Chapter 3-40


3-40-010    Purpose.

3-40-020    Outdoor storage.

3-40-030    Outdoor sales display.

3-40-010 Purpose.

The purpose of the regulations and standards in this section is to provide consistent screening and surfacing standards for outdoor storage and outdoor sales display of vehicles, equipment, products, and materials. (Ord. 1525 § 1, 1998; Ord. 442 § 21.63.010)

3-40-020 Outdoor storage.

A. Screening.

1. Public Streets and Publicly Accessible Areas.

a. Outdoor storage shall not be visible from any:

i. Public street or freeway;

ii. Existing or planned residential area;

iii. Publicly accessible open space area, parking area, access driveway, or other similar thoroughfare;

iv. Publicly accessible space of any public, quasi-public, commercial or industrial use; or

v. Undeveloped property where public access to areas adjoining the outdoor storage use is likely.

b. The following minimum screening requirements shall apply to outdoor storage adjacent to or potentially visible from public streets and publicly accessible areas identified in subsection (A)(1)(a) of this section:

i. A solid masonry wall not less than eight feet high across the street frontage (but not within the street frontage yard), continuing back along the side of the property to a point equal to the building setback of any adjacent use;

ii. Screening landscaping in the street frontage yard, located in front of the masonry wall, to soften the view of the wall; and

iii. A solid masonry wall not less than eight feet in height along all other property frontages identified in subsection (A)(1)(a) of this section.

2. Other Areas.

a. The following minimum requirements shall apply to outdoor storage not adjacent to or potentially visible from public streets or publicly accessible areas identified in subsection (A)(1)(a) of this section:

i. Chainlink fencing screened with either slats or vinyl covering, in combination with a five-foot-wide landscaped area; and

ii. Fast-growing, wide-spreading trees planted at an average spacing of 40 feet on center, clustered at appropriate locations to intensify the screening effect.

3. General Screening Requirements.

a. No storage may exceed the height of the screening wall or fence. Walls or fences shall not exceed 15 feet in height.

b. No screening wall or fence shall be located within a required street frontage yard.

c. Screening walls and fences shall be architecturally compatible with the main structure.

B. Surfacing. Outdoor storage areas shall be graded and drain all surface water accumulated within the area to a public storm drain. No specific surfacing treatment is required. Outdoor storage areas may be surfaced with partially permeable materials, if adequate drainage and erosion and dust control are provided. Unpaved outdoor storage areas are not subject to the off-street parking area landscaping requirements contained in LPZC 3-20-070(H).

C. Lighting. Any lighting used to illuminate an outdoor storage area shall be directed and shielded as to not illuminate any adjacent residential areas.

D. The use of shipping containers qualifies as outdoor storage and shall only be permitted in zoning districts in which outdoors storage is a permitted or conditional use. The shipping containers are subject to all of the standards and regulations for outdoor storage as found in this section. (Ord. 1720 § 3, 2004; Ord. 1525 § 1, 1998; Ord. 442 § 21.63.020)

3-40-030 Outdoor sales display.

A. General.

1. Outdoor sales display areas shall be permitted in any commercial or industrial district, except the CO, commercial office, and DOR, downtown office residential, districts.

2. A site plan approval shall be required prior to the establishment of any outdoor sales display area. All screening, fencing, and landscaping are subject to review and approval by the zoning administrator.

3. Outdoor sales display areas may be located within a maximum of 10 percent of a street frontage yard; provided, that a landscaped strip six feet in width is maintained between the street right-of-way and the display area.

4. Outdoor sales display areas shall not be located within a non-street frontage yard that is required because the parcel abuts an R district, or PD or OS districts designated for future residential use in the general plan.

5. Any lighting used to illuminate an outdoor sales display area shall be directed and shielded as to not illuminate surrounding R districts.

B.  Screening.

1. Outdoor sales display areas shall be screened from view by a masonry wall where the side or rear property line of the display area abuts an R district, or PD or OS districts designated for future residential use in the general plan. Walls or fences shall not exceed eight feet in height. No sales display may exceed the height of the screening wall or fence.

2. If a screening fence or wall is located on the property line, no additional fence or wall is needed to screen an outdoor sales display area; provided, the sales display does not exceed the height of and is not visible behind the fence or wall on the property line.

C. Surfacing. Outdoor storage areas shall be surfaced with either an asphaltic or portland cement binder pavement on a suitable base. Upon approval of a zoning use permit by the zoning administrator, other surfacing appropriate to the product displayed, including compacted gravel, turf, landscaping, etc., graded and drained as to dispose of all surface water accumulated within the area to a public storm drain, may be permitted. Asphalt or concrete walkways or aisles shall be provided to permit all-weather customer access to all areas of the outdoor display.

D. Landscaping. A five-foot-wide landscaped area shall be provided at all perimeters of the outdoor display area, with ground cover, shrubs, and trees planted at an average spacing of 40 feet on center.

E. Lighting. Lighting of outdoor display areas shall conform to the requirements of the building security regulations contained in LMC 15.40.120. (Ord. 1861 § 1, 2009; Ord. 1525 § 1, 1998; Ord. 442 § 21.63.030)