Chapter 18.70


18.70.010    Purpose.

18.70.020    Scope.

18.70.030    General Plan consistency.

18.70.040    Local Coastal Program consistency.

18.70.050    Specific plan contents.

18.70.060    Specific plan procedures.

18.70.070    Specific plan consistency.

18.70.010 Purpose.

(A)    The purpose of this chapter is to establish procedures for adoption, maintenance, and administration of specific plans for areas of the County in accordance with the provisions of Sections 65450, et seq. of the Government Code and as may be required for the systematic execution of the General Plan and Local Coastal Program Land Use Plan. Specific plans are intended to provide a planning framework to guide future public and private developments and to promote economic viability and coherent community design. County policy provides for the adoption of specific plans for the village areas identified in the General Plan, the special communities of the Coastal Zone, and in other locations where such an adopted set of focused regulations, conditions, and programs will promote good land use planning.

(B)    A specific plan is designed to make more specific the provisions of the General Plan for a defined geographic area to the extent possible by the more detailed study of the area, but will generally not involve the designation of a precise number of units, precise lot sizes, etc., which will be determined upon comprehensive review of subsequent development applications. [Ord. 5429 § 8, 2022].

18.70.020 Scope.

This chapter establishes procedures and regulations which apply to the development, adoption, amendment, and administration of specific plans. [Ord. 5429 § 8, 2022].

18.70.030 General Plan consistency.

All specific plans shall be consistent with the provisions of the adopted County General Plan. Any proposed specific plan which is not consistent with the existing adopted General Plan may only be adopted concurrent with the adoption of appropriate amendments to the General Plan necessary to maintain consistency. [Ord. 5429 § 8, 2022].

18.70.040 Local Coastal Program consistency.

(A)    In the Coastal Zone, all specific plans shall be consistent with the provisions of the adopted Local Coastal Program including the implementing ordinances. Any proposed specific plan which is not consistent with the provisions of the existing adopted and certified Local Coastal Program may only be adopted concurrent with the adoption of other appropriate amendments to the Local Coastal Program necessary to maintain consistency. Specific plans shall be processed pursuant to the hearing and notification provisions of Chapter 18.60 SCCC and shall be subject to approval by the California Coastal Commission. Following local adoption of a specific plan in the Coastal Zone, the plan shall be submitted to the Executive Director of the California Coastal Commission for approval and determination of whether it is consistent with the Local Coastal Program.

(B)    Any specific plan which is not consistent with the provisions of the existing adopted Local Coastal Program may only become effective concurrent with the adoption of appropriate amendments to the Local Coastal Program necessary to maintain consistency. [Ord. 5429 § 8, 2022].

18.70.050 Specific plan contents.

Specific plans shall include detailed regulations, conditions, and programs as are necessary or convenient for the systematic implementation of the General Plan and its various elements (including the Local Coastal Program land use plan) as may be appropriate. [Ord. 5429 § 8, 2022].

18.70.060 Specific plan procedures.

(A)    Processing Procedures. Procedures for the initiation, preparation, consideration, adoption, amendment, and interpretation of specific plans shall conform to the procedures of Chapter 18.50 SCCC, with the substitution of the term “specific plan” in place of “General Plan” and with the exception that there shall be no limit on the number of specific plans or their amendments which may be considered each year.

(B)    Local Coastal Program Procedures. The adoption or amendment of a specific plan in the Coastal Zone constitutes an amendment to the Local Coastal Program and shall be processed pursuant to the procedures of Chapter 18.60 SCCC, in addition to the procedures referenced above. The adoption or amendment of a specific plan in the Coastal Zone shall not become effective until certified by the California Coastal Commission.

(C)    Special Fees. The Board of Supervisors may impose a special fee upon applicants seeking approval of development projects which are required to be in conformity with an adopted specific plan, based on the costs of development and the applicant’s relative benefit derived from the plan. [Ord. 5429 § 8, 2022].

18.70.070 Specific plan consistency.

(A)    Land Use Regulation. Within an area included in an adopted specific plan, all land shall be zoned consistent with the specific plan and no discretionary land use project, public or private, shall be approved by the County unless it is found to be consistent with any applicable specific plan.

(B)    Public Works Projects. Pursuant to California Government Code Section 65553, no public building or works, including new streets, sewers, or schools, shall be constructed within an area included within an adopted specific plan until such project has been referred to the Planning Commission for a report as to conformity with the specific plan, a copy of the report has been filed with the Board of Supervisors, and the Board of Supervisors has made a finding that the project is in conformity with the specific plan. The Planning Commission’s action shall be based on a public hearing and a report from the Planning Department. Failure of the Planning Commission to report within 40 days after the matter has been submitted to it shall be deemed a finding of conformity with the specific plan, unless the submitting agency authorizes a longer period. [Ord. 5429 § 8, 2022].