Chapter 18.01


18.01.02    Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance.

18.01.04    Purpose and Intent.

18.01.06    General Content.

18.01.08    Finding of Fact.

18.01.02 Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance.

This Ordinance and its accompanying map shall be known, and may be referred to, as “The Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City of Norco.” It is adopted as a means for implementing the General Plan, under the provisions of the Government Code of the State of California, Title 7, Planning.

18.01.04 Purpose and Intent.

The Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance is adopted in order to:

(1)    Preserve and enhance the distinctive rural and equestrian-oriented environment of Norco and the City’s potential for equestrian and other outdoor type recreation activities.

(2)    Provide the economic and social advantages resulting from an orderly planned use of the City’s resources.

(3)    Conserve and promote the public health, safety and general welfare.

(4)    Encourage the most appropriate use of land consistent with the General Plan.

(5)    Provide a basis for planning the provisions of public facilities necessary to fulfill the requirements of existing and future development.

18.01.06 General Content.

In order to accomplish the above purposes, this Ordinance regulates the following aspects of land development.

(1)    The use of land, buildings, or other structures for residences, commerce, industry and other purposes.

(2)    The design, location, height and size of buildings or structures, yards, courts and other open spaces, the intensity of development; and the amount of building coverage permitted in each zone, among other things.

(3)    The division of the City of Norco into zones of such shape, size, and number best suited to carry out these purposes, and to provide for their enforcement.

18.01.08 Finding of Fact.

(1)    The City Council hereby declares that due and careful consideration has been given to the suitability of each and every zone for the regulations applicable to it, and that these regulations are found to best serve the above purposes. The City Council further finds that these regulations are in the public interest, and that due and careful consideration has been given to the relationship between these regulations and the General Plan of the City of Norco.

(2)    The City Council further finds that the property development standards included in this Ordinance are necessary to preserve the community health, safety and general welfare; to assure adequate levels of light, air and density of development; to maintain and enhance the locally-recognized value of community appearance; to promote functional compatibility of uses; to promote the safe and efficient circulation of pedestrian, equestrian, and vehicular traffic; and to encourage the development of property in such a manner as not to adversely affect the use and enjoyment of adjoining lands.