Chapter 2.96
2.96.010 Established—Statutory authority.
2.96.040 Organization and procedures.
2.96.010 Established—Statutory authority.
The Water Advisory Commission is hereby established under the authority of Government Code Section 31000.1, in compliance with SCCC 2.38.060. [Ord. 3372 § 1, 1983; Ord. 2111, 1975; prior code § 3.19.010].
2.96.020 Membership.
The Commission shall consist of seven members, residents of Santa Cruz County, appointed by the Board of Supervisors:
(A) Each Supervisor shall nominate one person who may reside within the Supervisor’s district to serve on the Commission;
(B) One representative of the public water purveyors with 200 or more connections in Santa Cruz County shall be appointed by the Board of Supervisors on an at-large basis;
(C) One representative of the private or mutual water companies with five to 199 connections in Santa Cruz County shall be appointed by the Board of Supervisors on an at-large basis. [Ord. 5278 § 25, 2018; Ord. 3372 § 1, 1983; Ord. 3240 § 1, 1982; Ord. 2111, 1975; prior code § 3.19.040].
2.96.030 Term of office.
Each member representing a supervisorial district shall serve for a term of four years, commencing on April 1st of the year in which the member’s nominating Supervisor begins a full term. Each at-large member shall serve for a term of four years, staggered in accordance with SCCC 2.38.100(A)(2), with such staggering determined by lot. [Ord. 3372 § 1, 1983; Ord. 2111, 1975; prior code § 3.19.050].
2.96.040 Organization and procedures.
(A) General Organization. The Commission shall comply in all respects with SCCC 2.38.110 through 2.38.250.
(B) Staff Support. The Environmental Health Services Division of the Health Services Agency shall provide staff support for the Commission. The Environmental Health Director, or their designated representative, shall serve as the Administrative Secretary to the Commission and shall receive copies of all minutes, reports and recommendations submitted to the Board of Supervisors by the Commission.
(C) Other Services. Staff members from the Planning Department, Public Works Department, and the County Counsel’s Office shall provide services to the Commission and attend Commission meetings upon request. [Ord. 5278 § 25, 2018; Ord. 4692 § 1, 2002; Ord. 3372 § 1, 1983; Ord. 2111, 1975; prior code § 3.19.060].
2.96.050 Subcommittees.
The Board of Supervisors may establish by resolution, and in accordance with the provisions of SCCC 2.38.070, one or more subcommittees to report to the Water Advisory Commission and the Board of Supervisors on specific water policy concerns. The membership of any such subcommittee may include persons with specialized and professional knowledge in water policy matters, as the Board may direct. [Ord. 3372 § 1, 1983; Ord. 2111, 1975; prior code § 3.19.030].
2.96.060 Powers and duties.
The Commission shall advise the Board of Supervisors on all matters relating to water policy. The Commission shall also recommend policies to the Board of Supervisors to ensure that the production of water and the development of additional water supplies are consistent with the growth management program and the General Plan of Santa Cruz County. In addition, the Commission shall recommend to the Board of Supervisors any policies necessary to protect the watersheds, groundwater, fish and wildlife, and recreational resources of Santa Cruz County. The Commission shall also undertake other duties relating to water resources, as requested by the Board of Supervisors. [Ord. 5278 § 25, 2018; Ord. 3372 § 1, 1983; Ord. 2111, 1975; prior code § 3.19.020].