Chapter 11-18


Article 1. Procedure

11-18-010    Intent.

11-18-020    Applicability.

11-18-030    Site plan and design review procedures.

11-18-040    Findings for decision.

Article 1. Procedure

11-18-010 Intent.

The intent of this Chapter is to establish comprehensive design review procedures that will:

(A) Recognize the interdependence of land values, aesthetics, and the historic uniqueness of the City and implement this interdependence to the City’s benefit;

(B) Encourage the orderly and harmonious appearance of structures and property within the City along with associated facilities such as landscaping, parking areas, utility installations, signs, etc.;

(C) Encourage the orderly development of residences within areas served by public infrastructure;

(D) Assist the public in understanding the City’s design guidelines;

(E) Encourage the use of a variety of architectural styles, varied parcel sizes and densities, and maintenance of views;

(F) Develop property in a manner that respects the physical and environmental characteristics of each site;

(G) Encourage appropriate site planning and design, compatible with the design and use of surrounding properties and with the City in general;

(H) Encourage site and structural development that exemplifies the best professional design practices;

(I) Ensure that each new development is designed to best comply with the purpose and intent of the zoning district in which the property is located;

(J) Ensure access to each property and a circulation pattern that is safe and convenient for both pedestrians and vehicles;

(K) Minimize any potential adverse effects and related impacts on surrounding properties and the environment;

(L) Implement the goals and policies of the General Plan, any applicable specific plan, and those plans that have been adopted in furtherance of the General Plan; and

(M) Foster design practices that result in creative, imaginative solutions, and a quality design for the City and not to restrict imagination, innovation, or variety.

11-18-020 Applicability.

Site plan and design review approval pursuant to this Chapter is required for the following:

(A) Projects subject to SJBMC 11-08-050, Historic resource and historic district registration criteria; and

(B) New construction, relocation and major exterior maintenance of all structures for residential, commercial, mixed use, industrial, planned unit, institutional, and public purposes.

11-18-030 Site plan and design review procedures.

(A) Application. The City shall make available a site plan and design review application with a required fee to be determined by City Council. A complete application shall include, at minimum, all plans, elevations, specifications, and sample materials required to fully describe the project, as well as any additional information required by the City.

(B) Review and Approval.

(1) Design Review Approval by Planning Commission. In addition to consideration of other discretionary land use permits required by a project, the Planning Commission shall hold a properly noticed public hearing to consider all complete applications made to the City for site plan and design review and consider recommendations forwarded by the Historic Resources Board for those projects that fall within the provisions of SJBMC 11-08-050. In addition, site plan and design review applications for new homes, homes proposed to be expanded by seventy-five percent (75%) or more (habitable or not), and/or include a new second story, shall require Planning Commission review and approval.

(2) Design Review Approval by City Manager or Designee. Except for projects falling within the provisions of SJBMC 11-08-050, single-family residential projects on a single parcel (new construction, relocation, exterior alterations, remodels) in the R-1 district that include less than a seventy-five percent (75%) increase in building area (habitable or not), do not include a second story, and are not new homes, shall obtain administrative approval by the City Manager or designee through a properly noticed public hearing, based on findings that all R-1 district zoning and design requirements are satisfied. This administrative process is appealable pursuant to Chapter 11-25 SJBMC.

(C) Public Noticing. Notice of hearing shall be per Government Code Sections 65090 and 65091 (i.e., written notification for those within three hundred feet (300') of the subject parcel boundary at least ten (10) days prior to decision).

11-18-040 Findings for decision.

The following findings are required for approval of a site plan and design review permit. Approval of projects requiring Historic Resources Board review shall require the additional findings set forth in SJBMC 11-08-090(C):

(A) The project is consistent with the standards and requirements of the San Juan Bautista Municipal Code.

(B) The project is consistent with the goals and policies of the General Plan and any applicable specific or community plans.

(C) The project contributes to safeguarding the City’s heritage and cultural and historic resources.

(D) The project is compatible with the surrounding character of the environment because the architectural design, materials and colors harmonize with the character of surrounding development, or other improvements on the site and specific design elements (e.g., balconies, fencing, screening of equipment and utility installations, signs, and lighting) are incorporated into the project.

(E) The location and configuration of the project harmonizes with the site and with surrounding sites or structures. Structures do not dominate their surroundings to an extent inappropriate to their use and do not unnecessarily block significant views or solar access to adjacent properties.

(F) The project effectively uses architectural details to break up mass. Roof planes are varied without being overly complex. Otherwise monotonous long or two-story walls are well-articulated with details such as building off-sets and window features that are compatible with the design and not overly ornate.

(G) The landscape design, if any, including the location, type, size, color, texture, and coverage of plant materials, provisions for irrigation, and protection of landscape elements have been considered to create visual relief and complement the structures to provide an attractive and water-conserving environment.

(H) The design and layout of the proposed project does not interfere with the use and enjoyment of neighboring existing or future development, does not result in vehicular and/or pedestrian hazards, and promotes public health, safety, and welfare.

(I) The existing or proposed public facilities necessary to accommodate the proposed project (e.g., fire protection devices, public utilities, sewers, sidewalks, storm drains, street lights, traffic control devices, width and pavement of adjoining streets, etc.) are available to serve the subject site.

Legislative History: Ords. 2007-03 (2/20/07), 2007-23 (12/18/07).