Chapter 14.09.150
Rice McMurtry (RMM) Overlay District

Sections:    Purpose.    Applicability.    General Plan Goals and Policies. Purpose.

The purpose of this chapter is to identify the applicability of General Plan goals and policies specifically applicable to the Rice McMurtry area.

(Ord. 1972, Repealed and Replaced, 02/22/2022) Applicability.

The Rice McMurtry (RMM) overlay district applies to all use and development of properties within the boundaries of the Rice McMurtry special development area shown on Figure LU-7, Areas of Special Consideration, of the General Plan.

(Ord. 1972, Repealed and Replaced, 02/22/2022) General Plan Goals and Policies.

All development within the RMM overlay district shall be consistent with the Goal LU-22 and Policy LU-P22.1 of the Vacaville General Plan Land Use Element.

(Ord. 1972, Repealed and Replaced, 02/22/2022)