
a. The city council finds that there is a need for an alternative method of enforcement for ordinances, permits and entitlements, reviews, and city agreements. The city council also finds that an appropriate method for enforcement of various violations is an administrative citation program that will reduce the burden on the judicial system while providing full due process for those cited.

b. The procedures established in this chapter are in addition to criminal, civil or other legal remedies that may be available to the city of Lynwood to enforce the provisions of this code and/or permits and entitlements, as defined in this chapter.

c. The city council finds that administrative penalties, which are authorized by California constitution section 7 and Government Code section 53069.4, are an appropriate alternative method of enforcement of the provisions of this code.

d. The city council finds and determines that enforcement of the provisions of this code and enforcement of the conditions of entitlements or permits are municipal affairs as well as matters of purely local concern to the citizens of Lynwood.

e. The city council finds that the adoption and implementation of this administrative citation program is within the power and authority of the city of Lynwood and will achieve the following goals:

1. To protect the public health, safety and welfare of the citizens of the city of Lynwood;

2. To help ensure compliance with this code and state codes, ordinances, permits and entitlements, reviews, and city agreements in a timely and efficient manner;

3. To provide for an administrative process to appeal the imposition of administrative citations and fines that will fully comport with due process;

4. To provide a method to hold parties responsible when they fail or refuse to comply with the provisions of this code, ordinances, permits and entitlements, reviews, and city agreements in the city of Lynwood;

5. To reduce the burden of the judicial system and minimize the time and expense of defending the citation on the part of the person cited. (Ord. #1598, §3)