall be encouraged to the extent feasible given the parameters of DMC 17.10.330. [Ord. 09-026; Ord. 13-004 § 33.]

17.10.080 Cul-de-sac streets.

A cul-de-sac street created by the proposed subdivision shall conform to the City Standard Specifications. A proposed cul-de-sac street may be reduced in length or may be eliminated by the approving authority in order to provide for the efficient circulation of traffic, the future development of the neighborhood street system or the deployment of emergency services. [Ord. 09-026.]

17.10.090 Right-of-way widths and improvement design.

All street, pedestrian-way and alley rights-of-way and the location of improvements therein shall be designed to conform to the City Standard Specifications except where a special cross section is required to conform to an adopted planned street line or an applicable specific plan. For any street for which the Dixon General Plan or the City Bikeway Plan indicates that an on-street bikeway shall be provided, such width shall be increased according to the City Standard Specifications in order to provide for the bikeway. [Ord. 09-026.]

17.10.100 Grades.

Grades of all streets shall be consistent with adequate surface drainage requirements and the approved grading plan of the proposed subdivision. [Ord. 09-026.]

17.10.110 Curve radii.

All curves shall have sufficient length to avoid the appearance of an angle point. Center line radii and reverse curves shall be consistent with the City Standard Specifications. [Ord. 09-026.]

17.10.120 Street names.

The proposed street name of each street shall be as shown on any approved tentative map, final map or parcel map and shall be subject to final approval of the approving authority. The Council may replace any proposed street name found on such maps with a new name by minute action of the Council approved by a majority of the members of the Council.

Each proposed public street that is a continuation of, or approximately the continuation of, any existing dedicated street shall be given the same name as the existing street. Where any such street forms a portion of any proposed street ordered by the Council to be surveyed, opened, widened, or improved, and such street is shown on the final map, the name of such street shall be the same as the name contained in the order of the Council. Streets shall be named with an appropriate suffix such as “Avenue,” “Court,” “Drive,” or “Street.” Cul-de-sac streets shall be named with “Place” or “Court” as the suffixes. Privately owned streets shall be named with the suffix “Lane.”

The names of streets within a subdivision should be of the same type. The categories of street names include, but are not limited to, the following:

A. Trees;

B. Birds;

C. Flowers;

D. Mountains;

E. Rivers;

F. National parks/historic sites;

G. California cities and counties;

H. Historic Dixon families;

I. Dixon citizens making significant contributions to the community;

J. Dixon veterans killed or missing in action;

K. Historic Californians;

L. California Governors;

M. Presidents of the United States;

N. Medical/business/scientific leaders;

O. Generals and admirals of U.S. Armed Forces;

P. California Native American tribes.

Categories not on this list are subject to the approval of the approving authority, upon review of the tentative map or parcel map where no tentative map is required by this title.

Major streets, whenever possible, should be named after historic Dixon families. A list of historic Dixon family names is on file in the Community Development Department.

No streets shall be named after a Councilmember, Commissioner, or City representative until such person has been out of office for a minimum of five (5) years. [Ord. 09-026.]

17.10.130 Alleys.

Alleys shall not normally be permitted in a single-family development except where a subdivision modification is approved. [Ord. 09-026.]

17.10.140 Pedestrian-ways.

Improved pedestrian-ways not less than fifteen (15) feet in width may be required by the approving authority where needed for traffic safety or for access to schools, playgrounds, shopping facilities, other community facilities or scenic easements. [Ord. 09-026.]

17.10.150 Walking and biking paths.

Walking and biking paths shall be provided in locations established by the general or specific plans. Adequate access points for the public, maintenance and emergency vehicles and parking facilities shall be provided as necessary. [Ord. 09-026.]

17.10.160 Utility easements other than inside front property line.

Utility easements shall be reviewed and approved on a case-by-case basis by the approving authority and shall be consistent with the City Standard Specifications. [Ord. 09-026.]

17.10.170 Utility easements inside front property line.

Easements inside the front property line shall be provided and typically shall be ten (10) feet in width for utilities, street lights, signage, and similar such uses. [Ord. 09-026.]

17.10.180 Other easements.

The width and location of easements for storm drains or flood control channels, slope rights and other public uses shall be determined by the approving authority at the time of tentative map approval or parcel map approval where no tentative map is required by this title; provided, however, when the Council has previously determined such matters, that decision shall be binding upon the Commission acting as the approving authority. The decision of the approving authority on such matters should take into consideration the recommendations of the City Engineer as to such matters whenever possible.

Open space, public access, public waterway recreational and scenic easements shall be provided at such locations and to configurations as are deemed necessary by the approving authority to accomplish the objectives, policies and programs of the General Plan and in accordance with the purposes and policies of this title, any other applicable specific plan of the City, and the requirements of the Subdivision Map Act.

Reciprocal driveway and cross-access easements shall be required by the approving authority when determined necessary. [Ord. 09-026.]

17.10.190 Easements for centralized mail services.

To promote the public health, safety or welfare, centralized postal service facilities with any required easements shall be provided in all subdivisions at locations determined by the approving authority after consultation with the U.S. Postal Service. [Ord. 09-026.]

17.10.200 Block size.

Blocks shall be designed to allow for adequate building sites for the type of use proposed; to allow for convenient pedestrian and vehicular circulation, access, traffic control and safety; and with regard to limitations created by topography. [Ord. 09-026.]

17.10.210 Block corners.

At intersections, all block corners shall have face of curb. Right-of-way radii shall be as established in the City Standard Specifications. [Ord. 09-026.]

17.10.220 Lots – Width and area for single- and two (2) family uses.

The width and area of all lots proposed for residential uses shall conform to the General Plan and zoning ordinance. [Ord. 09-026.]

17.10.230 Lot size compatible with nearby lots.

When determined necessary by the approving authority to promote the general welfare, and assure the orderly development of the community, residential lots within a proposed subdivision may be required to be increased in size so as to more closely conform to the size of existing nearby lots fronting on the same street. [Ord. 09-026.]

17.10.240 Flag lots.

Flag lots for any proposed usage may be approved by the approving authority if the following findings are made:

A. Either the flag lot is required by existing conditions, or there is no alternative design for the development of the interior portions of excessively deep parcels; and

B. The flag lot will not be detrimental to public health, safety or welfare. [Ord. 09-026.]

17.10.250 Lots – Access to two (2) parallel streets discouraged.

Lots proposed for single-family and two (2) family uses with access to two (2) parallel streets shall be discouraged. [Ord. 09-026.]

17.10.260 Lots adjoining City limits.

No lot shall be divided by a City (limit) boundary line. [Ord. 09-026.]

17.10.270 Property remnants.

Remnants of property which do not conform to lot requirements or are not required for a public utility, private utility, or other public use shall not be created by or left in a subdivision. [Ord. 09-026.]

17.10.280 Lot drainage.

All lots shall be graded to provide adequate, positive drainage. Provision shall be made for proper erosion control, including the prevention of sedimentation or damage to off-site property. [Ord. 09-026.]

17.10.290 Open space ownership and maintenance.

Areas within a subdivision designated or planned as open space or for use for park and recreation purposes shall be shown as part of the General Plan and any applicable specific plan and shall be at a location within the subdivision acceptable to the approving authority. Areas shall be either:

A. Designated as a separate parcel(s) and offered for dedication to the City for park and recreation purposes.

B. Designated as a separate parcel(s) and maintained as common open space.

C. Contained within the various lots of the subdivision and maintained by the owners of such lots. [Ord. 09-026.]

17.10.300 Storm drain facilities.

Storm drains shall be designed in conformance with the City Standard Specifications. [Ord. 09-026.]

17.10.310 Private streets in planned developments, condominiums, or community apartment projects.

Where access to lots or structures within a planned development, condominium or community apartment project is to be provided by a system of private streets, the width, design and configuration of said street system shall be adequate to permit the safe deployment of fire equipment or other services under emergency conditions as determined by the approving authority. [Ord. 09-026.]

17.10.320 Protection of natural resources.

The configuration of lots and the design of improvements shall, to the extent deemed reasonable by the approving authority, preserve indigenous natural resources such as, but not limited to, trees, shrubs, wildlife and their habitat. [Ord. 09-026.]

17.10.330 Provision for future passive or natural heating or cooling opportunities.

The design of a subdivision for which a tentative map is required shall provide, to the extent feasible, for future passive or natural heating or cooling opportunities in the subdivision in compliance with Cal. Gov’t Code § 66473.1, or as that section may be amended in the future. Factors to be considered include, but are not limited to, both street and parcel orientation. For residential subdivisions, the east-west length of each block should be at least as long, or longer, as the north-south length of each block. To the extent feasible, seventy percent (70%) or more of the parcels should be oriented to allow both the parcel’s and the building’s longest axes to be within thirty (30) degrees of geographic east-west. [Ord. 09-026.]