
3-23.1 Prohibitions:

No person shall coerce, threaten, hound, or intimidate another person for the purpose of soliciting alms on the street or at any other place that is open to the public, whether publicly or privately owned. (Ord. #1389, §1)

3-23.2 Definitions:

For purposes of this section, “soliciting” shall mean asking for money or something of value, whether by words, bodily gestures, signs, or other means. For purposes of this section, “coerce, threaten, hound, or intimidate” shall mean that:

a. The solicitor’s conduct causes a reasonable solicitee to fear for his or her safety; or

b. The solicitor intentionally blocks the path of the solicitee; or

c. The solicitor follows the solicitee while the solicitor demands money or something of value after the solicitee informs the solicitor by words or conduct that the solicitee does not desire to give the solicitor money or some other thing of value to which the solicitor is not entitled under law. (Ord. #1389, §1)