Chapter 18.12


18.12.010    Purpose.

18.12.020    Establishment of base zoning districts.

18.12.030    Establishment of combining zoning districts.

18.12.040    Official zoning district map.

18.12.050    Zoning district boundaries.

18.12.060    Annexed territory.

18.12.010 Purpose.

The purpose of this chapter is to establish zoning districts, to incorporate the official Zoning Map into this code, to set forth rules to govern uncertainty in zoning district boundaries, and to set forth rules for newly annexed land.

(Ord. 2015-05, Repealed and Replaced, 06/16/2015)

18.12.020 Establishment of base zoning districts.

In order to accomplish the purposes set forth in this code, certain zoning districts are established and certain general regulations are adopted pertaining thereto. The following base zoning districts are hereby established:

A.    Residential.

1.    RA: residential agriculture.

2.    R1A: low density single-family residential.

3.    R1B: intermediate density single-family residential.

4.    R1C: maximum density single-family residential.

5.    R2: medium density residential.

6.    R3: medium high multiple-family residential.

7.    R4: high density multiple-family residential.

B.    Commercial.

1.    C: commercial.

2.    HC: highway commercial.

3.    OP: office-professional.

C.    Mixed Use.

1.    MU: mixed use.

D.    Downtown.

1.    DOS: downtown open space.

2.    DR: downtown residential.

3.    DMU: downtown mixed use.

4.    DC: downtown commercial.

E.    Industrial.

1.    LM: light industrial.

2.    M: industrial.

F.    Special Purpose.

1.    OS: open space.

2.    PQ: public/quasi-public.

(Ord. 2015-05, Repealed and Replaced, 06/16/2015)

18.12.030 Establishment of combining zoning districts.

Combining zoning districts are used in combination with the base zoning districts to address special needs or characteristics of the areas of Galt to which they are applied. In order to accomplish the purposes set forth in this code, certain combining zoning districts are established and certain general regulations are adopted pertaining thereto. The following combining zoning district is hereby established:

A.    (PD): planned development.

(Ord. 2015-05, Repealed and Replaced, 06/16/2015)

18.12.040 Official zoning district map.

The City herein adopts an official Zoning Map of the City and incorporates it into this code. The official Zoning Map will be kept on file in the City Clerk’s office. All the regulations of this code with respect to the several zoning districts shown thereon, together with all references and information shown thereon, are established and declared to be in effect upon all land included within the boundaries of each and every zoning district shown on the Zoning Map, or any additions or amendments thereto.

(Ord. 2015-05, Repealed and Replaced, 06/16/2015)

18.12.050 Zoning district boundaries.

Where uncertainty exists as to the boundaries of any zoning district on the map, the following rules shall govern:

A.    Where such boundaries are indicated as approximately following street or alley lines, the centerline of such streets or alleys shall be construed to be such boundaries.

B.    In the case of unsubdivided property and where a zoning district boundary divides a parcel of property, the location of such boundary shall be determined by the Community Development Director from the scale appearing on the map.

(Ord. 2015-05, Repealed and Replaced, 06/16/2015)

18.12.060 Annexed territory.

Areas to be annexed by the City shall be prezoned in accordance with Chapter 18.68. All prezonings shall be consistent with the Galt General Plan. The prezoning for the area shall become the effective zoning district for the area concurrent with the effective date of annexation.

(Ord. 2015-05, Repealed and Replaced, 06/16/2015)