
a.    The city council finds and declares that there exist in the city of Lynwood substandard, overcrowded and/or unsanitary residential rental buildings and dwelling units, the physical conditions and characteristics of which violate local and state and building, housing and health and safety ordinances, codes and regulations, rendering them unfit or unsafe for human occupancy and habitation. These residential rental buildings and units are detrimental to or jeopardize the health, safety, and welfare of their occupants and of the public and serve to seriously compromise the integrity and residential quality of city neighborhoods through such factors as deferred property maintenance, overcrowding, a proliferation of vehicles attributable to the multiple tenants who rent these properties, and the accumulation of excess trash and debris on or about the properties. It has been further observed by city of Lynwood staff performing code enforcement functions that in general the most egregious violations of health and safety codes and negative impacts as a result of overcrowding are experienced in rental housing.

b.    The city council further finds and declares that the existence of such substandard residential rental buildings and dwelling units threatens the social stability and economic integrity of the neighborhoods which host these buildings; necessitates disproportionate expenditures of public funds for code enforcement and remedial action; impairs the efficient and economical exercise of governmental powers and functions; and disrupts peaceful and quiet enjoyment of residential areas and neighborhoods.

c.    The city council further finds and declares the desire to safeguard the inventory of decent, safe and sanitary rental housing in the city through a partnership of owners, tenants, the city and the community. As a result, the city has a need for a self-funding, proactive and systemic administrative inspection program for rental units. (Ord. #1702, §1)