Chapter 12.124


12.124.010:    Intent

12.124.020:    Landscaping Requirements

12.124.030:    Conformance With Water Efficient Landscape Standards

12.124.040:    Irrigation Design

12.124.050:    Design Standards For Bioretention Facilities

12.124.010 INTENT:

The intent of this chapter is to create and maintain a pleasant and inviting community character by providing landscaping that breaks up the built environment, screens unappealing land uses and building features, creates a barrier from moving vehicles and loud noises, and creates a more pedestrian-friendly environment. (Ord. 2000-03, 8-7-2000; amd. Ord. 2015-83, 7-6-2015)


A.    Generally.

1.    All front yards and yards abutting streets must be landscaped.

2.    Storm water retention areas should be incorporated into a landscape area, unless otherwise approved by the planning director.

B.    Requirements. The following types of proposed development shall include the installation and maintenance of landscaping as required by this section and section 12.120.100:

1.    Multi-Family Residential Development. Multi-family dwelling projects in the residential districts shall be provided with landscaping and open space as follows:

a.    Not less than forty percent (40%) of the net area of the property shall be devoted to common open space.

b.    Any driveway or uncovered parking area shall be separated from property lines by a landscaped strip not less than five feet (5') in width.

c.    The perimeter of the development shall be landscaped with a minimum strip of fifteen feet (15').

2.    Mobile Home Park Development. Mobile home park projects in the residential districts shall be provided with landscaping and open space as follows:

a.    All open areas, excluding mobile home sites, shall be landscaped and maintained.

b.    At least forty percent (40%) of all open areas shall be landscaped with live materials.

c.    Landscaping shall include planting of trees along perimeter boundaries adjacent to adjoining properties of a five (5) gallon size, with a minimum of one tree per mobile home site.

d.    Additional and more mature trees may be required where they are being utilized in lieu of fencing the development.

e.    Plans shall indicate a means of irrigation for landscaped areas.

3.    Commercial Zones. A landscape plan shall be submitted to and approved by the planning director for all proposed development in the HC and NC districts and shall include the following:

a.    Not less than ten percent (10%) of the net lot area shall be landscaped.

b.    All portions of any setback areas fronting on streets shall be landscaped, with the exception of those areas required for curb cuts.

4.    Industrial Zone. A landscape plan shall be submitted to and approved by the planning director for all proposed development in the I district and shall include the following:

a.    Not less than ten percent (10%) of the net lot area shall be landscaped.

b.    All landscaping shall be in conformance with the approved development plan.

c.    Where any portion of a lot abuts a lot in a residential or commercial district, in addition to the five foot (5') wide planted area, a masonry wall not less than six feet (6') in height shall be provided along such abutting portion.

5.    Maintenance Required. All plant materials required by this title shall be permanently maintained.

C.    Review and Approval of Plan. Where the provisions of this title require a landscape plan in conjunction with proposed development, the following shall apply:

The department shall review the landscape plan and may approve or conditionally approve the plan, which shall include the following elements, when applicable:

1.    Treatment of vehicular use areas, open space, and pedestrian areas that contribute to their usage and appearance;

2.    Screening for utility boxes, parking areas, trash areas, storage areas, blank walls and fences, and other areas of low visual interest from public and private view;

3.    Utilization of drought tolerant plant materials and water saving irrigation techniques sufficient to minimize the use of water; and

4.    Treatment of areas adjacent to building(s) that increases the overall visual quality of the building design. (Ord. 2000-03, 8-7-2000; amd. Ord. 2015-83, 7-6-2015)


In addition to the criteria found in this chapter, new construction and rehabilitated landscapes that meet the following criteria shall also conform to the requirements of chapter 10.24:

A.    New construction and rehabilitated landscapes for public agency projects and private development projects with a landscape area equal to or greater than two thousand five hundred (2,500) square feet requiring a building permit, design review or other discretionary use permit;

B.    New construction and rehabilitated landscapes which are developer-installed in single-family and multi-family projects with a landscape area equal to or greater than two thousand five hundred (2,500) square feet requiring a building permit, design review or other discretionary use permit;

C.    New construction landscapes which are homeowner-provided and/or homeowner-hired in single-family and multi-family residential projects with a total project landscape area equal to or greater than five thousand (5,000) square feet requiring a building permit, design review or other discretionary use permit. (Ord. 2015-83, 7-6-2015)


Where irrigation is proposed under this chapter, the design and construction shall be in accordance with sections 10.24.040 and 10.24.050. (Ord. 2015-83, 7-6-2015)


Landscape areas used for bioretention facilities shall be designed in accordance with section 10.24.060. (Ord. 2015-83, 7-6-2015)