Chapter 17.83


17.83.010    Purpose.

17.83.020    Applicability.

17.83.030    Development standards.

17.83.010 Purpose.

The following standards are intended to ensure compatibility between adjacent uses of different type and intensity. (Ord. 1603 § 4 (Exh. I), 2023)

17.83.020 Applicability.

The standards contained in this Chapter shall apply when a multifamily, commercial, industrial, or public/civic zone is located adjacent to property that is zoned or used for a less intensive use, except as otherwise provided in this Title. (Ord. 1603 § 4 (Exh. I), 2023)

17.83.030 Development standards.

(A) Setbacks and Building Heights. Setbacks and building height transitions for multifamily, mixed-use, commercial/office, industrial, and public/civic zones located adjacent to single-family residential zoned properties can be found in the development standards tables for the applicable base zone (Divisions 3 through 7 of this Title).

(B) Required Screening. A screening wall or fence shall be required between different zones for new development. Within the required front or street side setback, the wall or fence height shall be reduced pursuant to PMC § 17.86.040 (Walls and fences).

(1) Between Nonresidential and Residential or Mixed-Use Zones. Where a nonresidentially zoned property abuts a residential or mixed-use zoned property, a solid masonry wall shall be installed along the adjacent interior property lines with a minimum height of six feet and a maximum height of eight feet.

(2) Between Mixed-Use and Stand-Alone Residential Zones. Where a mixed-use zoned property abuts a residential zoned property, a solid masonry wall shall be installed along the adjacent interior property lines with a minimum height of six feet and a maximum height of eight feet.

(3) Between Multifamily Residential and Single-Family Residential Zones. Where a multifamily zoned property abuts a single-family residential zoned property, a solid masonry wall shall be installed along the adjacent interior property lines with a minimum height of six feet and a maximum height of eight feet.

(4) Between Nonresidential Zones. Where a nonresidential property abuts another nonresidential property in the same zone or a different zone, walls are allowed but not required.

(5) Manufactured/Mobile home Parks and Subdivisions. See PMC § 17.91.050 (Manufactured/mobile home parks) for screening standards.

(6) Adjacent to Highways and Freeways. Fences, walls, berms and/or other sound attenuation features that border highways and freeways may be constructed to a height of eight feet above natural grade or to such other height as required by the Director, to adequately mitigate the adverse effects of noise and/or for aesthetic reasons as discussed in an environmental document (e.g., an EIR or negative declaration).

(C) Landscape Screening. Required screening between different zones shall include a minimum six-foot-wide landscape strip, landscaped as follows. See PMC § 17.86.010 (Landscaping requirements) for additional landscaping standards.

(1) Minimum one tree at least 24-inch box size for every 20 linear feet. A minimum of 50 percent of the required trees shall be of a fast-growing evergreen variety, conforming to the City’s planting list.

(2) Minimum three, five-gallon shrubs for every 20 linear feet. (Ord. 1603 § 4 (Exh. I), 2023)